4714.0 - National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2014-15  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 28/04/2016   
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AATSIHSAustralian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
ACT Australian Capital Territory
AHSAustralian Health Survey
AIHWAustralian Institute of Health and Welfare
ANZSCOAustralian and New Zealand Industrial Classification of Occupations
ANZSICAustralian and New Zealand Industrial Classification
ARIAAccessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia
ASCEDAustralian Standard Classification of Education
ASCLAustralian Standard Classification of Languages
ASGSAustralian Standard Geographical Standard
CAI Computer assisted interviewing
cat. no.Catalogue number
CDEPCommunity Development Employment Projects
CDP Community Development Programme
CIFCommunity Information Form
CURFConfidentialised unit record file
ERP Estimated resident population
FASFetal Alcohol Syndrome
FSANZ Food Standards Australia and New Zealand
GSS General Social Survey
Indigenous Advancement Strategy
Job Services Australia
K10 Kessler Psychological Distress Scale
K5 Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (modified five-item version)
MoEMargin of Error
NAIDOCNational Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee
NATSIHMS National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Measures Survey
NATSIHS National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
NATSINPASNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey
NATSISNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Survey
NATSISSNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey
NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council
NHSNational Health Survey
NSW New South Wales
NT Northern Territory
PES Post Enumeration Survey
RADLRemote Access Data Laboratory
RJCPRemote Jobs and Communities Program
RSE Relative standard error
SA1Statistical Area 1
SDACSurvey of Disability, Ageing and Carers
SEStandard error
SEIFASocio-Economic Indexes for Areas
SEWSurvey of Education and Work
SF-36 Medical Outcome Short Form Health Survey
SIDSSudden Infant Death Syndrome
SIHSurvey of Income and Housing
TAFETechnical and Further Education
Tas. Tasmania
Vic. Victoria
WA Western Australia