Publications |
4714.0 - 2014-15 NATSISS: Household survey questionnaire |
4714.0 - 2014-15 NATSISS Prompt card book 1: Household non-remote |
4714.0 - 2014-15 NATSISS Prompt card book 2: Child non-remote |
4714.0 - 2014-15 NATSISS Prompt card book 3: Adult non-remote |
4714.0 - 2014-15 NATSISS Prompt card book 4: Household remote |
4714.0 - 2014-15 NATSISS Prompt card book 5: Child remote |
4714.0 - 2014-15 NATSISS Prompt card book 6: Adult remote |
4714.0 - 2014-15 NATSISS: Summary results for States and Territories |
Released 27/03/2017 |
Data Cubes |
2014-15 NATSISS Data Item List  |
Released 07/02/2017 |
Table 01. Selected characteristics, by remoteness and Indigenous status — 2002 to 2014–15  |
Released 15/07/2016 |
Table 02. Selected characteristics, by state — 2014–15 |
Table 03. Selected characteristics, by remoteness area — 2014–15 |
Table 04. Selected characteristics, by age and sex — 2014–15 |
Table 05. Selected characteristics, by Indigenous status — 2014–15 |
Table 06. Selected characteristics, by remoteness — Children aged 0–3 years — 2008 and 2014–15 |
Table 07. Selected characteristics, by remoteness — Children aged 4–14 years — 2008 and 2014–15 |
Table 08. Selected characteristics, by remoteness — Children aged 0–14 years — 2008 and 2014–15 |
Table 09. Language and culture, by remoteness and age — 2014–15 |
Table 10. Social networks and support, by remoteness and age — 2014–15 |
Table 11. Employment and education, by sex, remoteness and age — 2014–15 |
Table 12. Health and disability, by sex and remoteness — 2014–15 |
Table 13. Access to services, by remoteness area — 2014–15 |
Table 14. Stressors, by sex and remoteness — 2014–15  |
Released 07/02/2017 |
Table 15. Safety, law and justice, by sex, remoteness and age — 2014–15 |
Table 16. Household characteristics, by remoteness area — 2014–15 |
Table 17. Overall life satisfaction, by selected characteristics — 2014–15 |
Table 18. Selected socioeconomic characteristics, by long-term health conditions — 2014–15 |
Table 19. Selected wellbeing indicators, by long-term health conditions — 2014–15 |
Table 20. Labour force characteristics, by state, remoteness area and Indigenous status — 2014–15  |
Released 13/05/2016 |
Table 21. Selected education indicators, by state and Indigenous status — 2014–15  |
Released 13/05/2016 |
Table 22. Employment and education indicators, by remoteness and Indigenous status — 2014–15  |
Released 13/05/2016 |
Table 23. Health risk factor indicators, by state, remoteness area and Indigenous status — 2014–15 |
Table 24. Housing indicators, by state and Indigenous status — Households — 2013–14 and 2014–15 |
Table 25. Alcohol consumption, by single occasion risk of harm, by state, by sex — 2002, 2008, and 2014-15 |
Released 27/03/2017 |
Table 26. Alcohol consumption, by lifetime risk of harm, by state, by sex — 2002, 2008, and 2014-15 |
Released 27/03/2017 |
Table 27. Selected socioeconomic characteristics, by disability status, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons aged 15 years and over — 2014–15 |
Released 27/03/2017 |
Table 28. Selected wellbeing indicators, by disability status, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons aged 15 years and over — 2014–15 |
Released 27/03/2017 |
Table 29. Most recent experience of physical violence, by sex - 2014-15 |
Released 19/02/2019 |
Table 30. Selected characteristics of females who experienced family and domestic physical violence - 2014-15 |
Released 19/02/2019 |
Table 31. Selected characteristics by experience of physical violence, females - 2014-15 |
Released 19/02/2019 |
Tables 32-37. Not in the labour force, selected socio-demographic characteristics, persons aged 15–64 years |
Released 27/08/2019 |