Access to BLADE and MADIP data

The Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE) and Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) contain a wealth of data that can be used to create new insights for Australia. Integrated detailed microdata from MADIP and BLADE are made available to approved users for approved statistical and research projects.

See Data Integration, BLADE, and MADIP for more information.

To register for access to ABS microdata, including BLADE and MADIP, see How to Apply.

General information about ABS microdata, including the Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset (ACLD), is available via the Microdata Entry Page.

Managing data access and use

The ABS uses the internationally recognised Five Safes Framework to assess and manage safe and secure access to BLADE and MADIP microdata, and to ensure data is not released in a manner likely to enable the identification of an individual.

Projects using BLADE and MADIP data must be for research or statistical purposes, and in the public interest. Projects must not be used for compliance purposes, or for any purpose associated with identifying an individual or a business.

Who can access the data

MADIP standard detailed microdata is available for approved projects to approved government and non-government users.

BLADE and custom MADIP detailed microdata are available for approved projects to three types of approved users:

  • government employees
  • government contractors, and individuals sponsored by government
  • academics and researchers from public policy research institutes

Businesses in Australia, 2018-19 TableBuilder is available to registered government and non-government users. This online tool allows users to create their own tables and graphs using data sourced from BLADE.

How the data is accessed

Access to BLADE and MADIP microdata is provided to approved users through the secure ABS DataLab.

Prior to accessing the data, users must complete mandatory ABS DataLab Safe Researcher training and other onboarding requirements. To enrol in training, see the DataLab safe researcher training schedule.

Users must be in Australia while undertaking research using the ABS DataLab.

Enquiries and access applications

For enquiries and BLADE or MADIP access applications, contact