All Causes of Death, Australia, 2015 (3303.0) publication tables are available in these spreadsheets. The spreadsheets also include data which has been subject to the ABS revisions process. Data contained in data cubes 1-14 include final data for 2006-2012, revised data for 2013 and preliminary data for 2014 and 2015. A 15th data cube was added on 4 April, 2017, which contains final data for 2013 and revised data for 2014. Please see A more timely annual collection: changes to ABS processes (Technical Note) and Cause of Death Revisions, 2013 and 2014 (Technical Note) in this publication.
Main features are provided in the 'Summary' tab. Explanatory notes, abbreviations and a glossary of terms can be accessed through the 'Explanatory Notes' tab.
Each worksheet in the files contains one table. There are 95 tables in total and these are listed below.
Tables in Causes of Death, Australia, 2015
Underlying causes of death (Australia)
1.1 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Australia, 2015
1.2 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Australia, 2006-2015
1.3 Underlying cause of death, Selected causes by age at death, Numbers and rates, Australia, 2015
Underlying causes of death (New South Wales)
2.1 Underlying cause of death, All causes, New South Wales, 2015
2.2 Underlying cause of death, All causes, New South Wales, 2006-2015
2.3 Underlying cause of death, Selected causes by age at death, Numbers and rates, New South Wales, 2015
Underlying causes of death (Victoria)
3.1 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Victoria, 2015
3.2 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Victoria, 2006-2015
3.3 Underlying cause of death, Selected causes by age at death, Numbers and rates, Victoria, 2015
Underlying causes of death (Queensland)
4.1 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Queensland, 2015
4.2 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Queensland, 2006-2015
4.3 Underlying cause of death, Selected causes by age at death, Numbers and rates, Queensland, 2015
Underlying causes of death (South Australia)
5.1 Underlying cause of death, All causes, South Australia, 2015
5.2 Underlying cause of death, All causes, South Australia, 2006-2015
5.3 Underlying cause of death, Selected causes by age at death, Numbers and rates, South Australia, 2015
Underlying causes of death (Western Australia)
6.1 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Western Australia, 2015
6.2 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Western Australia, 2006-2015
6.3 Underlying cause of death, Selected causes by age at death, Numbers and rates, Western Australia, 2015
Underlying causes of death (Tasmania)
7.1 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Tasmania, 2015
7.2 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Tasmania, 2006-2015
7.3 Underlying cause of death, Selected causes by age at death, Numbers and rates, Tasmania, 2015
Underlying causes of death (Northern Territory)
8.1 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Northern Territory, 2015
8.2 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Northern Territory, 2006-2015
8.3 Underlying cause of death, Selected causes by age at death, Numbers and rates, Northern Territory, 2015
Underlying causes of death (Australian Capital Territory)
9.1 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Australian Capital Territory, 2015
9.2 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Australian Capital Territory, 2006-2015
9.3 Underlying cause of death, Selected causes by age at death, Numbers and rates, Australian Capital Territory, 2015
Multiple causes of death (Australia)
10.1 Multiple causes of death, All causes, Number of deaths by number of causes reported, 2015
10.2 Multiple causes of death, Number of deaths by underlying cause and multiple cause mentions, 2015
10.3 Multiple causes of death, All Causes, Multiple Cause Counts of Deaths, 2015
10.4 Multiple causes of death, Number of deaths by selected underlying cause and top associated causes, 2015
10.5 Multiple causes of death, Number of deaths by selected associated cause and top underlying causes, 2015
10.6 Multiple causes of death, Number of deaths due to external causes by mechanism and nature of injury, 2015
10.7 Multiple causes of death, Number of deaths due to external causes by intent and nature of injury, 2015
10.8 Multiple causes of death, Nature of injury by age at death, numbers, percentages and rates, Australia, 2015
Intentional self-harm [Suicide] (Australia)
11.1 Intentional self-harm, Number of deaths, 5 year age groups by sex, 2006-2015
11.2 Intentional self-harm, Age specific death rates, 5 year age groups by sex, 2006-2015
11.3 Intentional self-harm, Age specific death rates, 10 year age groups by sex, 2006-2015
11.4 Intentional self-harm by mechanism, Number of deaths by sex, 2006-2015
11.5 Intentional self-harm, State and territory, Number of deaths, Age-standardised death rate, Rate ratio, Sex, 2006-2015
11.6 Intentional self-harm by State and territory of usual residence and Sex, Age-standardised death rates, 2006-2015
11.7 Intentional self-harm, Proportion of total deaths, 5 year age groups by sex, 2006-2015
11.8 Selected external causes of death, Mechanism by intent, 2015
11.9 Intentional self-harm, Number of deaths in children aged 5-17 years by age and sex, Australia, 2011-2015
11.10 Intentional self-harm, Number of deaths in children aged 5-17 years by age, state and territory of usual residence, 2011-2015
11.11 Intentional self-harm, Number of deaths in children aged 5-17 years by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, NSW, Qld, SA, WA and NT, 2011-2015
11.12 Intentional self-harm, Number of deaths in children aged 5-17 years by age and capital city areas/remainder of state, 2011-2015
11.13 Intentional self-harm, Number of deaths in children aged 5-17 years by mechanism and sex, Australia, 2011-2015
11.14 Intentional self-harm, Number of deaths in children aged 5-17 years by mechanism and age, Australia, 2011-2015
11.15 Intentional self-harm, Region of usual residence, Age-standardised death rates, 2011-2015
Deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Persons
12.1 Underlying causes of death, Leading causes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, All persons, NSW, Qld, SA, WA and NT, 2015
12.2 Underlying causes of death, Leading causes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, Males, NSW, Qld, SA, WA and NT, 2015
12.3 Underlying causes of death, Leading causes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, Females, NSW, Qld, SA, WA and NT, 2015
12.4 Underlying causes of death, Leading causes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, Numbers and Age Specific Death Rates, Males, Females and Persons, NSW, Qld, SA, WA and NT, 2011-2015
12.5 Underlying causes of death, Leading causes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, NSW, Qld, SA, WA and NT, 2011-2015
12.6 Underlying causes of death, Leading causes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status and Sex, NSW, Qld, SA, WA and NT, 2015
12.7 Underlying causes of death, Leading causes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status and Sex, NSW, 2015
12.8 Underlying causes of death, Leading causes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status and Sex, Qld, 2015
12.9 Underlying causes of death, Leading causes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status and Sex, WA, 2015
12.10 Underlying causes of death, Leading causes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status and Sex, NT, 2015
Causes of death by year of occurrence
13.1 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Year of occurrence, Australia, 2005-2014
13.2 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Year of occurrence, New South Wales, 2005-2014
13.3 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Year of occurrence, Victoria, 2005-2014
13.4 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Year of occurrence, Queensland, 2005-2014
13.5 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Year of occurrence, South Australia, 2005-2014
13.6 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Year of occurrence, Western Australia, 2005-2014
13.7 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Year of occurrence, Tasmania, 2005-2014
13.8 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Year of occurrence, Northern Territory, 2005-2014
13.9 Underlying cause of death, All causes, Year of occurrence, Australian Capital Territory, 2005-2014
Perinatal Deaths (Australia), Summary tables, 2006-2015 and 2011-2015
14.1 Fetal, neonatal and perinatal deaths, Australia, 2006-2015
14.2 Fetal deaths by state and territory of usual residence of mother, 2006-2015
14.3 Neonatal deaths by state and territory of usual residence of mother, 2006-2015
14.4 Perinatal deaths by state and territory of usual residence of mother, 2006-2015
14.5 Fetal deaths, Main condition in fetus by sex, Australia, 2011-2015
14.6 Fetal deaths, Main condition in mother by sex, Australia, 2011-2015
14.7 Neonatal deaths, Main condition in infant by sex, Australia, 2011-2015
14.8 Neonatal deaths, Main condition in mother by sex, Australia, 2011-2015
14.9 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in the fetus/infant by sex, Australia, 2011-2015
14.10 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in the mother by sex, Australia, 2011-2015
14.11 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in the fetus/infant by sex, New South Wales, 2011-2015
14.12 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in the mother by sex, New South Wales, 2011-2015
14.13 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in the fetus/infant by sex, Victoria, 2011-2015
14.14 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in the mother by sex, Victoria, 2011-2015
14.15 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in the fetus/infant by sex, Queensland, 2011-2015
14.16 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in the mother by sex, Queensland, 2011-2015
14.17 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in the fetus/infant by sex, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory and Other Territories, 2011-2015
14.18 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in the mother by sex, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory and Other Territories, 2011-2015
14.19 Perinatal deaths by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander top causes of death, Australia, by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, 2011-2015
14.20 Perinatal deaths by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, Selected states and territories, 2011-2015
14.21 Fetal, neonatal and perinatal deaths by International standards, 22 weeks or 500 grams, Australia, 2006-2015
14.22 Fetal deaths, Main condition in fetus by main condition in mother, Australia, 2011-2015
14.23 Neonatal deaths, Main condition in fetus by main condition in mother, Australia, 2011-2015
14.24 Perinatal deaths, Main condition in fetus by main condition in mother, Australia, 2011-2015
2013 and 2014 Revisions
15.1 Underlying causes of death, All causes, Australia, preliminary, revised and final data, 2013
15.2 Underlying causes of death, All causes, Australia preliminary and revised data, 2014