1350.0 - Australian Economic Indicators, Mar 2010  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 26/02/2010   
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Issue Title
Feb 2010 Portraits of Australian Businesses, 2005-06 to 2006-07

Jan 2010 An Introduction to the Business Longitudinal Database
Jan 2010 Characteristics and Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Australia
Jan 2010 Business Characteristics of Small to Medium-Sized Australian Exporters

Aug 2009 When It's Not Business-As-Usual: Implications for ABS Time Series

Nov 2008 A Spotlight on Quarterly Labour Productivity
Aug 2008 A Statistical Overview of the Construction Industry

Apr 2006 Foreign Ownership of Equity
Apr 2006 Quarterly Review
Mar 2006 Recent Taxation Revenue Trends in Australia
Jan 2006 Quarterly Review
Jan 2006 A Statistical Overview of Tourism

Dec 2005 100 Years of Statistics in Australia
Dec 2005 The International Comparison Program and Purchasing Power Parities
Nov 2005 Estimating and Removing the Effects of Chinese New Year and Ramadan to Improve the Seasonal Adjustment Process
Oct 2005 Quarterly Review
Sep 2005 Analytical Living Cost Indexes for Selected Australian Household Types: Update to June 2005
Sep 2005 Issues With Seasonal Adjustment of Hours Worked
Jul 2005 Household Water Use and Effects of the Drought
Jul 2005 Automotive Fuel in the Consumer Price Index
Apr 2005 The Terms of Trade and the National Accounts
Mar 2005 Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures - 2002 Benchmark Results for OECD Countries

Dec 2004 Seasonally Adjusted and Trend Estimates for the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Oct 2004 Use Of Arima Modelling to Reduce Revisions
Sep 2004 Analytical Living Cost Indexes for Selected Australian Household Types: Update to June 2004
Jul 2004 Unemployment and Participation Rates in Australia: A Cohort Analysis
Jul 2004 Supply and Use Tables and the Quarterly National Accounts
Jul 2004 Measuring Price Change in the Australian Economy
Apr 2004 Leading Indicators of Employment
Jan 2004 Australia’s Exporters, 2002-2003
Jan 2004 Statistical Treatment of Economic Activity in the Timor Sea
Jan 2004 Foreign Ownership of Equity

Dec 2003 Understanding the Building Lifecycle by its Cyclical Nature
Oct 2003 Impact Of 2003-2004 Farm Season on Australian Production
Oct 2003 Analytical Living Cost Indexes for Selected Australian Household Types: Update to June 2003
Oct 2003 The Underground Economy and Australia’s GDP
Oct 2003 Statistical Treatment of the 2003 Rugby World Cup
Sep 2003 Cessation of the Composite Leading Indicator
Sep 2003 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: June Quarter 2003 (Final Issue)
Aug 2003 Trend Estimates and Unusual Real Events in ABS Statistics
Aug 2003 Expanding the Use of Indicators of Sampling Error in ABS Economic Statistics Publications
Aug 2003 Population, Participation and Productivity - Contributions to Australia‘s Economic Growth
Jul 2003 A Quality Assessment of the National Accounts Information System
Jun 2003 Revised Household Income Distribution Statistics
Jun 2003 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: March Quarter 2003
May 2003 Do Job Vacancies Provide A Leading Indicator of Employment Growth?
Apr 2003 An Information and Communication Technology Satellite Account
Mar 2003 Foreign Ownership Characteristics of Information Technology Businesses in Australia, 2000-2001
Mar 2003 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: December Quarter 2002
Jan 2003 Impact of the Drought on Australian Production in 2002-2003

Dec 2002 Volatility of Labour Force Estimates
Dec 2002 Analytical Living Cost Indexes for Selected Australian Household Types: An Update
Dec 2002 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: September Quarter 2002
Oct 2002 New Experimental Estimates of the Distribution of Australian Household Wealth
Oct 2002 Accounting for the Environment in the National Accounts
Sep 2002 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: June Quarter 2002
Aug 2002 Foreign Ownership Characteristics of Businesses Undertaking Research and Experimental Development Activity in Australia
Jul 2002 Changes to Economic Statistics as a Result Of Taxation Reform
Jul 2002 Real Gross State Domestic Income
Jun 2002 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: March Quarter 2002
May 2002 Measuring Australia’s Progress
Apr 2002 Upgrading Household Income Distribution Statistics
Apr 2002 Seasonally Adjusting the Wage Cost Index: Experimental Estimates
Apr 2002 Measuring Australia‘s Foreign Currency Exposure
Apr 2002 Technical Note: Treatment of Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses In Macro-Economic
Apr 2002 Technical Note: Introducing Real Net National Disposable Income - A New National Accounts Measure
Mar 2002 Foreign Ownership Characteristics of Information Technology Businesses
Mar 2002 Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures - 1999 Benchmark Results for OECD Countries
Mar 2002 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: December Quarter 2001
Mar 2002 Technical Note: Statistics on Sales of New Motor Vehicles
Jan 2002 Further Developments In The Analysis Of Productivity Growth In Australia
Jan 2002 Foreign ownership of equity
Jan 2002 Technical Note: International trade in education services

Dec 2001 Saving, Borrowing, Investment And Wealth
Dec 2001 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: September Quarter 2001
Nov 2001 The Relationship Between Changes In Interest Rates And Building Approvals
Sep 2001 Internet Activity, Australia
Sep 2001 Experimental State Dissections of Industry Data
Sep 2001 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: June Quarter 2001
Aug 2001 Real / Volume Balance Sheet for Australia [1837kB,PDF]
Aug 2001 New Chain Volume Estimates for the Services Sector
Jul 2001 Ownership Characteristics of Businesses Undertaking Capital Expenditure in Australia 1998-1999
Jul 2001 Unpaid Work and the Australian Economy
Jun 2001 Analytical Living Cost Indexes for Selected Australian Household Types (Keith Woolford)
Jun 2001 Household Income, Living Standards and Financial Stress (Bob McColl, Leon Pietsch and Jan Gatenby)
Jun 2001 Household Income and its Distribution (Professor Peter Saunders)
Jun 2001 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: March Quarter 2001
Mar 2001 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: December Quarter 2000

Dec 2000 Measuring the impact of the New Tax System on the September Quarter 2000 Consumer Price Index
Dec 2000 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: September Quarter 2000
Nov 2000 International Comparison of Balance of Payments Statistics
Oct 2000 Australia’s International Trade in Services by State
Oct 2000 Treatment of Insurance Services in the Australian Consumer Price Index (Keith Woolford)
Sep 2000 Australian Tourism Satellite Account
Sep 2000 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: June Quarter 2000
Aug 2000 The Sydney Olympic Games
Jul 2000 What Dominates Movements in ABS Seasonally Adjusted Time Series?
Jul 2000 The Impact of the New Tax System on ABS Statistics
Jun 2000 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: March Quarter 2000
May 2000 Using the Unemployment Rate Series to Illustrate the Seasonal Adjustment Process
Mar 2000 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: December Quarter 1999
Jan 2000 Experimental Price Indexes for Age Pension Households: an Update

Dec 1999 Why are there differences between two seasonally adjusted measures of Australian total employment? (Jeff Cannon)
Dec 1999 Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: September Quarter 1999
Oct 1999 Training Australia’s Workers (Michael Overall)
Oct 1999 Impact of Y2K and the Sydney Hailstorm on the National Accounts
Sep 1999 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: June Quarter 1999
Aug 1999 Upgrade of Capital Stock and Multifactor Productivity Estimates
Jul 1999 The New Method for Seasonally Adjusting Crop Production Data (Helen Stockdale)
Jun 1999 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: March Quarter 1999
May 1999 Easter Holiday Effects in Retail Turnover
May 1999 Surveying Non-Employers and Micro-Businesses in the Construction Industry
Apr 1999 Seasonal Influences on Retail Trade for December 1998
Mar 1999 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: December Quarter 1998
Jan 1999 Economic and Financial Monitoring (John Hawkins)

Dec 1998 Population Projections 1997 to 2051
Dec 1998 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: September Quarter 1998
Nov 1998 Modifications to the Reserve Bank of Australia’s Commodity Price Index
Oct 1998 Improvements to Trend Estimation for National Accounts Aggregates
Sep 1998 Measuring International Portfolio Investment (Boke L Nkoy)
Sep 1998 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: June Quarter 1998
Aug 1998 Direct Movement Estimator for the Survey of Average Weekly Earnings (Richard McKenzie and Gabriela Lawrence)
Jul 1998 Improving the Quality of the National Accounts
Jul 1998 Revisions to Quarterly Economic Growth Rates 1984 to 1993
Jun 1998 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: March Quarter 1998
Jun 1998 Sales Tax - Reprinted from the Australian Taxation Office - Taxation Statistics 1995-96
May 1998 Can Labour Force Estimates be Improved Using Matched Sample Estimates? (Philip Bell)
Apr 1998 Alternative Measures of the Effects of Exchange Rate Movements on Competitiveness
Mar 1998 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: December Quarter 1997
Mar 1998 Trade-Weighted Index: Method of Calculation
Mar 1998 Australian Globalisation Statistics: Past, Present and Future (Geoff Robertson and Mark Lound)
Jan 1998 An Introduction to Tourism Satellite Accounts (Carl Obst)
Jan 1998 Australian Tourism Satellite Account: Development Commences

Dec 1997 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: September Quarter 1997
Dec 1997 Investigations of Volatility in the Labour Force Survey (Philip Bell)
Dec 1997 Are Recent Labour Force Estimates More Volatile? (Cynthia Kim)
Oct 1997 New Business Provisions
Sep 1997 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: June Quarter 1997
Jul 1997 Review of the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator
Jun 1997 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: March Quarter 1997
Jun 1997 Earnings Statistics
Apr 1997 Women in Small Business
Mar 1997 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: December Quarter 1996
Mar 1997 Telephone Interviewing - Effect on Labour Force Survey Estimates
Jan 1997 Impact of the 1995-96 Farm Season on Australian Production (Charles Aspden)

Dec 1996 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: September Quarter 1996
Dec 1996 How Does Fathers Day Affect Retail Trade?
Oct 1996 Australia’s Tradable Sector (Leanne Johnson and Genevieve Knight)
Sep 1996 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: June Quarter 1996
Aug 1996 Government Redistribution of Income in Australia 1993-94
Jun 1996 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: March Quarter 1996
Apr 1996 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: December Quarter 1995
Apr 1996 Seasonal and Trading Day Influences on Retail Turnover (Jeff Cannon)
Mar 1996 Trends in the Female-Male Earnings Ratio (John Preston)
Jan 1996 Sense and Sensitivity (Nicola J Chedgey)

Dec 1995 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: September Quarter 1995
Dec 1995 A Comparison of the World Bank and ABS Wealth Estimates
Nov 1995 Recent Trends in Labour Force Participation (John Preston and Karen Quine)
Nov 1995 Measuring Teenage Unemployment (Judy Daniel and Jane Wallwork)
Oct 1995 Valuing Australia’s Natural Resources - Part 2
Sep 1995 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: June Quarter 1995
Sep 1995 Review of the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: The Housing Finance Component (Daniel O’Dea)
Sep 1995 Experimental Price Indexes for Age Pensioner Households: An Update (John Higgins)
Aug 1995 Valuing Australia’s Natural Resources - Part 1
Jul 1995 A Framework for Household Income Consumption Saving and Wealth (Maureen McDonald and Natalie Bobin)
Jun 1995 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: March Quarter 1995
Jun 1995 Sifting the Signals from the Noise (Andrew Sutcliffe)
May 1995 Training Australia’s Workers (Karen Collins and Michelle Law)
Apr 1995 Renters in Australia
Mar 1995 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: December Quarter 1994
Mar 1995 Employees and Their Working Arrangements
Jan 1995 A Guide to Interpreting Time Series (John Zarb)

Dec 1994 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: September Quarter 1994
Dec 1994 Unpaid Work and the Australian Economy
Nov 1994 Relative Earnings: Public and Private Sector (John Preston and Louise May)
Oct 1994 Labour Force Projections to 2011 (Steven Kennedy)
Sep 1994 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: June Quarter 1994
Sep 1994 Business Expectations Survey (Frank Parsons and Dick Sims)
Aug 1994 Labour Force Participation Rate Projections to 2011 (Steven Kennedy)
Jul 1994 Projections of Australia’s Population Growth and Distribution (John Paice)
Jun 1994 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: March Quarter 1994
Jun 1994 The Dynamics of Long-term Unemployment (John Preston and Judy Harwood)
May 1994 ‘Real’ Estimates in the National Accounts
Apr 1994 Australia’s Motor Vehicle Fleet Grows Older (Rodney Taylor)
Mar 1994 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: December Quarter 1993
Mar 1994 Impact of Refinancing on Housing Finance Statistics (John Carson)
Jan 1994 Predicting Private New Capital Expenditure Using Expectations Data (Derek Burnell)

Dec 1993 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: September Quarter 1993
Dec 1993 Understanding Labour Costs (Geoff Neideck)
Nov 1993 Population Change and Housing Demand (John Cornish)
Oct 1993 Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification: Closer Statistical Relations
Sep 1993 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: June Quarter 1993
Sep 1993 The Timeliness of Quarterly Income and Expenditure Accounts: An International Comparison (Philip Smith, Statistics Canada)
Aug 1993 Major ABS Classifications
Jul 1993 Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: March Quarter 1993
Jul 1993 Experimental Price Indexes for Age Pensioner Households: An Update
Jun 1993 The Economic Importance of Sport and Recreation (Carol Soloff)
May 1993 An Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle (Gérard Salou and Cynthia Kim)
Apr 1993 Input-Output Tables: Describing the Shape of Australia’s Economy (Dr Annette Barbetti)
Mar 1993 Change in Base Year of Constant Price National Accounts from 1984-85 to 1989-90

Dec 1992 Housing Characteristics and Decisions: A Comparative Study of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Canberra
Dec 1992 Tourism: A Statistical Overview
Nov 1992 Australia’s Foreign Debt (Jane Griffin-Warwicke)
Oct 1992 Leading Indicators of the Australian Business Cycle: Performance Over the Last Two Decades (Gérard Salou and Cynthia Kim)
Sep 1992 State Accounts: Trends in State and Territory Economic Activity (Tony Johnson)
Aug 1992 The Business Cycle in Australia: 1959 to 1992 (Gérard Salou and Cynthia Kim)
Jul 1992 Introduction to Financial Accounts
Jun 1992 The Timing of Quarterly Commonwealth Budget Sector Outlays
Jun 1992 Environment Statistics: Frameworks and Developments
May 1992 Government Redistribution of Income (Judith White and Horst Posselt)
Apr 1992 International Comparisons of Gross Domestic Product at Purchasing Power Parity
Mar 1992 Smarter Data Use (John Zarb)
Feb 1992 Managed Funds in Australia (Dene Baines and Suzanne Hartshorn)

Dec 1991 Building Approvals and Housing Finance Statistics - Do They Tell The Same Story? (Graydon Smith)
Nov 1991 Measuring Inflation (Tony Johnson)
Oct 1991 Recent Trends in Overseas Migration (Jennie Widdowson and Chris Ryan)
Sep 1991 The Role of a Business Register in a Statistical System (Geoff Lee and Leon Pietsch)
Aug 1991 A Time Series Decomposition of Retail Trade (John Zarb)
Jul 1991 The Census of Population and Housing
Jun 1991 Merchandise Export and Import Statistics by Country - Factors Affecting Bilateral Reconciliations (Bob McColl and John Quinn)
May 1991 Measuring Employment and Unemployment
Apr 1991 Picking Turning Points in the Economy (Susan Linacre and John Zarb)
Feb 1991 Is the Consumer Price Index Seasonal? (John Zarb)