The ABS has a range of data available on request from the Adult Learning topic collected in the Multi-Purpose Household Survey (MPHS). More detailed breakdowns of some data items may also be available on request.
The population(s) refer to the persons in the survey to whom the data item relates.
For information about ABS data available on request, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.
Population 1 All persons aged 25 to 64 years
Population 2 Persons aged 25 to 64 years who participated in formal learning in last 12 months
Population 3 Persons aged 25 to 64 years who participated in non-formal learning in last 12 months
Population 4 Persons aged 25 to 64 years who participated in formal or non-formal learning in last 12 months
Population 5 Persons aged 25 to 64 years who participated in informal learning in last 12 months
Population 6 Persons aged 25 to 64 years whose most recent formal learning was for a job-related reason
Population 7 Persons aged 25 to 64 years whose most recent non-formal learning was for a job-related reason
Population 8 Persons aged 25 to 64 years who did not participate in formal or non-formal learning in last 12 months but wanted to
Population 9 Employed persons aged 25 to 64 years
Population 10 Persons aged 25 to 64 years who did not participate in learning in last 12 months
Age (in single years)
Country of birth and year of arrival
State or territory of usual residence
Area of usual residence
Region of usual residence
Indigenous identifier
Marital status
Relationship in household
Full-time/Part-time employment
Labour force status
Multiple job holder
Hours usually worked
Level of highest educational attainment
Field of highest educational attainment
Level of highest non-school qualification
Field of highest non-school qualification
Highest year of school completed
Total gross weekly household income - all sources
Total gross weekly household income - all sources - quintiles
Equivalised weekly household income - quintiles
Partners weekly income - all sources
Partners sources of income
Partners main source of income
Partners types of government pensions/allowances received
Weekly personal income - all sources
Weekly personal income - all sources - quintiles
All sources of personal income
Main source of personal income
Personal types of government pensions/allowances received
Whether participated in formal learning
Number of formal courses participated in previous 12 months
Level of most recent formal course
Field of most recent formal course
Institution or organisation at which participated in most recent formal course
Main reason for participating in most recent formal course
Whether currently studying for most recent formal course
Whether participated in non-formal learning
Number of non-formal courses participated in previous 12 months
Type of most recent non-formal course
Main field of most recent non-formal course
Institution or organisation at which participated in most recent non-formal course
Whether most recent non-formal course participated in as distance or correspondence
Whether currently studying for most recent non-formal course
Whether participated in most recent non-formal course for a job-related reason
Main reason for participating in most recent non-formal course
Whether participated in informal learning
Type of informal learning participated in
Whether wanted to participate in formal or non-formal learning
All reasons for not participating in formal or non-formal learning
Main reason for not participating in formal or non-formal learning
Whether wanted to participate in more formal or non-formal learning
All reasons for not participating in more formal or non-formal learning
Main reason for not participating in more formal or non-formal learning
All reasons for not wanting to participate in formal or non-formal learning
Main reason for not wanting to participate in formal or non-formal learning
Difficulties undertaking formal or non-formal learning
Whether looked for learning opportunities
All sources of learning opportunities found
Whether has access to computer at home
Whether has access to Internet at home
Whether used Internet in last 12 months
Main purpose of Internet access
Whether accessed Internet at home
Whether accessed Internet at work
Whether accessed Internet at any other place