2006 Census: Geography

What format will ABS map and geographical data be available in?
What format will the digital boundaries be available in?
Have the digital boundaries been finalised?
What is the smallest geographic unit that users will be able to access data for?
Will there be a national locality index available?
How do users import 2006 Census data to their existing Geographic Information System (GIS) product?
Who can users contact for more information about geography?

What format will ABS map and geographical data be available in?
ABS Map and geographical data will be available in .xml format

What format will the digital boundaries be available in?
Digital boundary data will be available in MapInfo Interchange (.mid/.mif) format and EsriShape format.

Have the digital boundaries been finalised?
The first release of the 2006 digital boundaries was released in July 2006, the second release is expected in July 2007 and the third release of the 2006 digital boundaries is expected to be in September 2007.

What is the smallest geographic unit that users will be able to access data for?
For the 2006 Census data, the smallest geographic unit that users will be able to access data for will be at the Collection District (CD) level. Please refer to the section below titled 'Mesh Blocks' for information on the introduction of Mesh Blocks.

Will there be a national locality index available?
Yes, GNAF 2005 will be available. It will allow users to geocode their data quickly and accurately. Users will be able to geocode one address at a time.

How do users import 2006 Census data to their existing Geographic Information System (GIS) product?
Users can import 2006 Census data to their existing GIS product by purchasing copies of the Census Datapack and digital boundaries.

Who can users contact for more information about geography?