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Media release –
New South Wales

50 Census Collectors hit the streets of the Snowfields

29 July 2011 | NSW/92

50 Census Collectors will hit the streets of the Snowfields tomorrow to deliver Census forms to every home, lodge and hotel in the region and ensure every person is accurately counted in the August Census.

Snowfields District Manager and long term Cooma-Monaro resident, Barbara Hill, understands the challenges of rolling out the largest peace-time operation in the Snowfields during winter.

"Holiday makers, heavy weather and difficult terrain can be a real challenge in the Snowies at Census time," Barbara says.

“It's important that we get the count right so that decision makers have the information they need to plan services for everyone in the community.

"A great way that residents with an internet connection can help out their local Census Collector is to complete the eCensus online.

"The eCensus is a quick and convenient option and it also means that your Census Collector won't have to return through bad weather and hilly terrain to your house to pick up your completed form."

This year’s Census will be the second time people can complete the Census online using eCensus and it is expected that around 30 per cent of households will choose this method.

Barbara and her team are also working hard to count all holiday makers in the region.

"Getting an accurate count of holiday makers requires careful planning as there is a much shorter timeframe to deliver and collect forms, compared to usual residents.

“This year we've hired a crew of Special Collectors in the Snowfields who will be responsible for targeting tourists on the night and getting the majority of them to fill out their form then and there.

“Census Information Points will also be set-up at the National Parks' gates for those who may have forgotten to participation in the Census on Tuesday 9 August.

“All Snowfields tourism staff will be wearing Census badges and we also have Census banners up on key Snowfields roads in Berridale, Jindabyne, Cooma, Thredbo and Adaminaby,” Barbara adds.

More information is available online at or by calling the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 338 776

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