The ABS Data Quality Framework
The ABS Data Quality Framework (ABS DQF) provides the standards for assessing and reporting on the quality of statistical information. It can also assist you with the development of statistical collections to produce high quality outputs.
The ABS DQF is based on the Statistics Canada Quality Assurance Framework ( PDF, 178.05 KB) and the European Statistics Code of Practice (
PDF, 1.09 MB). It consists of seven dimensions of quality: institutional environment, relevance, timeliness, accuracy, coherence, interpretability, and accessibility.
Detailed information on the ABS DQF and its uses can be found in the following information paper: ABS 2009, ABS Data Quality Framework, May 2009, cat. no. 1520.0, ABS, Canberra.
Quality Declarations
The ABS DQF has been used to declare the quality of collections in the form of Quality Declarations. Quality declarations provide a brief overview about the quality of a collection. More information on quality declarations can be found in Quality Declarations - a brief overview.
Some examples of Quality Declarations: Census Labour Force Consumer Price Index National Accounts
Data Quality Online Tool
The ABS as part of the National Statistical Service (NSS) created an online assistant called the Data Quality Online Tool to help people understand and utilise the ABS DQF. The Data Quality Online tool is found on the NSS website ( It provides conceptual information in the form of questions for each of the seven dimensions of the ABS DQF to help you determine whether data is fit for your needs.
Other Sources of Information Regarding the ABS DQF
ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2007, Information Paper: Quality Dimensions of the Australian National Accounts, August 2007, cat. no. 5216.0.55.002, ABS, Canberra.
Allen, B 2002, “Qualifying Quality – Issues of Presentation and Education”, Proceedings of the Statistics Canada Symposium, 2001. ( PDF, 60.0 KB)
Gilbert, N 2010, “ABS Data Quality Framework: Linking Quality Assessment to Development of Performance Indicators”, European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics. (.doc 53.5 KB)
Lee, G & Allen, B 2001, “Educated Use of Information about Data Quality”, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 53rd Session, Seoul, Korea. ( PDF, 16.78 KB)
Neideck, G 2007, “A Framework for the Accuracy Dimension of Data Quality for Price Statistics”, Ottawa Group, 10th Meeting. ( PDF, 127.02 KB)