This publication updates the Remoteness Areas Structure within the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). Remoteness Areas divide Australia into 5 classes of remoteness on the basis of a measure of relative access to services. Remoteness Areas are intended for the purpose of releasing and analysing statistical data. Access to services are measured using the Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA+), produced by the Hugo Centre for Migration and Population Research at the University of Adelaide.
The ASGS provides a framework of statistical areas used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and other organisations, to enable the publication of statistics that are comparable and geospatially integrated. It provides users with a coherent set of standard areas that they can use to access, visualise and analyse statistics.
The ASGS is split into two parts; ABS Structures and Non ABS Structures. The ABS Structures are areas that the ABS designs specifically for outputting statistics. The Remoteness Areas are part of the ABS Structures and their relationship to other ABS statistical areas is shown in Diagram 1 below.
Diagram 1: ASGS ABS Structures

This publication is the last of five volumes that make up the 2016 ASGS. The 2016 edition of the ASGS is the second edition of the ASGS, updating the first edition released in 2011. This second edition includes changes to statistical areas to account for growth and change, it also incorporates the Territory of Norfolk Island for the first time.
Census 2016 Population counts for Remoteness Areas will be available from the Census page on the ABS website from the 27th of March 2018.
The ABS encourages the use of the ASGS by other organisations to improve the comparability and integration of statistical and other data on a common geographic basis.
For support and further information about other volumes of the ASGS and other ABS geospatial products please refer to the ABS website at https://www.abs.gov.au/geography