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The United Nations (UN) geographical classification of the countries of the world is published in the document: Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use, UN Statistical Paper, Series M No. 49, Rev 4, 1997. As the aggregation of countries in the UN classification is done on a strictly continental basis, the groupings do not always meet the requirements of Australian users. The main geographically based structure of the SACC has been developed giving emphasis to social, cultural, economic and political criteria and to groupings that are relevant to Australia's multicultural society. The resultant classification is more useful than the UN classification for the collection, dissemination and analysis of country based information in Australia. However, the units and groupings of the two classifications are broadly compatible and it is possible to concord data based on the SACC to the UN classification for the purposes of international comparison (see Appendix 8 for the concordance between the SACC and UN classification).