Contains a range of producer price indexes. Firstly, economy-wide indexes are presented within a Stage of Production (SOP) framework, followed by a set of partial, stand-alone measures relating to specific industry sectors of the economy (selected manufacturing, construction, mining and service industries).
The format and content of this publication has changed with this issue. The publication now only includes the economy-wide Stage of Production (SOP) producer price indexes (tables 1–9), which remain classified according to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 1993 edition. The SOP indexes will be presented on an ANZSIC 2006 basis in 2011.
Tables 10–23 and associated commentary which were previously included in this publication are now available on the ABS website <>. These tables are based on ANZSIC 2006, which is a revised version of the classification. Data presented in previous issues of this publication are based on the ANZSIC 1993.
Information on the implementation of ANZSIC 2006 is included in Information Paper: Update on ANZSIC 2006 Implementation for Producer and International Trade Price Indexes, Australia, 2009 (cat. no. 6427.0.55.002).
The scope of the manufacturing industry indexes has changed from a net sector to a gross sector basis (further information can be found in paragraphs 43–51 of the Explanatory Notes).
A new price index for ANZSIC 2006 Group 510 – Postal and courier pick–up and delivery services is presented in time series spreadsheets on the ABS website <> (see table 19).