In September quarter 2009, the final (Stage 3) index recorded an increase of 0.1%, the intermediate (Stage 2) index recorded a decrease of 0.6%, and the preliminary (Stage 1) index recorded a decrease of 0.5%. Through the year to September quarter 2009, the final (Stage 3) index increased by 0.2%, the intermediate (Stage 2) index decreased by 4.9% and the preliminary (Stage 1) index decreased by 7.5%.
The increase of 0.1% in the final (Stage 3) index reflected a rise of 1.0% in the price of domestically produced items and a fall of 5.1% in the price of imported items. The domestic component price rises in electricity, gas and water supply (+12.1%), bakery product manufacturing (+10.4%) and petroleum refining (+6.3%) were offset by price falls in computer services (-7.1%) and other agriculture (-5.6%). The imports component decreased due to price falls for industrial machinery and equipment manufacturing (-7.9%), electronic equipment manufacturing (-11.0%), other manufacturing (-9.0%) and other transport equipment manufacturing (-8.9%). These decreases were partially offset by price rises in beverage and malt manufacturing (+5.8%) and petroleum refining (+3.9%).
The decrease of 0.6% in the intermediate (Stage 2) index reflected a fall of 0.6% in the price of domestically produced items and a fall of 1.0% in the price of imported items. The domestic component recorded price falls for coal mining (-19.4%), property operators and developers (-2.9%) and iron and steel manufacturing (-8.0%). These decreases were partially offset by price rises in electricity, gas and water supply (+4.5%), oil and gas extraction (+12.4%) and petroleum refining (+5.1%). The imports component decreased due to price falls in industrial machinery and equipment manufacturing (-10.1%), basic chemical manufacturing (-8.1%), textile, clothing, footwear and leather manufacturing (-8.1%) and electronic equipment manufacturing (-9.3%). These decreases were partially offset by price rises in oil and gas extraction (+24.6%) and petroleum refining (+9.3%).
The decrease of 0.5% in the preliminary (Stage 1) index reflected a fall of 0.9% in the price of domestically produced items and a rise of 2.2% in the price of imported items. The domestic component recorded price falls for coal mining (-19.4%), iron and steel manufacturing (-8.0%), property operators and developers (-2.9%) and metal ore mining (-14.0%). These decreases were partially offset by price rises for oil and gas extraction (+12.4%), electricity, gas and water supply (+6.1%) and petroleum refining (+5.1%). The imports component increased due to price rises in oil and gas extraction (+24.6%), petroleum refining (+10.8%) and iron and steel manufacturing (+1.5%). These increases were partially offset by price falls in basic chemical manufacturing (-8.1%), industrial machinery and equipment manufacturing (-9.9%) and textile, clothing, footwear and leather manufacturing (-8.2%).
COMPARISON OF SOP INDEXES: Base: 1998-99 = 100.0
From the September quarter 2009, commentary for other Producer Price Indexes is available in the entry for
Producer Price Indexes, Australia (cat. no. 6427.0) on the ABS website <>.
The additional commentary will cover:
- Manufacturing industries producer price indexes
- Materials used in manufacturing industries
- Articles produced by manufacturing industries
- Construction industries producer price indexes
- Materials used in house building
- Output of the construction industry
- Service industries producer price indexes
To access the additional commentary, use the link to 'Additional Commentary' that is available in the navigation pane as shown below.