APPENDIX 2 LIST OF ARTICLES April 2009 Job flexibility of casual employees Work and family balance Spotlight: labour underutilisation January 2009 Comparing unemployment and the claimant count Jobless families Retirement intentions Spotlight on underutilisation October 2008 Interstate commuters: An analysis of 2006 Census data Measures of casual employment July 2008 Quarterly labour force underutilisation rate Technical report: Underenumeration in the Labour Force Survey: Findings of a Census data enhancement study Spotlight: Employment type Spotlight: Maternity leave Spotlight: Underemployed workers Spotlight: Volume measures of labour underutilisation January 2008 Spotlight: First job starters Technical report: Jurisdictional coverage of pay-setting arrangements October 2007 Spotlight: Available labour of the unemployed Technical report: Census and the Labour Force Survey July 2007 Spotlight: Employment type April 2007 Spotlight: Methods of setting pay Spotlight: Updated volume measures of labour underutilisation January 2007 Technical report: ABS measures of employee remuneration October 2006 Changes in where people work over time July 2006 Job search experience of unemployed people Labour force transitions Spotlight: Employment type April 2006 Spotlight: Updated volume measures of labour underutilisation January 2006 Labour outcomes of migrants The relationship between GDP and employment Spotlight: Long-term unemployment October 2005 Job starters Comparison of ABS measures of employee remuneration Spotlight: Employment type Technical report: Standard error models for the Labour Force Survey Technical report: Proposals from the review of ABS working arrangements statistics July 2005 Full-time and part-time participation in Australia: a cohort analysis Population, participation and productivity: contributions to Australia's economic growth Spotlight: Employee share schemes Technical report: Changes to coding processes for industry and occupation in the Labour Force Survey April 2005 People who work few hours Health, disability, age and labour force participation Spotlight: Methods of setting pay Spotlight: Annual measures of labour underutilisation January 2005 Labour force participation in Australia Experimental estimates of the average age at withdrawal from the labour force Spotlight: Employment in information and communication technology (ICT) Spotlight: Labour Price Index Technical report: Implementation of computer assisted interviewing in the Labour Force Survey October 2004 Changes in types of employment Mature age people and the labour force July 2004 Children living without an employed parent Labour underutilisation Spotlight: Industrial disputes Technical report: Labour Force Survey regions April 2004 Job search experience: methods and barriers in finding jobs Trade union membership Spotlight: Occupation Technical report: Improvements to Labour Force estimates January 2004 Employment in information and communication technology Labour force participation: international comparison Technical report: Changes to Labour Force Survey seasonal adjustment processes October 2003 Labour market transitions of teenagers Spotlight: Country of birth Spotlight: Multiple job holders Technical report: New Labour Force Survey sample selections: analysis of the effort on estimates July 2003 Experimental volume measures of labour underutilisation Unemployment and participation rates in Australia: a cohort analysis Spotlight: Population, participation and productivity: contributions to Australia's economic growth Technical report: Measures of weekly hours worked April 2003 Do job vacancies provide a leading indicator of employment growth? Characteristics of underemployed workers Spotlight: Parental leave Spotlight: Methods of setting pay Technical report: Labour Force Survey sample redesign Note: the following articles appeared in Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6203.0). February 2003 Seasonal reanalysis of monthly labour force estimates December 2002 Volatility of labour force estimates October 2002 Measures of labour underutilisation February 2002 Seasonal reanalysis of monthly labour force estimates October 2001 Full-time and part-time employment August 2001 Experimental estimates: labour force characteristics of Indigenous Australians June 2001 Duration of unemployment: recent definitional changes February 2001 Unemployment and supplementary measures of underutilised labour Seasonal reanalysis of monthly labour force estimates May 2000 Status in employment data changes: correction April 2000 Using the unemployment rate series to illustrate the seasonal adjustment process February 2000 Seasonal reanalysis of monthly labour force estimates December 1999 Why are there differences between two seasonally adjusted measures of Australian total employment? November 1999 Industry, occupation and status in employment data Labour force status and other characteristics of families October 1999 Labour force projections: 1999-2016 April 1999 Introduction of updated standard error estimates February 1999 Revisions to monthly labour force estimates January 1999 Concordance between the first and second editions of the Australian Standard Classification of Occupations (ASCO) - revised
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