Change to the Civil aircraft and related components
As advised in the previous issue, this issue introduces a change of treatment for the civil aircraft component. A new component 'Civil aircraft and confidentialised items' includes civil aircraft for all periods and, from September quarter 2008, includes all commodities subject to a 'no commodity details' or 'no value details' restriction. This change affects the statistics presented in Capital goods n.e.s. from December quarter 2008 and Other merchandise goods for September quarter 2008, but the change has not revised the total value of goods debits.
Foreign assets and liabilities: by industry - table 34
In this issue estimates from September quarter 2006 to June quarter 2009 have been included. The production of estimates prior to September quarter 2006 is being investigated.
Seasonally adjusted and trend estimates
The seasonally adjusted and trend estimates of goods and services will be revised in the September quarter 2010 issue as a result of the annual seasonal re-analysis. This re-analysis reviews the seasonal and trading day factors in more detail than is possible in the quarterly processing cycle and assesses the appropriateness of any prior corrections.
New format of analysis and comments
As part of an ongoing review program, the content of the Analysis and comments has been reviewed. A new format will be introduced with the September quarter 2010 issue. A mock-up of the new Analysis and comments format will be released for comment on 14 September 2010 and can be accessed via the ABS web site <> under this issue.
New base year and re-referencing of chain volume estimates and implicit price deflators
A new base year 2008-09 will be introduced into chain volume estimates and implicit price deflators for the September quarter 2010 issue of this publication. In addition, the chain volume estimates and implicit price deflators will be re-referenced to 2008-09.
Re-order of components in time series tables
Some components in time series tables 105 and 106 will be re-ordered for consistency. A mock-up of these tables are available in this issue named New Table 105 and New Table 106, respectively. From the September quarter 2010 issue only the re-ordered tables will be available.
- Table 105 - Merchandise imports by Balance of Payments Broad Economic category on a Balance of Payments basis, Chain volume measures - Quarter
- Table 106 - Merchandise imports by Balance of Payments Broad Economic category on a Balance of Payments basis, Implicit price deflators - Quarter.