ABS plans to produce annual water accounts from 2008-09 onwards. ABS has planned for comprehensive survey data to feed into the Water Account Australia every third year starting with this 2008-09 release. There will be reduced information on the supply and use of water from industries other than the Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Services and Agriculture industries during the intervening years (2009-10 and 2010-11). This may result in some reduced detail within published results during these intervening years. The next fully comprehensive Water Account Australia results are due for the 2011-12 reference year.
ABS is continuing to work with Federal, State and Territory organisations to reduce the burden of reporting entities by accessing existing data which can be used for Water Account Australia, instead of relying on direct survey collection.
ABS is planning to release a time series for the Supply and Use tables within the Water Account Australia, covering the years 2000-01 through to 2008-09. This publication is scheduled for release in the middle of 2011. The time series will include: data published on an ANZSIC 2006 basis; presentation of results more consistent with the recommendations of SEEA-Water; some revisions to previously released results, in light of new information obtained during production of the Water Account Australia 2008-09.