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This document was added or updated on 05/04/2012. 03 December 2010 - released 2008-09 Water Account Australia with data cubes containing Physical Water Supply and Use tables for Australia, States and Territories. 30 May 2011 - released additional information for the Murray-Darling Basin (data cube - Physical Water Supply and Use table). 05 April 2012 - released revised 2008-09 data cubes (Physical Water Supply and Use tables) for Australia, States and Territories and the Murray-Darling Basin. The impact of these revisions was minor, however the revisions brought the methodology used for the 2008-09 estimates in line with that used in 2009-10, improving consistency in the time series. Note that the corresponding tables in the pdf version of the 2008–09 publication, as well as the 'State Fact Sheets' and 'Murray-Darling Basin Fact Sheet', have not been updated to reflect these corrections.
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