1344.8.55.001 - ACT Stats, 2005
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 18/07/2005
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ACT museum and art gallery admissions third highest in Australia: ABS Admissions to museums and art galleries in the ACT ranked third highest in Australia during 2003-04, according to new analysis released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today. The ACT, with 11% of total admissions to Australian museums and art galleries, followed Victoria and New South Wales (both 31% of admissions). There were over 3.4 million admissions to ACT museums and art galleries, and 1.8 million visits to ACT local public libraries during 2003-04 The 1.8 million visits to ACT public libraries represented about 5.5 visits per head of population, and resulted in 2.4 million loans of books and other holdings. As at June 2004, there were 993 people employed through ACT museums and art galleries. Public libraries employed a total of 127 people at the end of June 2004. The majority (81%) of people employed in public libraries were women. Further details are available in ACT Stats: Museums and Libraries in the ACT (cat. no. 1344.8.55.001). Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.