The ABS, as an agency of the Australian Government, is accountable to the Parliament, and ultimately to the public, through the Treasury ministers, the Parliamentary committee process and the tabling of its annual report.
As the Accountable Authority for the ABS, the Australian Statistician is required to establish and maintain an appropriate system of risk oversight and management for the ABS and an appropriate system of internal controls. The ABS’s Internal Control Framework sets out corporate governance structures and processes. This assists ABS staff members to undertake their responsibilities effectively, in a way that meets community expectations of public accountability, probity and openness.
Corporate governance arrangements ensure the effective operation of the ABS, including transparency in decision-making, operation and accountability by promoting strong leadership, sound management and effective planning and review processes.
In early 2017, a governance review was undertaken, commissioned from Nous Consulting. Subsequent decisions by the Australian Statistician resulted in amendments to the ABS governance framework - replacing some committees, introducing new ones and establishing an Executive Board.
An important feature of ABS corporate governance is the role played by governance committees, which are active in developing policies and strategies, identifying ABS priorities, assessing and responding to risks and opportunities, and monitoring ABS performance.
The major governance committees in place during 2016-17, noting the changes since the Governance review was implemented in April 2017, are outlined in Table 5.1.
Executive Leadership Group
(replaced by Executive Board in April 2017) | The Executive Leadership Group (ELG) advised the Australian Statistician; its role was to provide strategic oversight of the organisation and determine policy. ELG met fortnightly to ensure high level and ongoing attention was given to strategic issues affecting the future of the organisation, including statistical business transformation, statistical risk management and strategic client engagement.
ELG set the strategic directions for the ABS and referred its strategic decisions to the Senior Management Group for implementation. ELG membership consisted of the Australian Statistician (Chair), the Deputy Australian Statisticians and the General Manager, Strategic Partnerships and Projects Division. |
Executive Board
(est. April 2017) | The Executive Board is a decision-making board, chaired by the Australian Statistician, to provide leadership and strategic oversight of the ABS. The Executive Board provides advice to the Australian Statistician in order for him, as the authorised decision maker under the PGPA Act, to determine direction, policy, priorities, and to ensure the efficient, economical and ethical operations of the ABS. The Chair performs a leadership role in the conduct and direction of the Executive Board and has the majority vote and final decision in the event of non-consensus. Membership consists of the Australian Statistician; all Deputy Australian Statisticians; the General Manager Finance, Risk and Planning Division; the General Manager People, Culture and Communication Division; and a General Manager from the Statistical Services Group for a two year appointment. |
Australian Statistics Advisory Council | The Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC) is the ABS’s key advisory body and is established under the Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975. ASAC provides independent advice to the Minister responsible for the ABS and the Australian Statistician on improvement of statistical services, longer-term statistical priorities and other relevant matters. It also reports to the Parliament annually. |
Statistical Strategy Committee | The Statistical Strategy Committee (SSC) is an advisory committee to the Deputy Australian Statistician, Statistical Services Group, on the ABS statistical work program; outcomes of strategic importance are reported to the Executive Board. Key areas include statistical risk management, cross-cutting statistical issues and overall priorities, and strategic relationships. Membership includes the Deputy Australian Statistician (Chair) and General Managers from the Statistical Services Group, General Managers from the Transformation Group, and the General Manager from the Census and Statistical Network Services Division. |
Statistical Business Transformation Program Executive Board | The Statistical Business Transformation (SBT) Program is the flagship transformation initiative of the ABS. The SBT Program Executive Board is chaired by the Australian Statistician with membership consisting of the three Deputy Australian Statisticians and three external members: Mr David Whiteing (CIO, Commonwealth Bank of Australia), Mr David Borthwick (Senior Consultant) and Mr Peter Harper (Senior Consultant and former Deputy Australian Statistician). The Board has the overarching authority of the SBT Program and is responsible for investment decisions and associated commitments to government, ensuring the ongoing alignment of the SBT Program with the strategic direction and goals of the ABS. |
Statistical Business Transformation Program Delivery Board | The Statistical Business Transformation (SBT) Program Delivery Board is responsible for driving the program and delivering outcomes and benefits. |
2016 Census Program Board | This Board provided oversight and support to ensure the Program met its stated targets and delivered on its goals for the 2016 Census. The Board was chaired by the Chief Operating Officer. It monitored and reviewed the performance of Census projects through monthly Census 2016 project progress reports, reviewed risks and issues, and provided advice to the Census Program Manager and Program Owner. |
2021 Census Board
(Terms of Reference in DRAFT as at 30 June 2017) | The 2021 Census Board’s key responsibilities include endorsement of the 2021 Census strategy, overseeing maintenance and achievement of 2021 Census Program objectives, and monitoring the planning, development, operation and delivery phases of the 2021 Census Program. The Board, chaired by the Australian Statistician, will also advise on the resolution of issues relating to scope, trade-offs and investment decisions; provide oversight on all aspects of risk management of the 2021 Census Program and its constituent projects; and advise on strategic relationships with governments and key stakeholders. |
2021 Census Delivery Committee
(Terms of Reference in DRAFT as at 30 June 2017) | The 2021 Census Delivery Committee is chaired by the Deputy Australian Statistician, Census and Enabling Services Group; it has specific responsibility for advising on the maintenance and achievement of 2021 Census Program objectives. The Committee will ensure adherence to agreed design principles and resolve any discrepancies, including those related to scope and budget. Members will advise on risk mitigation, provide assurance for operational stability and effectiveness through the 2021 Census delivery cycle, and manage the impact of change. |
Senior Management Group
(ceased April 2017) | The Senior Management Group (SMG) was replaced by four separate committees, as outlined below. SMG was an advisory body chaired by the Chief Operating Officer that met weekly. Its focus was cross-cutting issues supporting ABS transformation, managing risks and ensuring the efficient delivery of the ABS work program. SMG meetings also addressed statistical and corporate policy, financial management, dissemination matters, and human resource management. SMG membership consisted of the Chief Operating Officer (Chair) and all General Managers. |
Security Committee
(est. April 2017) | The Security Committee is an advisory committee, chaired by the Deputy Australian Statistician, Census and Enabling Services Group, established to ensure the ABS complies with its legal and legislative requirements related to security. Its purpose is to ensure there are adequate internal policies, guidelines and effective practices which meet the security and privacy-related requirements of relevant government policy, i.e. the Protective Security Policy Framework and Information Security Manual. |
Resource Prioritisation and Finance Committee
(est. April 2017) | The Resource Prioritisation and Finance Committee is an advisory committee, chaired by the Deputy Australian Statistician, Census and Enabling Services Group, established to ensure there is cross-Group engagement on the planning, prioritisation, allocation and monitoring of ABS resources. The Committee’s advice to the Chair reflects ABS strategic priorities, and monitors allocations and expenditure to ensure rigour, discipline and transparency. In addition, the Committee advises on adjustments to resource allocations in response to high priority in-year and emerging issues, supports effective risk management frameworks and provides feedback and advice on relevant policies. |
Statistical Network Services and Technology Committee
(est. April 2017) | The Statistical Network Services and Technology Committee is an advisory committee, chaired by the Deputy Australian Statistician, Census and Enabling Services Group, established to ensure there is cross-Group engagement on the delivery of technology and network services across the ABS. The Committee provides advice to the Chair on strategic directions of data acquisition and provider management functions in conjunction with technical and statistical dissemination services. |
People Committee (Human Resources, Culture, Partnerships)
(est. April 2017) | The People Committee is an advisory committee, chaired by the General Manager of the People, Culture and Communication Division, established to ensure there is cross-Group engagement on the monitoring, prioritisation and operational decisions associated with people, culture and partnerships functions of the ABS. The Committee also provides input and advice to the Chair on strategic matters prior to their consideration by the Executive Board, and monitors progress on the implementation of the People and Culture Action Plans. |
National Health and Safety Committee | The National Health and Safety Committee (NHSC) is the forum at which the ABS, its workers and their representatives discuss organisational health and safety matters and issues. The NHSC plays a key role in ABS work health and safety (WHS) governance by receiving and considering information and issues, making decisions and recommendations on organisational WHS matters, and identifying safety matters for appropriate decision-making by the People Committee. |
Disclosure Review Committee | The Disclosure Review Committee (DRC) advises the Chief Methodologist on the disclosure risks and mitigation strategies associated with the dissemination of microdata and, on an exceptional basis, aggregate statistics. The DRC may also initiate reviews to continuously improve procedures, processes and policies, or undertake investigations where warranted or where directed by the Executive Board. |
Protective Security Management Committee
(replaced April 2017) | This Committee was replaced by the Security Committee. The Protective Security Management Committee was chaired by a Deputy Australian Statistician; it ensured, via the security framework, that both physical and computer security were maintained. The Committee was a key means of ensuring the ABS met its legal requirement not to divulge identifiable information and ensured there was policy to meet the security and privacy related requirements of legislation. |
Economics Statistics Advisory Group | The Economic Statistics Advisory Group (ESAG) is an advisory committee to the Deputy Australian Statistician, Statistical Services Group. It is an important mechanism through which the user community can provide feedback on current and planned ABS developments in the field of economic statistics. This Group nurtures the interaction between senior ABS executives and key user groups including influential researchers, policy advisors and decision makers who have a sound appreciation of the use and value of economic statistics. |
Population and Social Statistics Advisory Group | The Population and Social Statistics Advisory Group (PSSAG) is an advisory committee to the Deputy Australian Statistician, Statistical Services Group. It is an important mechanism through which the user community can provide feedback on current and planned ABS developments in the field of population and social statistics. This Group nurtures the interaction between the ABS and informed users of population and social statistics to gain valuable input from their knowledge and expertise. |
State Statistical Forum | The State Statistical Forum (SSF), chaired by the Deputy Australian Statistician, Statistical Services Group, is an information sharing and engagement body. It supports effective interaction between the ABS and the states and territories to address common statistical issues. |
Methodology Advisory Committee | The Methodology Advisory Committee (MAC), chaired by the Chief Methodologist, is an expert advisory group of statisticians and data scientists drawn mainly from, but not restricted to, universities across Australia and New Zealand. The function of the MAC is to provide expert advice to the Chief Methodologist on selected methodological issues that arise across the production of national statistics e.g. survey design, data linkage, analysis, confidentialisation and dissemination. |
ABS Management Meetings | ABS Management Meetings play a major role in setting and communicating ABS strategic directions and priorities. The meetings are held twice a year and involve all ABS Senior Executive Staff (SES). They provide an opportunity for SES to discuss big-picture issues, take stock of lessons learnt, look ahead and discuss strategic issues and plans. Recently the Management Meetings have included workshops on risk management, developing a high performing workforce and 2021 Census planning. |
ABS Audit Committee | The ABS Audit Committee provides independent assurance and assistance to the Australian Statistician on the ABS’s financial and performance reporting responsibilities, risk oversight and management, and the system of internal controls, including those applied to ensure legislative compliance and the execution of ABS functions. The Committee meets a minimum of five times a year. It consists of five members, four of whom are external; an external member (currently Ms Jennifer Clark) chairs the Committee. External member appointments are based on personal qualities, experience and skills, including the ability to demonstrate independence on matters before the committee. |
The ABS Risk Management Framework aligns with the Commonwealth Risk Management Policy and is subject to continual improvement. The Framework ensures there is a mechanism for monitoring and identifying shifts in risk exposure and the emergence of new risks. It also articulates tolerances for new risks and actions required when risks reach certain levels.
In addition to general risk management, the Accountable Authority Instructions (AAIs) and the Framework identify mechanisms for specialist risk management which address persistent risks. These include: fraud (managed consistently with the Commonwealth Fraud Control Framework); work health and safety; information and communication technology security; and disclosure risk (relating to privacy and confidentiality which is part of ABS core business).
The ABS Audit Committee takes an overarching perspective of the independent assurance activities of the ABS, providing independent assurance and assistance to the Australian Statistician on the ABS’s financial and performance reporting responsibilities; risk oversight and management; and system of internal controls, including those applied to ensure legislative compliance and the execution of the functions of the ABS.
In recent years, the focus of the ABS has been on its management of statistical risk. However, the events of the 2016 Census highlighted the need for the ABS to increase its overall risk management capability. Therefore, improved enterprise risk management and strengthening the foundational elements have become a priority. The ABS is revising its Risk Management Framework to better manage strategic risks, enrich the risk culture and enhance internal capability. The ABS aims to embed risk management into key processes, including strategic planning, governance arrangements, policy development, program delivery and broader decision-making.
The ABS has a Fraud Control Plan to provide the framework and associated guidance for fraud prevention, detection, investigation, reporting and data collection procedures and processes that meet the specific needs of the ABS and broader government obligations. It is supported by a Fraud Risk Assessment which records identified fraud risks, treatment strategies, responsibilities, dates for implementation and reporting obligations.
The ABS Fraud Control Plan is reviewed and updated two-yearly. The fraud risk assessment is reviewed twice a year or more frequently where the ABS has identified significant changes to fraud risk exposure.
The ABS Audit Committee has oversight of ABS fraud control activity.
Security of information provided to the ABS is key to maintaining the high levels of trust that enable the ABS to operate effectively and fulfil its mission.
All ABS premises are physically secured against unauthorised access. Entry is through electronically controlled access systems, activated by individually coded access cards and monitored by closed circuit television. Areas of the ABS producing particularly sensitive data, such as main economic indicators, are subject to further protective security measures.
The ABS computer network has a secure gateway, which allows connection to internet services including the ABS website. The secure gateway was established in accordance with Australian Government guidelines and is reviewed annually by an accredited independent assessor. Access to ABS computing systems is based on personal identifiers and strong authentication services. Databases are accessible only by approved users. The computer systems are regularly monitored and usage is audited. There were no unauthorised access incidents into ABS computing systems during 2016-17.
In August 2016, the Population Census was impacted by a distributed denial of service (DDoS) incident. This occurred due to two underlying issues with the eCensus: the system had deficiencies in its DDoS protections, and the system heavily focused on ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data at the expense of system availability. The Review of the Events Surrounding the 2016 eCensus by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet confirmed that there was no compromise to the security of data. In response to the Census DDoS incident, stronger DDoS protections were implemented for the eCensus and ABS websites. In addition, a comprehensive review of security within the ABS was undertaken.
As an Australian Government agency, the ABS must comply with the
Privacy Act 1988, including the Australian Privacy Principles. These govern the way personal information about any person - including staff, clients and respondents - should be collected, stored, used and disclosed. The ABS’s Privacy Policy is published on the
ABS website.
The ABS has a Privacy Officer who advises on privacy issues internally, investigates allegations of misuse or unauthorised disclosures regarding personal information, and monitors the external environment to keep up-to-date on privacy issues that could affect ABS operations.
As in previous years, during 2016-17 the ABS participated in Privacy Awareness Week. To conclude Privacy Awareness Week, the Australian Information Commissioner spoke to ABS staff about the implementation of an APS Privacy Code in July 2018 and the introduction of the notifiable data breaches scheme in February 2018. The ABS will review its practices, procedures and systems in light of these legislative changes, and will continue to work closely with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner during this process.
The Review of the Events Surrounding the 2016 eCensus, undertaken by Alastair MacGibbon, contained a number of privacy related recommendations. The ABS has accepted all recommendations of the review and will implement all of the recommendations in 2017.
As an agency subject to the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the ABS is required to publish information to the public as part of the Information Publication Scheme (IPS).
Each agency must display a plan on its website showing what information it publishes in accordance with the IPS requirements.
The ABS’s IPS plan is available on the
ABS website.
The Statistical Clearing House (SCH) is the mandatory central clearance point for business surveys that are run, funded, or conducted on behalf of the Australian Government. Its key objectives are to minimise the load placed on businesses by Australian Government surveys, reduce unnecessary survey duplication, and ensure surveys are fit-for-purpose. In 2016-17, 163 surveys were submitted for clearance. Of these, 75 received a full SCH review and approval, 19 were exempt from full review, 12 were cancelled by agencies after submission, 22 were still being reviewed, and 35 were out of scope of SCH review. Surveys categorised as ‘Exempt from full review’ are those where the overall respondent burden is considered minimal.
With a view to improving cost effectiveness and ensuring that we prioritise our activities to fit within our resource constraints, the ABS, after consultation with the Government, has decided to adopt a different operating model for managing respondent load. Commencing from end August 2017, the SCH will cease operations and Commonwealth agencies will become directly responsible for minimising survey burden on businesses, with the ABS providing support by making materials available to assist survey development and through an optional user pays advisory service.
Review of the events surrounding the 2016 eCensus
The Government undertook a review into the 2016 eCensus. Alastair MacGibbon, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on Cyber Security, was tasked to review the Census night events, broader Census planning and delivery matters, and implications across whole-of-government. The report was finalised on 13 October 2016 and was first tabled in Parliament on 24 November 2016 and is available from the
Australian Parliament House website.
The ABS agreed to all recommendations of the review, completing seven by the end of June 2017. The remaining two recommendations are expected to be completed by December 2017.
Census - Senate inquiry
On 31 August, the Senate referred the 2016 Census to the Senate Economics References Committee for inquiry and report by 24 November. A public hearing was held on 25 October. The two key changes under review were the move to an eCensus with the majority of census forms to be completed electronically; and the retention of name and address information for a period of up to 4 years to enable more extensive uses of Census data. The report of the Senate Committee is available on the
Australian Parliament House website.
Other reviews
During 2016-17, the ABS was the subject of a Functional and Efficiency Review. These reviews provide the Government with advice on opportunities to streamline programs, improve systems and reduce expenditure in its operations. This review of the ABS was undertaken by David Tune AO with the assistance of Nous Consulting. The ABS is one of 11 agencies identified in the 2017-18 Budget Papers as being subject to a review of this kind.
There were no other external reviews in 2016-17 that had a significant effect on the operations of the entity, with no reports issued by the Australian Information Commissioner or the Commonwealth Ombudsman. There were no individual or administrative review decisions of significance to the ABS.
There were no adverse comments relating to the ABS from the Auditor-General, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, or courts or tribunals during 2016-17.
Committee/Inquiry | Description of submission/information provided |
Productivity Commission Data Inquiry into Data Availability and Use | In July 2016, the ABS provided a submission to the Productivity Commission Public Inquiry on Data Availability and Use. Their final report was handed to the Australian Government on 31 March 2017. |
Productivity Commission Inquiry into the National Education Evidence Base | The ABS provided a submission, for the draft report in September 2016, for the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the National Education Evidence Base. Their final report was handed to the Australian Government on 9 December 2016. |
Senate Economics References Committee 2016 Census: issues of trust | In September 2016, the ABS provided a submission to the Senate Economics References Committee 2016 Census: issues of trust inquiry. This Inquiry looked into the preparation, administration and management of the 2016 Census by the ABS. The ABS appeared before the Committee’s Public Hearing held on 25 October 2016 and also made a supplementary submission. |
Senate Community Affairs References Committee
Future of Australia’s aged care sector workforce | In November 2016, the ABS provided a submission to and appeared before the Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into the future of Australia’s aged care sector workforce. |
Report 455 - Recommendation 2
Parliamentary Delegation to New Zealand and Fiji by Members of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) | In November 2016, the ABS provided a response to Recommendation 2 to examine New Zealand’s Integrated Data Infrastructure and whether this approach could be adopted in Australia. |
Senate Community Affairs References Committee
Violence, abuse and neglect against people with disability in institutional and residential settings, including the gender and age related dimensions, and the particular situation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability, and culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability | In November 2016, the ABS provided a submission to the Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry. The submission outlined violence, abuse and neglect against people with disability in institutional and residential settings, including the gender- and age-related dimensions, and the particular situation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability, and culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability. |
Senate Community Affairs References Committee
Adequacy of existing residential care arrangements available for young people with severe physical, mental or intellectual disabilities in Australia | In December 2016, the ABS contributed to the Australian Government response. |
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources
Inquiry into water use efficiency in Australian agriculture | In March 2017, the ABS provided a submission to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources for the Inquiry into water use efficiency in Australian agriculture. |
Senate Select Committee on Strengthening Multiculturalism | In May 2017, the ABS provided a submission to the Select Committee on Strengthening Multiculturalism. The submission outlined the statistical information available in ABS surveys and products to assist in addressing the terms of reference for this Inquiry. |
Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee
Australian Education Amendment Bill 2017 | In June 2017, the ABS appeared before the Education and Employment Committee on the Australian Education Amendment Bill. The ABS presented evidence as to the ABS data available for socio-economic modelling for school funding. |
ABS procurement and contracting activities are undertaken in accordance with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. These rules are applied consistently to procurement activities through the Accountable Authority Instructions, supporting operational guidelines and procurement framework.
Information on procurements expected to be undertaken are advertised in an annual procurement plan, available from the
AusTender website.
This plan is reviewed and updated throughout the year.
No contracts with the value of $100,000 or greater (inclusive of GST) were let during 2016-17 that did not provide for the Auditor-General to have access to the contractor’s premises.
Initiatives to support small business
The ABS supports small business participation in the Australian Government procurement market. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Small Enterprise participation statistics are available on the
Department of Finance website.
ABS procurement practices support SMEs by adopting whole-of-government solutions to simplify interactions. This includes using the Commonwealth Contracting Suite for low risk procurements valued under $200,000.
The ABS recognises the importance of ensuring that small businesses are paid on time. The results of the Survey of Australian Government Payments to Small Business are available on the
Department of the Treasury website.
The ABS engages consultants when it requires specialist expertise or when independent research, review or assessment is required. Decisions to engage consultants during 2016-17 were made in accordance with the PGPA Act and related regulations, including the Commonwealth Procurement Rules and relevant internal policy.
Annual reports contain information about actual expenditure on consultancies. Information on the value of contracts and consultancies is available on the
AusTender website.
During 2016-17, 44 new consultancy contracts were entered into at a value of $3.6 million. In addition, 17 ongoing consultancy contracts will remain active after the 2016-17 year, involving total contract value of $1.3 million (Table 5.3).
 | New consultancy contracts | Ongoing consultancy contracts |
 | Number of new contracts | Amount
($m) | Number of ongoing contracts | Amount
($m) |
2014-15 | 21 | 0.9 | 9 | 0.3 |
2015-16 | 14 | 4.9 | 3 | 0.1 |
2016-17 | 44 | 3.6 | 17 | 1.3 |
Exempt contracts
During the 2016-17 financial year the ABS did not exempt any contracts or standing offers from publication on AusTender on the basis that they would disclose exempt information under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982.
The ABS’s asset management policies are set out in the Accountable Authority Instructions and supporting financial management procedures, which is in accordance with relevant accounting standards and Department of Finance requirements. Further details on the ABS’s asset policies are contained in note 2.2 of the Financial Statements.
An asset register records details of all assets held by the ABS. An annual stocktake process is conducted to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information held on the register.
The capital management plan sets out the ABS’s longer-term asset requirements and funding sources for ongoing asset replacement and investment. The capital budget process is integrated with strategic planning and is conducted in conjunction with the annual operating budget process.
During 2016-17, the ABS conducted the following advertising campaign: the 2016 Census of Population and Housing (Census). This campaign was to raise awareness and drive participation in the 2016 Census. The advertising was also aimed at attracting candidates to apply for vacant positions relating to the 2016 Census.
Further information on those advertising campaigns is available from the
ABS website and in the reports on Australian Government advertising prepared by the Department of Finance available from the
Department of Finance website.
Under section 311A of the
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, the ABS is required to disclose payments over $13,000 (including GST) for advertising and market research.
During 2016-17, the ABS’s total expenditure for advertising and market research over the reporting threshold was $21,922,932 (Table 5.4).
Organisation | Purpose | Expenditure ($, INC. GST) |
Market Research Organisations |  |  |
DBM Consultants | 2016 Census - Campaign evaluation research | 500,582 |
OCR International | Formative research to inform communication strategy | 96,000 |
Advertising (Campaign and Non-Campaign Advertising) |  |  |
BWM Dentsu | 2016 Census - Advertising creative agency | 236,341 |
Dentsu Mitchell Media Australia Pty Ltd | 2016 Census advertising and market research | 19,580,881 |
Dentsu Mitchell Media Australia Pty Ltd | 2016 General recruitment advertising | 63,460 |
Public Relations Organisations |  |  |
Ethnic Communications | 2016 Census - Management and implementation of media and public relations | 869,578 |
Fenton Strategic Communications Pty Ltd | 2016 Census - Management and implementation of media and public relations | 289,378 |
King Content Pty Ltd | 2016 Census - Management and implementation of media and public relations | 286,712 |
Total Expenditure over 13,000 |  | 21,922,932 |