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For these continuous data items there are special codes allocated for certain responses (e.g. 9999 = 'Not applicable' or 99999999 = 'Negative or zero debt'). When creating ranges in TableBuilder for such continuous items, special codes will automatically be excluded from calculations of sums, means, medians or ranges. When added to the table, it enables comparisons across populations, ie. comparing households with a debt ratio to those without. Limits for ranging continuous items are detailed in the Data Item List which can be accessed from 6540.0 - Microdata: Household Expenditure, Income and Housing, 2015-16 via the 'downloads' tab.
Below are TableBuilder outputs containing examples of data items with continuous hybrid variables: Example 1: Debt-to-gross-income ratio - Number of households. Columns: Debt-to-gross-income ratio. Wafer: Number of households (default). The number of households with a debt-to-gross-income ratio are contained in the 'A valid response was recorded' column. The 'Negative or zero debt' column includes households that do not have a debt, or that have a negative debt-to-income ratio. These instances are excluded from the calculation of Quintiles and Custom Ranges as shown in the tables below. Example 2: Debt-to-gross-income ratio - Ranged - Number of Households. Columns: Debt-to-gross-income ratio. Rows: Ranged debt-to-gross-income ratio. Wafer: Number of households (default). The 'Negative or zero debt' column includes households that do not have a debt or have a negative debt-to-income ratio (income is higher than debt). These instances are excluded from the calculation of Custom Ranges. Example 3: Mean gross income by Family composition of household for households with and without a debt ratio. Wafer: Weighted mean of Total current weekly income from all sources (Household level). Rows: Family composition of HH (brief). Columns: Debt-to-gross-income ratio. In this example the hybrid continuous variable (debt-to-gross-income ratio) is cross-tabulated with a categorical value (Family composition of HH (brief)). This will enable comparisons across populations, ie. comparing households with a debt ratio to those without. To demonstrate, the mean value of a continuous item (Total current weekly HH income from all sources) is added to the wafer, and the mean value for both columns is displayed. The 'not applicable' category is included in the calculation of the totals. Note: If continuous variable has a very limited range on the Data Item List between 0 and 0 then this means that there are too few contributor to this variable and therefore only estimates of weighted sum, weighted mean and weighted median can be derived and ranges cannot be created. Differences with published estimates based on the Survey of Income and Housing Ranging continuous items will not provide the same output as published data which is based on the Survey of Income and Housing (ie. 6523.0 - Household Income and Wealth, Australia, and 4130.0 - Housing Occupancy and Costs, Australia). This could be due to additional confidentiality measures applied to ranged continuous items and rounding. Quintile cut-offs in TableBuilder for continuous data items are defined according to whole numbers, whereas in published estimates they are defined according to two decimal places. This will cause slight variations between TableBuilder and published estimates based on the Survey of Income and Housing. Flag Items Flag items have been created for low income households and low income households who pay rent. If performing analysis on duration of job search please use the 'labour force status' variable to only include people that are unemployed. Flags items also indicate modules in the questionnaire that have imputed data in them. If imputed values are to be removed from the analysis, this can be done by only including the 'not applicable' category. The data item list contains all the flag variables. File Structure The 2015-16 SIH TableBuilder contains seven levels of record files: Household, Income Unit, Person, Childcare, Superannuation, Loans, and Wealth. Different information is available for each record level, and each level contains counts of the number of instances, or units, of the item in each category. For example, if a person has more than one superannuation account, there will be multiple superannuation records for that person on the superannuation level. Mortgage(s), motor vehicle loan(s), and personal loan(s) are all examples where a household may have multiple types of items, meaning there will be multiple records for that household on the Loans level. The diagram below describes the relationships between the levels. Multi–Response Data Items A number of questions included in the survey allows respondents to provide more than one response. The data items resulting from these questions are referred to as 'multi–response data items'. The example below displays 'Types of formal child care income unit used in the last 4 weeks': When a multi-response data item is tabulated, the same record is counted against each response provided. As a result, some household units utilising multiple forms of formal child care are counted multiple times. Consequently, the sum of individual multi-response categories can be different to the population or actual number of people applicable to the data item, as respondents are able to select more than one response. Multi-response data items can be identified in the 6540.0 - Microdata: Household Expenditure, Income and Housing, 2015-16 data items list (available via the 'downloads' tab). Counting Units And Weights The Summation Options section in the Customise Table panel contains the counting units/weights that are available. It is critical that the correct weight (or summation option) is used when specifying tables for counts of persons or proportions. As a general rule of thumb, use the weight which corresponds to the level of analysis you are undertaking, ie household level weight with household level items, the person level weight with person level items. To analyse persons in households, use the person level weight with household level items. The Household level weight is the default in SIH TableBuilder. The weights are located under the relevant level in the Summation Options. Below is a list of the levels and corresponding weights. To change the weight from the default, click on the "Sum" box in the appropriate level: The default summation option will be automatically added to a table when the table is being specified, therefore care needs to be taken that this is the correct weight required for the particular tabulation. If the default weight is not the required weight, select the appropriate weight from the Summation Options list and add either to the 'filter' or the 'wafer' (either will override the default of household level in the 'filter'). This needs to be done when obtaining counts and proportions. It is not necessary (or possible) for tables which have a continuous item in the wafer. For example, if analysing counts of persons for person level items, select 'Person - Sum' as shown below, and add to the 'wafer', before running the table. Weighting and defining quintiles
Quintiles need to be weighted according to the corresponding level of the continuous item. For example, for quintiles based on 'Total current weekly HH income from all sources' (a Household level item), set the 'Equal distribution of ' box to 'Household level':
The 'Filter by' option enables quintiles to be defined further, according to a categorical variable. To illustrate, in the example quintiles above, the quintiles for gross household income are based on the Australia wide population. This means that the entire population is divided into five equal sections and the quintile cut-offs will be based on the mean values for all households in Australia. Datacubes 17 to 24 in publication 6523.0 - Household Income and Wealth, Australia are state based, and the distributional analysis is also undertaken at the State level for these tables. This means that the quintiles are further defined by the relevant State. To replicate this in TableBuilder, use the 'Filter by' to add the relevant State as in the following image: This means that the quintiles will be based on the population for NSW only. Weighting equivalised items Equivalised items are available at the household and the person level in TableBuilder. Equivalised items are household items which have been equivalised to take all persons in the household into account. All analysis using equivalised items in publication 6523.0 - Household Income and Wealth, Australia is done using the equivalised items on the person level with person weighting. Some equivalised analysis in publication 4130.0 - Housing Occupancy and Costs, Australia is done at the household level with household weighting. Example 4: Mean equivalised disposable household income by equivalised disposable household income quintiles. This example recreates a section of Table 5.4 in publication 6523.0 - Household Income and Wealth, Australia where mean equivalised disposable household income (EDHI) is used at the person level, with person level weighting on the income quintiles:
It is possible to search for data items within TableBuilder using the search function below the data item list. Specific data item label can be used in the search box under summation options to find items quickly; the search will default back to displaying household level, but will be performed across all levels.
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