Employee Earnings and Jobs (EEJ) microdata is an output of the linked employer-employee data that the ABS has constructed to demonstrate the value of this linked data for statistical use.
The linked employer-employee data integrates Personal Income Tax data for 2011-12 sourced from the Australian Taxation Office with firm-level data extracted from the ABS Expanded Analytical Business Longitudinal Database. For more information about the linked data refer to the Information Paper: Construction of Experimental Statistics on Employee Earnings and Jobs from Administrative Data, Australia, 2011-12 (cat. no. 6311.0) released on 11 December 2015.
The microdata file is a unit record file released via the ABS Data Laboratory constructed in a manner not likely to enable the identification of a particular person or organisation. For more information about the ABS Data Laboratory refer to: https://www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/D3310114.nsf//home/Microdata%20Entry%20Page
The microdata product is a 10% sample of the complete integrated employer-employee file, representative of the in-scope employee level records. It includes key employee variables (such as occupation for main job, earnings per job, multiple job holding) to facilitate a cross sectional analysis of employee earnings and employee jobs together with the business characteristics (such as employment size, total sales and industry) associated with the employing business for each of those jobs.
The geography on the file is at Statistical Area Level 4, the largest sub-State regions in the Main Structure of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard.