A complete list of data items included in the Employee Earnings and Jobs microdata product is provided in an Excel workbook that can be accessed from the Downloads tab.
Data items are available at two levels, Employees and Jobs. Users intending to apply for access to the ABS Data Laboratory should ensure the data they require, and the level of detail required, are available and applicable for the intended use. The test file would be helpful for this purpose.
Age of employee as at 30 June 2012 as reported on the Individual Tax Return.
Annual business turnover
The total revenue generated by a business from the provision of goods and/or services for a given accounting period (annual).
Duration of job in reference period (in weeks)
The length of time a job was held during the reference period, presented in weeks. It has been derived from start and end dates of an employee holding that job, as reported on the individual PAYG summary.
Employment size
The number of employees in a business, presented in ranges. The employment size for a business is as updated annually by the Australian Taxation Office (for non-profiled businesses) or as reported by the ABS at a point in time during the profiling process (profiled businesses).
Geography (Statistical Area Level 4)
Determined based on an employee’s home address at July 2014 as reported in the Personal Income Tax Client Register, and are aligned to the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ACGS): Volume 1 – Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas, July 2011 (cat. no. 1270.0.55.001).
Gross payment amount per job held during the reference period
The gross amounts recorded (by businesses) on the Individual Pay As You Go summary for each job held by an employee, during the reference period.
Industry (ANZSIC)
Industry information of each employing business. It aligns with the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 (cat. no. 1292.0). The structure of ANZSIC comprises four levels, ranging from industry division (broadest level) to industry class (finest level). In this release, industry is provided at the division level. The industry division provides a limited number of categories which give a broad overall picture of the economy. There are 19 divisions within ANZSIC, each identified by a number that is, that is, '1' for Agriculture, forestry and fishing, '2' for Mining, '3' for Manufacturing, etc.
Job number
It is a number allocated to a Job a person held during the reference period. It can vary from 1 to 7. Where a person holds multiple jobs, the jobs are numbered in order of magnitude of their Gross payment amounts and Job value 1 will always represent the Main Job (i.e. the job with the highest reported Gross Payment Amount). For purposes of confidentiality only the first seven jobs of a person are included in the file.
Main job
Main job is defined for each employee as the job in which they received the highest gross payment amount as reported on an Individual Pay As You Go summary.
Multiple job holders
Employees who held two or more concurrent jobs during the reference period. The multiple job holder status of an employee is determined based on the date information in the Individual Pay As You Go summary. If two or more jobs were held on the same day, the employee was identified as a multiple job holder.
Number of Jobs in reference period
The number of Jobs held by an employee during the reference period - they do not have to be concurrent. The top cut off for this variable in the Employee Earnings and Jobs microdata product is 7.
Occupation in main job
Refers to the occupation sub-major group as defined by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, First Edition, Revision 1 (cat. no. 1220.0) and identified by an employee as their 'Main salary and wage occupation'. This occupation may not necessarily relate to the Main job (i.e. the job for which they received the highest gross payment amount as reported on their Individual Pay As You Go summary).
Other jobs with which a job was held concurrently
Provides a list of jobs where an employee held concurrent jobs.
Sex of employee as at 30 June 2012 as reported on the Individual Tax Return.
Total earnings from all jobs held in reference period
The gross amounts paid to employees for work done or time worked (including paid leave) during the reference period. It is the aggregate of total payments (in cash and in kind) received by each employee in all of their jobs, as reported on an Individual Tax Return.