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NOTES In terms of dollar value, the major recipient of cultural funding by the Australian Government was Broadcasting and film, which received $1,168.4m in 2006-07 compared to $1,141.3m in 2005-06, an increase of $27.1m or 2.4%. Despite the $4.4m increase in cultural funding by the Australian Government, a number of categories showed a reduction in funding in 2006-07 when compared to 2005-06. The categories that showed the largest reduction in funding by the Australian Government in 2006-07 were Administration of culture (a fall of $15.8m), Art museums (-$7.5m) and Literature and print media (-$4.5m). The state and territory governments' funding for Nature parks and reserves showed the largest increase, rising $85.1m (8.5%) to $1,086.8m in 2006-07. Performing arts showed the second largest increase in funding of $51.0m (62.7%). The category that recorded the largest decrease in funding by the state and territory governments in 2006-07, when compared to 2005-06, was Libraries and archives which fell by $45.9m, or 10.6%. RECURRENT AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Recurrent expenditure refers mainly to expenditure on wages and salaries, purchases of goods and services, and current grants and subsidies. In 2006-07, recurrent expenditure was $5,044.1m or 89.9% of total cultural funding. The Australian Government allocated $1,870.9m (98.4%) of its cultural funding towards recurrent activity, whereas state and territory governments allocated $2,225.1m (84.6%) and local governments allocated $948.1m (87.5%). Capital expenditure is primarily expenditure on the creation of fixed assets and on the acquisition of land, buildings and intangible assets. In any one year, the amount of funding for cultural activities can be affected by high levels of one-off capital expenditure. The total capital expenditure by all levels of government was $569.4m in 2006-07, a fall of 9.0% on the $625.6m reported in 2005-06 (note this is a revised figure). In 2006-07 the majority of government capital expenditure came from the state and territory governments which, collectively, outlaid $403.7m (70.9% of the total). Local governments spent $135.6m (23.8%) on capital and the Australian government outlaid $30.1m (5.3%). FUNDING BY LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT Australian Government The Australian Government continues to allocate the majority of its cultural funding to Arts activities. In 2006-07 the Australian Government allocated $1,432.6m (or 75.4% of its funding for cultural activities) to Arts activities, while Heritage activities received $468.4m. The majority of federal Arts funding (81.6%) was allocated to Broadcasting and film ($1,168.4m) with $1,027.8m of this funding going to Radio and television services. The largest amount of Heritage funding was allocated to Other museums ($209.5m). State and territory government State and territory governments allocated $2,628.8m to cultural activities. The amount of funding allocated varied between states and territories from $891.6m in New South Wales to $61.5m in the Australian Capital Territory. Across all categories, the largest recipient of state and territory government funding was Nature parks and reserves which received $1,086.8m, accounting for 41.3% of the total cultural funding. Other major recipients were Libraries and archives ($385.7m), Other museums ($310.7m), and Art museums ($187.4m). The state and territory governments traditionally direct the majority of their funds towards Heritage activities. In 2006-07, the state and territory governments allocated $2,112.2m, or 80.3% of their cultural funding to Heritage activities. Of the states and territories, the Northern Territory had the highest proportion of cultural funding allocated to Heritage activities (92.9%) followed by Tasmania (92.4%). Arts activities received $516.7m of the total cultural funding by the state and territory governments with the majority of Arts funding allocated to Performing arts ($132.4m) and Performing arts venues ($132.0m). In all states and territories, apart from the Australian Capital Territory, the category receiving the largest proportion of cultural funding was Nature parks and reserves with this proportion ranging from 32.4% in Victoria to 50.6% in the Northern Territory. In the Australian Capital Territory, $17.2m was allocated to Libraries and $15.0m to Nature parks and reserves. Local government In 2006-07, local government funding for cultural activities was $1,083.7m, which was 19.3% of total cultural funding provided by all levels of government. This was an increase of $79.5m or 7.9% on 2005-06 when local government funding for cultural activities was $1,004.2m. A majority of local government cultural funding was allocated to Libraries in 2006-07 ($619.7m or 57.2%) and in 2005-06 ($595.4m or 59.3%). Most public libraries are funded at the local government level, except in Tasmania, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory where libraries are mainly or solely funded by the state and territory governments. As such, local governments in most states allocated a majority of cultural funding to libraries - New South Wales (59.1% of all local government cultural funding), Victoria (59.0%), Queensland (56.0%) and South Australia (74.5%). Almost half of the local government funding in Western Australia was allocated to Libraries (45.8%), however this proportion was much lower in Tasmania (1%). FUNDING PER PERSON Another way of analysing funding figures is to calculate the amount of funding provided per person. This is calculated by dividing the amount of funding by the number of people in the relevant population. Per person cultural funding provided by all levels of government decreased from $276.73 in 2005-06 to $269.25 in 2006-07, a fall of $7.48. The Australian Government per person contribution to cultural funding fell by $4.75, from $95.93 in 2005-06 to $91.18 in 2006-07. Over the same period, the state and territory governments' contribution decreased by $3.92 per person, from $130.01 in 2005-06 to $126.09 in 2006-07. Local government cultural funding increased $1.19 per person, from $50.79 in 2005-06 to $51.98 in 2006-07. At the state and territory government level, per person funding, which adjusts for the varying populations of Australia's states and territories, reveals that cultural funding per person was significantly higher for the Northern Territory ($326.08) than elsewhere. In the other states and territories, cultural funding per person ranged between $103.29 in Queensland and $187.33 in Tasmania. On a per person basis, the average value of local government funding was $51.98 per person in 2006-07. Local governments in Western Australia contributed $73.42 of cultural funding per person which was $21.44 above the national average. Per person cultural funding by local governments in the other states and territories ranged between $13.73 in the Northern Territory and $57.93 in New South Wales. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.