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EXPLANATORY NOTES 1 The statistics presented in this publication were compiled from data collected in the Multipurpose Household Survey (MPHS) conducted throughout Australia in the 2013–14 financial year as a supplement to the monthly Labour Force Survey (LFS). The MPHS was designed to provide statistics annually for a small number of labour, social and economic topics. The topics collected in 2013–14 were:
2 For all topics, information on labour force characteristics, education, income and other demographics are also available. 3 The publication Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6202.0) contains information about survey design, scope, coverage and population benchmarks relevant to the monthly LFS, which also applies to the MPHS. It also contains definitions of demographic and labour force characteristics, and information about interviewing relevant to both the monthly LFS and MPHS. CONCEPTS SOURCES AND METHODS 4 The conceptual framework used in Australia's LFS aligns closely with the standards and guidelines set out in Resolutions of the International Conference of Labour Statisticians. Descriptions of the underlying concepts and structure of Australia's labour force statistics, and the sources and methods used in compiling these estimates, are presented in Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods (cat. no. 6102.0.55.001). COLLECTION METHODOLOGY 5 ABS interviewers conducted personal interviews by either telephone or at selected dwellings during the 2013–14 financial year. Each month a sample of dwellings were selected for the MPHS from the responding households in the LFS. In these dwellings, after the LFS had been fully completed for each person in the household, a usual resident aged 15 years and over was selected at random and asked the additional MPHS questions in a personal interview. Information for this survey was collected using Computer Assisted Interviewing (CAI), and responses are recorded directly onto an electronic questionnaire in a notebook computer. SCOPE 6 The scope of the LFS is restricted to people aged 15 years and over and excludes the following:
7 In addition the 2013–14 MPHS excluded the following:
COVERAGE 8 In the LFS, coverage rules are applied which aim to ensure that each person is associated with only one dwelling and hence has only one chance of selection in the survey. See Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6202.0) for more details. SAMPLE SIZE 9 The initial sample for the MPHS 2013–14 consisted of approximately 42,100 private dwellings. Of the 35,900 private dwellings that remained in the survey after sample loss (e.g. households with LFS non-response, no residents in scope for the LFS, vacant or derelict dwellings and dwellings under construction), approximately 77% were fully responding to the MPHS. The number of completed interviews obtained from these private dwelling households (after taking into account the scope, coverage and subsampling exclusions) was 27,300 for the work-related injuries survey. ESTIMATION METHODS 10 Weighting is the process of adjusting results from a sample survey to infer results for the total in scope population. To do this, a 'weight' is allocated to each sample unit. For the data in this publication the sample unit is a person. The weight is a value which indicates how many population units are represented by the sample unit. The first step in calculating weights for each unit is to assign an initial weight, which is the inverse of the probability of being selected in the survey. The initial weights are then calibrated to align with independent estimates of the population of interest, referred to as 'benchmarks'. Weights are calibrated against population benchmarks to ensure that the survey estimates conform to the independently estimated distribution of the population rather than the distribution within the sample itself. 11 The statistics presented in this publication have been benchmarked to the Estimated Resident Population for March 2014, independently produced according to the scope of the survey. This ensures that the survey estimates conform to person benchmarks by state, part of state, age and sex. The statistics have been further benchmarked to labour force survey estimates averaged over the 12 month MPHS reference period. This ensures that survey estimates are also consistent with the estimated in-scope population by state, part of state, sex, age and labour force status. 12 LFS estimates are revised every five years to take into account the outcome of the 5-yearly rebasing of the Estimated Resident Population following the latest Census. LFS supplementary survey and MPHS estimates are not revised in this way. Small differences will therefore exist between the civilian population aged 15 years and over reflected in the Labour Force Survey's revised estimates and corresponding estimates from other household surveys. RELIABILITY OF THE ESTIMATES 13 Estimates in this publication are subject to sampling and non-sampling errors:
CLASSIFICATIONS USED 14 Country of birth data are classified according to the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), 2011 (cat. no. 1269.0). 15 Occupation data are classified according to the ANZSCO – Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.2 (cat. no. 1220.0). 16 Industry data are classified according to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 (Revision 2.0) (cat. no. 1292.0). 17 Educational attainment data are classified according to the Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED), 2001 (cat. no. 1272.0). 18 Work-related injuries data are classified according to SafeWork Australia's Type of Occurrence Classifications System (TOOCS). See Appendix 1 for more information.
23 For a more detailed list of available data items and their categories – Work-related injuries 2013–14 Data Items List, is available in a spreadsheet, on the ABS website under the Downloads section. NEXT SURVEY 24 The ABS is planning to collect the Work-related injuries topic again during the 2017–18 financial year. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 25 ABS publications draw extensively on information provided freely by individuals, businesses, governments and other organisations. Their continued co-operation is very much appreciated: without it, the wide range of statistics published by the ABS would not be available. Information received by the ABS is treated in strict confidence as required by the Census and Statistics Act 1905. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Spreadsheets 26 An electronic version of the tables released in this publication are available on the ABS website in spreadsheets attached to this publication. The spreadsheets present the tables and the relative standard errors (RSEs) for each publication table. Microdata record file 27 Work-related injuries 2013-14 microdata data file will also be available via TableBuilder in early 2015. The TableBuilder will be created instead of the Confidentialised Unit Record File that was accessible through RADL for the previous Work-related injuries surveys. Further information is available via the ABS Website. RELATED PUBLICATIONS 28 ABS publications which may also be of interest include:
29 The following may also be of interest: 30 Current publications and other products released by the ABS are available from the Statistics Page on the ABS website. The ABS also issues a daily Release Advice on the website which details products to be released in the week ahead. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.