International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia

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Statistics about international trade in goods and services, on a balance of payments and international trade basis.

Reference period
February 2022

Key statistics

  • The seasonally adjusted balance on goods and services surplus decreased $4,329m to $7,457m in February. 
  • Goods and services credits (exports) rose $120m (0%) to $48,769m, driven by a rise in exports of Non-monetary gold and Cereal grains and cereal preparations. 
  • Goods and services debits (imports) rose $4,449m (12%) to $41,312m, driven by increases in imports of Processed industrial supplies n.e.s and Fuels and lubricants.

Main features

Key Figures, Seasonally Adjusted
  Dec-21 ($m)Jan-22 ($m)Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22
Jan-22 to Feb-22 (%)
Balance on goods and services8,23611,7867,457-4,329na
 Credits (Exports of goods & services)45,84348,64948,769120-
 Debits (Imports of goods & services)-37,607-36,863-41,3124,44912

na not applicable
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)


Changes in this issue

Balance on goods and services

In seasonally adjusted terms, the balance on goods and services was a surplus of $7,457m in February 2022, a decrease of $4,329m on the surplus in January 2022. 

Balance on goods and services(a), seasonally adjusted
   Dec-21 ($m)Jan-22 ($m)Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22 (%)
Balance on goods and services8,23611,7867,457-4,329na
 Total goods and services credits45,84348,64948,769120-
  Total goods credits41,08943,81043,974164-
  Total services credits4,7534,8394,794-45-1
 Total goods and services debits-37,607-36,863-41,3124,44912
  Total goods debits-32,258-31,274-35,4174,14313
  Total services debits-5,348-5,589-5,8953065

na not applicable
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
(a) For sign conventions, see the Explanatory notes.

Goods and services credits (exports), seasonally adjusted

Goods credits

(a) Trend series suspended from March 2019.

Goods credits, seasonally adjusted
 Dec-21 ($m)Jan-22 ($m)Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22 (%)
Total goods credits41,08943,81043,974164-
 General merchandise38,76141,81741,615-202-
  Rural goods5,1995,6455,8281833
  Non-rural goods33,56236,17335,788-385-1
 Net exports of goods under merchanting(a)312431729
 Non-monetary gold(a)2,2971,9692,32835918

- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
(a) This component is not seasonally adjusted.

Rural goods

Non-rural goods

Services credits

(a) Trend series suspended from March 2019.

Services credits, seasonally adjusted
 Dec-21 ($m)Jan-22 ($m)Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22 (%)
Total services credits4,7534,8394,794-45-1
 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others(a)-----
 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.(a)561-5-83
  Postal and courier services(e)13113513611
 Other services2,7682,7852,803181
Memorandum item     
 Tourism related services credits(f)1,6611,7211,664-57-3

- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) 
(a) This component is not seasonally adjusted. 
(b) Passenger transportation services includes agency fees and commissions for air transport. 
(c) This component has been seasonally adjusted using the forward factor method since March 2020 due to the impacts of COVID-19. 
(d) In using these seasonally adjusted series, care should be exercised because of the difficulties associated with reliably estimating the seasonal pattern. 
(e) Postal and courier services includes indirect commissions for sea transport. 
(f) For a more detailed explanation of tourism related services, see the Explanatory notes. 

Goods and services debits (imports), seasonally adjusted

Goods debits

(a) Trend series suspended from March 2019.

Goods debits (imports) (a), seasonally adjusted
 Dec-21 ($m)Jan-22 ($m)Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22 (%)
Total goods debits-32,258-31,274-35,4174,14313
 General merchandise debits-31,687-30,760-34,8354,07513
  Consumption goods-9,739-9,867-11,4981,63117
  Capital goods-7,596-7,258-7,3981402
  Intermediate and other merchandise goods-14,352-13,636-15,9382,30217
 Non-monetary gold(b)-571-514-5826813

(a) For sign conventions, see the Explanatory notes.
(b) This component is not seasonally adjusted.

Consumption goods

Capital goods

Intermediate and other merchandise goods

Services debits

(a) Trend series suspended from March 2019.

Services debits(a), seasonally adjusted
 Dec-21 ($m)Jan-22 ($m)Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22 ($m)Jan-22 to Feb-22 (%)
Total services debits-5,348-5,589-5,8953065
 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others(b)-----
 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.(b)-25-30-20-10-33
  Postal and courier services(e)(f)-27-36-3713
 Other services-3,065-3,108-3,101-7-
Memorandum item     
 Tourism related services debits(g)-287-325-3805517

- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells). 
(a) For sign conventions, see the Explanatory Notes. 
(b) This component is not seasonally adjusted. 
(c) Passenger services includes agency fees and commissions for air transport. 
(d) This component has been seasonally adjusted using the forward factor method since March 2020 due to the impacts of COVID-19.
(e) Postal and courier services includes indirect commissions for sea transport. 
(f) In using these seasonally adjusted series, care should be exercised because of the difficulties associated with reliably estimating the seasonal pattern. 
(g) For a more detailed explanation of tourism related services, see the Explanatory notes. 

Post release changes

08/04/2022 - The February 2022 value for Processed industrial supplies n.e.s. debits has been updated with the correct sign convention.

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 5368.0.

Supplementary information

Selected commodities

Value adjustments


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