Summary by industry
A detailed survey of the construction industry was undertaken for the reference year 1996-97. The survey found that businesses in the construction industry providing predominantly trade services accounted for over 80% of the number of businesses and almost three-quarters of the people working in the industry.
More recent information about the performance of businesses in the industry is available from the ABS Economy Wide Surveys, supplemented by business income tax data.
Selected summary measures of performance for sectors of the construction industry are shown in table 20.1. The construction trade services sector dominated the number of persons employed, with 64% of the total employment in the construction industry in 1999-2000. However, this was significantly lower than in 1996-97.
20.1 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY, Summary of industry performance(a) - 1999-2000
| | General construction | | |
| |
| | |
| | Building construction | | | | |
| |
| | | | |
Selected indicators | Units | Residential construction | Non-residential building construction | Total | Non-building construction | Total | Construction trade services | Total construction |
Employment (1999-2000 annual average) | '000 | n.a. | n.a. | 187 | 62 | 249 | 447 | 696 |
Total operating income | $m | 26,700 | 14,563 | 41,263 | 14,639 | 55,901 | 46,767 | 102,669 |
Total operating expenses | $m | 25,491 | 13,753 | 39,245 | 14,094 | 53,338 | 39,780 | 93,118 |
Operating profit before tax | $m | 1,858 | 750 | 2,608 | 572 | 3,180 | 7,195 | 10,376 |
(a) Estimates in tables 20.1 and 20.2 differ marginally due to differences in the timing of their production. |
Source: Australian Industry, 1999-2000 (8155.0); Labour Force, Australia, June 2000 (6203.0). |
Summary by state
Selected statistics by state show that New South Wales had the largest share of construction activity in 1999-2000, which was in part due to the preparations for the Olympic Games (table 20.2).
20.2 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY, Summary of state/territory performance(a) - 1999-2000
| | NSW | Vic. | Qld | SA | WA | Tas. | NT | ACT | Aust. |
| | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Operating income | | | | | | | | | |
| General construction | 20,887 | 11,540 | 12,298 | 2,833 | 6,252 | 550 | 576 | 965 | 55,901 |
| Construction trade services | 17,342 | 10,161 | 9,186 | 3,463 | 4,720 | 695 | 442 | 756 | 46,767 |
Operating expenses | | | | | | | | | |
| General construction | 19,837 | 11,279 | 11,550 | 2,768 | 5,973 | 509 | 524 | 897 | 53,338 |
| Construction trade services | 14,934 | 8,659 | 7,785 | 3,060 | 3,796 | 566 | 350 | 629 | 39,780 |
Operating profit before tax | 3,879 | 2,022 | 2,189 | 495 | 1,262 | 171 | 153 | 205 | 10,376 |
Labour costs | 5,723 | 3,316 | 2,902 | 892 | 1,662 | 195 | 137 | 236 | 15,061 |
(a) Estimates in tables 20.1 and 20.2 differ marginally due to differences in the timing of their production. |
Source: Experimental Estimates, Australian Industry, a State Perspective, 1999-2000 (8156.0). |