Health and Education

Data Integration Project Register

Rename of MADIP to PLIDA

The Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) was renamed the Person Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA) in 2023. Historical documents and projects retain their references to MADIP.

Understanding socio-demographic cohorts in the COVID-19 vaccines strategy

Commencement date: April 2021
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

The Department of Health is coordinating the COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Strategy (‘the Strategy’). One of the goals of the Strategy is that Australians will receive safe and effective vaccines under a targeted and responsive national COVID-19 vaccination policy and immunisation program. This project will inform the Strategy by using deidentified data in MADIP linked to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) dataset to enable more granular breakdowns and analysis of selected socio-demographic cohorts in the administration of COVID-19 vaccines, and allow policy interventions to be targeted accordingly.


Successful implementation of the Strategy is a high priority for the Australian and state/territory governments. Understanding which population groups may be under-serviced by the administration of the vaccine is critical to fulfilling the objectives of the Strategy and ultimately achieving a high-level of vaccination among the total Australian population. Research questions answered by this project will contribute to developing or modifying vaccination policies and programs.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)
- National Health Survey (2017-18)

- Personal Income Tax (2018/19 to 2020/21)
- DOMINO Centrelink Administrative Data (2020)

- Medicare Benefits Schedule (2020)
- Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (2020)
- Medicare Consumer Directory (2020)

- Death Registrations (2019)

- Migration (2018)
Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
- Department of Social Services

- Department of Health

- State and Territory Registrars of Births, Deaths and Marriage

- Department of Home Affairs
Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) (from 2010)Department of Health
Aged Care Provider data, public dataset at GEN Aged Care DataDepartment of Health
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) (from 2019)National Disability Insurance Agency
Taxable Payment Annual Report (TPAR), from Residential Aged Care Facilities, Payee Data (2020/21)Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) - Pathways from education to employment South Australia

Commencement date: May 2021
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

The National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) is a joint integrated data project aiming to bring together Commonwealth and state and territory data to better understand the life experiences and outcomes of people with disability in Australia. The NDDA aims to contribute to improved outcomes for people with disability, their families and carers.

An 18-month pilot phase for the NDDA began in April 2020. Five government test cases were undertaken to demonstrate the potential of using linked data to support improved policy development, program design and service delivery for people with disability. This project, led by South Australia, is one of the five test cases and focusses on pathways from education to employment.

The project explores the barriers to employment, identifies background and pathway factors that explain variations in outcomes, identifies supports which help to close the gap between people with disability and the general population, and describes the pathways into employment or further education for young adults with disability.


Understanding the interaction between people with disability and the education and employment systems is valuable. Project findings will help inform the design of an enduring NDDA, and support improved policy development and program design, facilitating improved education to employment outcomes for people with disability.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)
- Census of Population and Housing (2016)

- Personal Income Tax (2010/11 to 2018/19)
- Payment Summary data (2010/11 to 2018/19)

- Higher Education Information Management Systems (HEIMS) (2005 to 2019)
- Vocational Education and Training custom extract (2015 to 2019)

- DOMINO Centrelink Administrative Data (2005 to 2020)
Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

- Department of Education, Skills and Employment

- Department of Social Services
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) (2013 to 2020)National Disability Insurance Agency
SA Linkage Project Dataset:
- Disability Services National Minimum Dataset (2005 to 2019)
- National Death Index (1996 to 2020)
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)
SA School Enrolment Census (2005 to 2019)SA Department of Education
SA National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) (2008 to 2019)SA Department of Education
SA Certificate of Education (SACE) (2014 to 2019)SACE Board of South Australia

National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) - Identification of people with a disability in linked administrative data

Commencement date: June 2021
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

The National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) is a joint integrated data project aiming to bring together Commonwealth and state and territory data to better understand the life experiences and outcomes of people with disability in Australia. The NDDA aims to contribute to improved outcomes for people with disability, their families and carers.

An 18-month pilot phase for the NDDA began in April 2020. Five government test cases were undertaken to demonstrate the potential of using linked data to support improved policy development, program design and service delivery for people with disability. This project supports the Outcomes Measurement test case being led by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services.

This project tests:

  • the NDDA’s capacity to create an indicator for people with disability based on existing administrative data, and
  • the NDDA’s suitability for reporting against the future National Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework using data on housing-related supports.


The NDDA aims to deliver a more complete picture of the supports and services that enhance the life outcomes of people with disability. Investigating whether cross-system data matching can provide an accurate and complete indicator for people with disability is critical for informing the design of an enduring NDDA. By having a deeper understanding of the extent to which people with disability interact with the broader housing supports system, and the impact of services and supports on their outcomes, governments will be able to plan for better support services.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)
- Combined demographics
- Census of Population and Housing (2016)
- Survey of Disability, Aging and Carers (2018)

- Personal Income Tax (2010/11 to 2018/19)
- Payment Summary data (2010/11 to 2018/19)
- Client Register (2006 to 2020)

- Medicare Consumer Directory (2006 to 2020)

- DOMINO Centrelink Administrative Data (2006 to 2020)

- Death registrations (2007 to 2019)
Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

- Services Australia

- Department of Social Services

- State and Territory Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages
National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) Pilot dataset extract (2010 to 2020) created from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) hosted component of the project.Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) on behalf of the custodians with data contributing to the extract.

This includes DOMINO, NDIS, Disability Services National Minimum Dataset, Specialist Homelessness Services Collection, and the Public Housing (PH) and State Owned and Managed Indigenous Housing (SOMIH) data collections.

Veterans Health and Welfare Research

Commencement date:
Project status:

Project Summary

In 2014, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) established a research partnership to build a comprehensive profile of the health and welfare of Australia’s veteran population. This project involves the analysis of data to support the AIHW–DVA research partnership.

As a result of integrating Veteran information with MADIP analysis will be undertaken to describe the characteristics of the veteran population. Analysis will be based on the veteran-centred model (VCM) which identifies 7 domains for measuring health and welfare: housing; education and skills; employment; income and finance; health; social support; and justice and safety.


The findings of the project will be used to inform targeted policies, programs and interventions aimed at improving health and welfare services. Organisations supporting veterans, including Commonwealth Government Departments and service providers, will gain a better understanding of veterans’ needs.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)Australian Bureau of Statistics
Veterans Population Spine and Analytical Dataset (2001 to 2018)Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Department of Defence and Department of Veterans' Affairs.

Their Futures Matter (NSW)

Commencement date: 11 June 2020
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This Project, led by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, aims to deliver insights that will inform priority setting and resource allocation across government to focus on improving the long-term outcomes for vulnerable children or young people and their families at the earliest opportunity. To this end, the Project uses longitudinal de-identified linked government administrative data to create a data platform to: 

  • serve as an evidence-based tool to support new policies and interventions aimed at improving the outcomes for vulnerable children and young people; and
  • support the evaluation of the effectiveness of public policies and interventions.


The benefits to the community of this initiative are: 

  • supporting the identification of trends and gaps in government service usage and delivery for vulnerable children and their families, including around education outcomes, rates of incarceration, mental illness, out-of-home-care, and employment;
  • better tailoring of services to suit the needs of vulnerable children and their families;
  • delivery of clear evidence on service, support and program effectiveness;
  • provision of valuable information for research and planning of government supports and services;
  • supporting the implementation of new policies and program development directed to improving outcomes for vulnerable children and their families.
DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)

Australian Early Development Census (2009, 2012, 2015, 2018)
Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE)
Their Futures Matter Human Services Data Set (1 January 1990 to 30 June 2019)NSW Department of Communities and Justice

Total VET Activity Linked to MADIP

Commencement date: October 2020
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project links Vocation Education and Training (VET) data to the MADIP environment, to allow for the analysis of the income, welfare and employment characteristics of students who are undertaking or have undertaken VET. The analysis of the data will be used to enhance the evidence base on the pathways people take pre and post VET.

There will be two linked datasets created as part of this project. The first to be conducted in 2020 using Total Vet Activity (TVA) data from 2015-18 and the second to be conducted in 2021 using 2019 TVA data and any additional years of MADIP data available on the spine at that time.


The analysis of this data will inform two recommendations from the Independent Review of the Vocation Education and Training Sector (2019): 

  • 5.8 The National Skills Commission to develop performance indicators using existing and future data sources to measure the outcomes and effectiveness of government investment in the VET sector, and
  • 6.5 The National Careers Institute to use a linked dataset incorporating Australian Taxation Office and Department of Human Services data on outcomes flowing from different qualification.

VET Activity data will also greatly benefit other education, employment and broader social projects aiming to capture student engagement, post-schooling pathways, as well as employment and social outcomes from engagement in the VET industry. These data will provide a national view of the Australian VET system for the reference years 2015 to 2019.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)

- Census of Population and Housing (2016)

- Personal Income Tax (2013 to 2019)

- Social Security and Related Information (2013 to 2019)
Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australia Tax Office

- Department of Social Services
Total VET Activity (2015-2019)Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE)

Early Childhood Outcomes (NSW)

Commencement date: November 2020
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project aims to develop an outcomes framework that can be used to measure, monitor and track the impact that early childhood education (ECE) program participation has on the developmental outcomes of children in NSW. By understanding the link between ECE and experiences in the first years of formal schooling, this project will provide the evidence base required to identify reliable and robust measures and indicators for inclusion in the framework.

The anticipated output of the project will be an analytical report and custom data extracts used by the NSW Department of Education used to inform education policy related to ECE and the developmental outcomes of children in NSW. 


The project will provide increased understanding of the impact of ECE on schooling outcomes and how services should be prioritised. It will also develop a clear business case for the value of ECE, and develop specific outcome measures that allow the tracking of NSW progress in providing high quality ECE.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)Australian Bureau of Statistics
NSW Long Day Care submission for National Early Childhood Education and Care Collection (2013, 2015)

NSW Family Day Care data (2013, 2015)
Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Best Start Kindergarten (2015, 2018, 2019)

NAPLAN Year 3 (2018)

NSW Community and Government Preschool Data (2013, 2014, 2016-18)
NSW Department of Education

Births Data: Coverage study of Births Registration data and the Person Linkage Spine

Commencement date: 26 May 2020
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

With the agreement of the State and Territory Registrars, the ABS is undertaking a single quality study, linking Births Registration data to MADIP to explore the coverage of infants and children on the Person Linkage Spine. Underpinning MADIP is a Person Linkage Spine, created through a three-way linkage between the Medicare Consumer Directory, DOMINO Centrelink Administrative Data, and Personal Income Tax.


This study will enable the ABS to provide better quality information to MADIP users about the Person Linkage Spine coverage to improve analyses. The study may also provide some insights into patterns of registration that would be of benefit to the Registrars of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)

Personal Income Tax data:
- Client Register (2006-2019)
- PAYG Payment Summaries (2010 to 2017/18)
- Client Data Income Tax Returns (2010 to 2017/18)

- Medicare Consumer Directory (2006 to June 2019)

- DOMINO Centrelink Administrative Data (2006 to June 2019)
Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Taxation Office

- Department of Health

- Department of Social Services
Births registrations data (2006-2018)State and Territory Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages

Childhood Integrated Longitudinal Dataset (CHILD) Pilot Project

Commencement date: November 2019
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

The Childhood Integrated Longitudinal Dataset (CHILD) Pilot Project provides a feasibility study with the key functions to assess the accuracy of estimating the Year Before Full-time Schooling (YBFS) cohort, and to provide insight into the future of the teacher’s workforce, through utilising integrated data assets.


The project will create an up-to-date administrative population base to assess the feasibility of informing early childhood and school education national reporting indicators.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)

- Census of Population and Housing (2016)

- Personal Income Tax (2010-11 to 2015-16)

- Social Security and Related Information (2010/11 to 2015/16)

- Medicare Enrolments Database (2006 to 2016)

- Higher Education Information Management System data (2005 to 2016)

- Death Registrations (2007 to 2016)

- Migration data (2004 to 2019)
Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Taxation Office

- Department of Health

- Department of Human Services

- Department of Education

- State and Territory Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages

- Department of Home Affairs

National Quality Standard (NQS) and CCMS to MADIP

Commencement date: February 2020
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project adds additional data items to the 2019 DIPA Policy Deliver plan “The First Five years: What makes a difference?”. Additional data comes from the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) and reports on the National Quality Standard (NQS) 2013-2017

The NQS includes 7 quality areas that are important outcomes for children. These data items along with the CCMS link to MADIP use administrative data covering enrolment and attendance of children aged 4-6, and their associated carers. The data will only be provided to authorised and will not be used for other purposes.


In line with the broader benefits outlined by “The First Five years” project, this addition will allow researchers to better understand influencing factors, circumstances and outcomes of disadvantaged children, to improve life trajectories.

It will generate a comprehensive child-centred data asset for use by all Australian Government agencies. Broader benefits include improved delivery of government services to citizens, reduced cost of government services, and enhanced capability within agencies to use data for evidence-based policy or service delivery.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)

- Census of Population and Housing (2016)
- National Health Survey (2014-15)
- Survey of Disability, Aging and Carers (2018)

- Personal Income Tax (2010-11 to 2017-18)
- Payment Summary (2010-11 to 2017-18)

- Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (2011 to 2018)
- Medicare Benefits Schedule (2011 to 2018)
- Social Security and Related Information (2009 to 2018)

- Medicare Enrolments Database (2006 to 2018)

- Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) (2015, 2018)

- Death Registrations (2007 to 2018)

- Migration data (2009 to 2018)

Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Taxation Office

- Department of Health

- Department of Human Services

- Department of Education

- State and Territory Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages

- Department of Home Affairs

Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program (AAIP) and Training Contracts (2011-2016)Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business
Data Exchange (DEX) data (2010 to 2018)Department of Social Services
Child Care Management System (2010 to 2018)Department of Education

Understanding the drivers of poor learning progress

Commencement date: October 2019
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project, led by the Department of Education, will identify opportunities to lift the learning trajectories of students by exploring the influence and prevalence of out-of-school factors on academic progress.

This project will: 

  • focus on trajectories of learning progress rather than point-in-time achievement
  • support social policy development to improve overall student life course outcomes
  • investigate the impact of personal, family and community factors on learning
  • identify potential intervention points to improve student learning trajectories.


Insights from this project will help improve service delivery to communities and families by better identifying students in need of targeted support.

This project will enhance the capacity of social policy agencies to prioritise reforms and support development of effective and timely interventions to promote student learning. This can reduce downstream expenditure on poor health, welfare dependency, and remedial education.

This project will strengthen understanding of the risk factors that affect student learning trajectories, and promote collaborations between social policy agencies and states/territories to improve outcomes for students. In particular, it will give states and territories an insight into contextual factors that influence schooling outcomes, supporting partnerships between governments at all levels to understand and improve learning trajectories.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)

- Census of Population and Housing (2011)

- Personal Income Tax (2010/11 to 2015/16)

- Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (2011 to 2016)
- Medicare Benefits Schedule (2011 to 2016)

- Medicare Enrolments Database (2009 to 2016)

- Social Security and Related Information (2009-2016)

- Australian Early Development Census (2009)

- Death registrations (2009 to 2016)

- Migration data (2000 to 2018)
Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Taxation Office

- Department of Health

- Department of Human Services

- Department of Social Services

- Department of Education

- State and Territory Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages

- Department of Home Affairs
Queensland NAPLAN data (2010 to 2018)
Population coverage and reference years: state school students who were in Year 3 during 2010, 2011 and 2012
Queensland Department of Education

VET Register to ABS Business Register

Commencement date: 20/04/2020
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project links publicly available data from the National Register on Vocational Education and Training with an extract of the ABS Business Register and the BAS Benchmarks Dataset. The dataset will be used to estimate the number of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) that would be eligible for funding under the recently announced COVID-19 Stimulus packages. Only aggregate de-identified data will be released for this project.


This project supports the Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, by assisting analysis of the implementation and effectiveness of policy responses and outcomes for the RTO sector.

DatasetsData Custodians
National Register on Vocational Education and Training (March 2020)Department of Education Skills and Employment (DESE)
Australian Bureau of Statistics Business Register (ABSBR) extract (2018-19)Australian Business Register (ABR)
Business Activity Statement (BAS) benchmarks dataset (2018-19)Australian Tax Office (ATO)

Use of predicted household characteristics for National Health Survey design

Commencement date: January 2020
Project status: Completed

Project Summary

The purpose of the project is to improve the National Health Survey (NHS) sample design by predicting the household size and number of children for every household on the ABS address register. These predictions were used to inform the selected household sample in line with usual ABS procedures that protects the privacy of the household.

This will increase the efficiency of the sample design, producing an expected improvement in quality in the estimates equivalent to an 8% sample boost with an emphasis on improved child estimates, without increasing the overall burden on Australian households to respond to the National Health Survey.


This project will deliver improved accuracy of estimates across the 2020-21 National Health Survey, in particular estimates relating to children, to better inform policy outcomes.

DatasetsData Custodians
Census of Population and Housing (Census) (2016)Australian Bureau of Statistics
National Health Survey Frame (2019)Australian Bureau of Statistics

Healthy mind, healthy body

Commencement date: September 2019
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project, led by the Department of Health, aims to build knowledge and a better understanding of the association between physical health conditions and mental health conditions.


The project may improve policy interventions, and has the potential to inform further developments of social security payments and the provision of appropriate support services for people with mental and physical health conditions.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)Australian Bureau of Statistics
Data Exchange (DEX) data (2015 to 2018)Department of Social Services

Feasibility study: Linkage of National Disability Insurance Scheme data to MADIP

Commencement date: 24/09/2019
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This is a feasibility study looking at the linkage of NDIS data with the MADIP.

The NDIS is a nationally-based disability care and support scheme being rolled out across Australia (full roll-out by July 2020) which has significantly changed the way disability support services are funded and delivered. As a result, the disability data and policy landscapes are evolving and there are significant challenges around the availability of robust and efficient data sources to give a complete picture of the circumstances of people living with disability.
Integration of NDIS data with the MADIP could provide significant value in helping to build a richer picture of Australians living with disability.

Integration will predominantly provide insight into Scheme participants and their characteristics, care pathways and outcomes, and how they compare with other groups in the population. Specific analysis planned for this study will focus on participants’ health and wellbeing and their housing and economic circumstances.


The feasibility study will enable the ABS to explore and understand the complexities around linkage of NDIS data with the MADIP (eg: governance, methodological, weighting, analytical and access).

Learnings and recommendations from this pilot will ensure the ABS is well set-up to guide and undertake any possible future linkage of NDIS data.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)
National Health Survey
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS)
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)

Medicare Enrolments Database (MEDB)

Social Security and Related Information

Personal Income Tax
Department of Health

Department of Human Services (DHS)

Department of Social Services

Australian Tax Office (ATO)
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) data (as at 30 June 2019)National Disability Insurance Authority (NDIA)

The first five years: What makes a difference?

Commencement date: September 2019
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project, led by the Department of Education, seeks to better understand influencing factors, circumstances, and outcomes of disadvantaged children, to improve life trajectories.


This project aims to reveal new insights that may contribute to new policies or adjustments to policy settings that improve services to Australian children and families.

This project offers the opportunity to reduce the lifetime welfare and health costs to government through early childhood policy interventions that reduce the need for intervention later in life.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)

- Census of Population and Housing (2016)
- National Health Survey (2014-15)

- Personal Income Tax (2010-11 to 2017-18)
- Payment Summary (2010-11 to 2017-18)

- Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (2011 to 2018)
- Medicare Benefits Schedule (2011 to 2018)
- Social Security and Related Information (2009 to 2018)

- Medicare Enrolments Database (2006 to 2018)

- Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) (2015, 2018)

- Death Registrations (2007 to 2018)

- Migration data (2009 to 2018)
Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Taxation Office

- Department of Health

- Department of Human Services

- Department of Education

- State and Territory Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages

- Department of Home Affairs
Australian Immunisation Register (2010 to 2018)Department of Human Services
Data Exchange (DEX) data (2010 to 2018)Department of Social Services
Child Care Management System (2010 to 2018)Department of Education

Using linked data to investigate the role of sociodemographic factors in cancer

Commencement date: 24/09/2019
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

The purpose of this project is to assist in understanding the sociodemographic characteristics of persons screened for or diagnosed with cancer, for which limited information is currently available. It will be particularly important for specific population groups (such as culturally and linguistically diverse groups).


Information on demographic and socioeconomic factors is often insufficiently captured in administrative data sources, such as cancer registries. The combination of MADIP and Cancer data will provide insight into how demographic and socioeconomic factors, such as education, employment status, ethnicity and income can influence cancer screening behaviours, incidence, treatment, mortality and survival. This linkage will allow these data gaps to be filled and a greater understanding of the importance of these factors in all stages of the cancer journey to be gained.

This research can help improve Australia’s understanding and support of people who require Cancer health services and assist with the design of better programs of support and prevention. By informing innovative approaches to cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care, the project aims to improve outcomes for people living with cancer.

DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)

- Census of Population and Housing (2011, 2016)
- National Health Survey (2014/15 to 2015/16)

- Personal Income Tax (2010/11 to 2015/16)

- Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (2011-2016)
- Medicare Benefits Schedule (2011-2016)

- Medicare Enrolments Database (2006-2016)

- Social Security and Related Information (2009-2016)

- Death Registrations (2007-2016)
Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Bureau of Statistics

- Australian Taxation Office

- Department of Health

- Department of Human Services

- Department of Social Services

- State and Territory Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages
NSW Linked Cancer dataset:
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality (1972–2016)
- BreastScreen NSW (1988–2016)
- NSW Pap Test Registry (1996–2017)
Cancer Institute NSW

Direct measure of capacity to contribute for non-government school funding

Commencement date: 08/01/2019
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

Conducted under the Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) for the National School Resourcing Board, this project enables a finer level, timelier, and more accurate understanding of the measures used to allocate funding to non-government schools. The data will be used to create a direct income measure to determine the capacity of a non-government school community to contribute financially to their school.

The new arrangements for using a direct income measure to determine the capacity of a school community to contribute to their school will be phased in from 2020. More background is available on the Department of Education and Training website.


This project is a key component in the future development of improved models for allocating funding to the non-government sector in the most effective and efficient manner.

DatasetsData Custodians
Census of Population and HousingAustralian Bureau of Statistics
Student Residential Address and Other Information (Student) collectionDepartment of Education
Personal Income TaxAustralian Taxation Office
Social Security and Related InformationDepartment of Social Services

Transition from education to work

Commencement date: 27/08/2018
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project combines higher education data with the Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) to enable analysis of health and social factors affecting peoples’ transitions from tertiary education to work.

In particular, this project seeks to understand the significant social and health risk factors that prevent Australians from completing their studies or effectively transitioning from tertiary education (Vocational Education and Training and universities) into employment, and how these factors go on to affect lifetime employment and other social outcomes.


The benefits of this project include:

  • Evidence to support more targeted social, health, and welfare support policies leading to long term cost savings for the government, improved student loan repayment rates, and better long-term outcomes for disadvantaged Australians.
  • Improved ability for agencies to use data for evidence-based policy or service delivery through integration of education data and MADIP, as well as cross-portfolio collaboration.
DatasetsData Custodians
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) integrated assetAustralian Bureau of Statistics
Higher Education Management System, 2005-2016Australian Government Department of Education

Pathways for the future - Reform project

Commencement date: 26/07/2018
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project will analyse education to employment pathways for young people aged 15 to 24 years in NSW over the period 1996-2016. The analysis will identify the factors, drivers, and characteristics associated with completion of school, post-school education (vocational education and training and higher education), and attainment of work.


In addition to providing valuable insights to inform prospective students about different pathways of study, the project’s findings will provide evidence to inform government policies and programs that help young people transition through the education system and into meaningful employment.

DatasetsData Custodians
Census of Population and HousingAustralian Bureau of Statistics
Demographic information from Medicare Enrolment DatabaseDepartment of Health
Personal Income TaxAustralian Taxation Office
Social Security and Related InformationDepartment of Social Services
Apprentices and Trainees & NSW Student Outcome Survey Smart, Skilled and Hired dataNSW Department of Industry
Vocational Education and Training dataNSW Department of Industry TAFE NSW NSW Education Standards Authority
NSW public school enrolment and student characteristics NSW public school workforce profile (teachers)NSW Department of Education
NAPLAN, Record of School Achievement, Higher School CertificateNSW Education Standards Authority
Higher EducationDepartment of Education

Vulnerable and disadvantaged children data integration project

Commencement date: 01/07/2017
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project explores the characteristics of vulnerable families and children, and the factors influencing those children's outcomes to support research into risk/protective factors.


The project helps to inform policy and practice and investment of resources by government in childhood development.

DatasetsData Custodians
National Early Childhood Education and Care Collection
Census of Population and Housing
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Australian Early Development Census
Commonwealth Childcare Management System
Australian Government Department of Education
Social Security and Related InformationDepartment of Social Services
National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) dataAustralian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Authority

Coordination of health care

Commencement date: 22/02/2017
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This is the first study in Australia to look in detail at the coordination and continuity of care experienced by patients in the health system. It is fully funded by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.


Many patients experience fragmented health care that negatively impacts on their outcomes and also can lead to increases in health system costs. The study will help support local reporting on patient experiences of coordination and continuity of health care and define areas for improvement.

DatasetsData Custodians
Survey of Health Care 2016Australian Bureau of Statistics
Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) 2014-2018
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 2014-2018
Department of Health
Hospital admissions and Emergency Department presentations 2014-2018State/territory health departments


13/08/2019 - Case Study: Coordination of Health Care

18/12/2018 - Coordination of Health Care Study: Use of Health Services and Medicines, Australia, 2015-16 (cat. no. 4343.0.55.001)
This publication focuses on use of and experiences with MBS subsidised services and PBS subsidised medicines in 2015-16 by people aged 45 years and over who had at least one general practitioner visit between November 2014 and November 2015.

20/09/2017 - Survey of Health Care, Australia, 2016 (cat. no. 4343.0)
This publication focuses on understanding experiences with coordination and continuity of care by people aged 45 years and over who had at least one general practitioner visit between November 2014 and November 2015.

Early learning and development integrated dataset

Commencement date: 11/03/2016
Project status: Completed

Project Summary

This integrated dataset was created to better understand the interactions between:

  • Children's development in their first year of full-time schooling (physical health and well-being, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive skills, and communication and general knowledge)
  • Preschool enrolment and attendance
  • The assessed quality of education and care service providers.

The project also provides an evidence base for interventions in the early childhood education system targeted at helping reduce the vulnerability of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

This project was the first step in establishing a national dataset for early childhood education to explore complex questions particularly relating to the effectiveness of government policy and resourcing of programs.


This dataset assists evidence based decision making and policy interventions to improve early childhood education and development outcomes.

DatasetsData Custodians
National Early Childhood Education and Care CollectionAustralian Bureau of Statistics
Australian Early Development CensusAustralian Government Department of Education
National Quality Standard DataAustralian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority

Interactions between socio-economic factors and the use of mental health services and prescription medication in Australia

Commencement date: 14/08/2014
Project status: Completed

Project Summary

This project was initiated on behalf of the National Mental Health Commission to inform the National Review of Mental Health Services and Programmes.

The project brought together Census data with information from administrative data on people accessing subsidised mental health-related services and prescription medication.

Analysis of the integrated data could answer questions about the relationship between mental health-related services and/or medication use and key socio-economic information such as education, employment, and housing.


This project will help:

  • Support analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of mental health services in Australia
  • Support improvements in the provisions of mental health services which, in turn, benefits all Australians through
DatasetsData Custodians
2011 Census of Population and Housing
Mortality, Enhanced Characteristics, Australia 2011-12
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Medicare Benefits Schedule 2011
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme 2011
Department of Health
Medicare Enrolments Database 2011Department of Human Services


08/09/2017 - Mortality of People Using Mental Health Services and Prescription Medications, Analysis of 2011 data (cat. no. 4329.0.00.006)
This publication presents information on mortality of persons using mental health-related services and prescription medications in 2011.

03/06/2016 - Cultural and Linguistic Characteristics of People Using Mental Health Services and Prescription Medications, 2011 (cat. no. 4329.0.00.001)
This publication provides an overview of selected cultural and linguistic characteristics of people using subsidised mental health services and prescription medications.

13/05/2016 - Housing Circumstances of People Using Mental Health Services and Prescription Medications, 2011 (cat. no. 4329.0.00.002)
This publication provides an overview of selected housing circumstances of people using subsidised mental health-related services and prescription medications.

24/03/2016 - Patterns of Use of Mental Health Services and Prescription Medications, 2011 (cat. no. 4329.0.0.003)
This publication further explores patterns of use of subsidised mental health-related services and prescription medications, including combinations of types of treatments.

28/10/2014 - Characteristics of people using mental health services and prescription medication, 2011 (cat. no. 4329.0)
This publication provides an overview of social and economic characteristics of people using subsidised mental health-related services and subsidised prescription medication including the type of services or medication these people are accessing.

Measuring educational outcomes over the life-course

Commencement date: 05/10/2013
Project status: Completed

Project Summary

This project assessed the feasibility of bringing together a range of datasets to examine the impact of personal, family, social, and economic characteristics on school achievement and child development over time.


This project has resulted in a better understanding of the factors that impact school achievement and child development, providing information for evidence-based decision making aimed at improving educational outcomes.

DatasetsData Custodians
2011 Census of Population and HousingAustralian Bureau of Statistics
National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) dataAustralian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Authority
Australian Early Development CensusAustralian Government Department of Education
Tasmanian government school enrolmentsThe Department of Education Tasmania
Queensland government school enrolmentsQueensland Department of Education, Training, and Employment


15/12/2014 - Educational Outcomes, Experimental Estimates, Queensland, 2011 (cat. no. 4261.3)
This publication presents information on the socioeconomic context of school achievement in Queensland.

30/07/2014 - Outcomes from Vocational Education and Training in Schools, experimental estimates, Australia, 2006-2011 (cat. no. 4260.0)
This publication presents information on the characteristics of students engaged in vocational education and training in school, and their outcomes such as further study and participation in the labour market.

28/07/2014 - Educational Outcomes, Experimental Estimates, Tasmania, 2006-2013 (cat. no. 4261.6)
This publication presents information on the socioeconomic context of school achievement in Tasmania.

Census education quality study

Commencement date: 14/06/2013
Project status: Completed

Project Summary

This study tested the feasibility of bringing together state and territory government school enrolment data with Census data to enable analysis of the characteristics of students and their families. The study also explored the viability of data integration as a tool for improving and extending the range of education data currently available, and explored data about transitions throughout and beyond school.


This data can reveal significant insights for researchers into the educational pathways and outcomes of Australia’s students to provide a basis for informing policy development and research in education. The study also constructed the infrastructure for conducting future data integration projects between education data and the Census.

DatasetsData Custodians
2011 Census of Population and HousingAustralian Bureau of Statistics
QLD 2010 and 2011 Government School Enrolment datasetsQueensland Department of Education and Training
SA 2010-11 Government School Enrolment datasetsSouth Australian Department of Education and Training
TAS 2010-11 Government School enrolment datasetsTasmanian Department of Education
NT 2010-11 Government school enrolment datasetsNorthern Territory Department of Education and Training


21/03/2014 - Research Paper: Assessing the quality of Different Data Linking Methodologies Across Time, using Northern Territory Government School Enrolment Data, March 2014 (cat. no. 1351.0.55.046)
This feasibility study assesses the suitability and quality of four different deterministic linkage methods, all of which link data without requiring full name and address.

21/03/2014 - Research Paper: Assessing the quality of Different Data Linking Methodologies Across Time, using Tasmanian Government School Enrolment Data, March 2014 (cat. no. 1351.0.55.047)
This feasibility study provided additional evidence on the quality and accuracy of using the Statistical Linkage Key 581 as a linkage method for education and training data integration projects.

21/03/2014 - Research Paper – Investigating Algorithms to Report on Indigenous Status Where Status Differs for Student Records Across Years, March 2014 (cat. no. 1351.0.55.048)
This feasibility study investigates the consistency of the reporting of Indigenous status across time, and where Indigenous status changes over time, investigating the most appropriate decision rules or ‘algorithm’ to determine Indigenous status for use in analysis and reporting.

13/12/2013 - Assessing the Quality of Linking School Enrolment Records to 2011 Census Data: Deterministic Linkage Methods (cat. no. 1351.0.55.045)
This paper compares the quality of several linkage methods used for the ABS CDE Education Quality Study.

30/04/2013 - Assessing the Quality of Linking School Enrolment Records to 2011 Census Data (cat. no. 1351.0.55.041)
This paper details the methodology used in the linkage process, the outcome of the project, and the quality of the resultant datasets.

Vocational Education and Training in schools to Census Linkage Project

Commencement date: 04/04/2013
Project status: In progress

Project Summary

This project will look at participation in Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs in schools to see if it leads to positive outcomes for students over time. It will examine:

  • Employment and further study pathways VET in Schools students engage in post-school,
  • The contribution VET makes to the national pool of STEM skills, and
  • How well VET in Schools programs equip students with the skills required for participation in a variety of different employment and education pathways.


This project will provide richer information about the socio-economic and demographic backgrounds, education pathways, and outcomes of participants in VET in Schools. The data shows whether students went onto further study, the highest qualification they attained, whether they are currently employed or studying and the level of income attained. It helps policy makers use evidence to learn about the outcomes achieved from programs and policies.

DatasetsData Custodians
2011 Census of Population and Housing
2016 Census of Population and Housing
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Vocational Education and Training in Schools data (2011)National Centre for Vocational Education Research

Post-School Destinations Project

Commencement date: November 2021
Project Status: In progress

Project Summary

The Post-School Destinations proof of concept data linkage project will investigate whether linked administrative data can be used to improve the quality and reliability of data used by governments, as well as support research that identifies the factors affecting a student’s educational journey.

The project will aim to investigate the following research questions:

  • What are the post-school destinations and outcomes (including outcomes such as Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) for students at the national and state/territory level?
  • What are the post-school destinations and outcomes for students from disadvantaged backgrounds?
  • To what extent are students who have personal and/or family financial pressures at risk of poorer outcomes (measured by SES quartiles)?

The project will analyse cohorts of students who undertook Year 7 and Year 9 NAPLAN assessments between 2009 and 2017 (inclusive). Participating State Governments supply student information enrolment, attainment and NAPLAN results.  Demographic information from MADIP will be used to research post-school outcomes for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Planning for the project commenced in mid-2020, with data acquired in mid-2021 and linked in late 2021-early 2022.


As outlined in the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration, “education plays a vital role in promoting the development and wellbeing of young Australians and in ensuring Australia’s ongoing economic prosperity and social cohesion.” To achieve this goal, the Australian government in conjunction with states and territories have a commitment to improving educational outcomes for students and creating lifelong learners.

The resulting dataset will aid governments in understanding the relationship between student performance and attainment, and post school outcomes, including participation in tertiary education and employment.

DatasetsData Custodian

Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)

Australian Bureau of Statistics

MySchool School Characteristics (2009-2020)

Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Authority (ACARA)

Commonwealth ATAR data – Offers and Applications (2012-2020)

Department of Education (DE)

NSW NAPLAN Years 7 and 9 (2009 – 2017) (all sectors)

NSW School enrolments and Attainments Years 10 to 12 (2012 – 2020) (all sectors)

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

NSW University Admissions Centre (UAC)

VIC School enrolments for Government schools

Victorian Department of Education and Training (DOE)

NAPLAN Years 7 and 9 (2009 – 2017) (all sectors)

School attainment and certification Years 10 to 12 (2012 – 2020) (all sectors)

Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA)


Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC)

NAPLAN Years 7 and 9 (2009 – 2017) (Government only)

School enrolment, attainment and certification Years 10 to 12 (2012 – 2020) (Government only)

Queensland Department of Education

NAPLAN Years 7 and 9 (2009 – 2017) (all sectors)

School enrolment, attainment and certification Years 10 to 12 (2012 – 2020) (all sectors)

Overall Placement scores (in lieu of ATAR)

Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA)

NAPLAN Years 7 and 9 (2009 – 2017) (Government and Catholic)

School enrolment, attainment and certification Years 10 to 12 (2012 – 2020) (Government and Catholic)

Australian Capital Territory Education Directorate


Australian Capital Territory Board of Senior Secondary Studies

NAPLAN Years 7 and 9 (2009 – 2017) (all sectors)

School enrolment Years 10 to 12 (2012 – 2020) (Government only)

Tasmanian Department of Education

School attainment and certification Years 10 to 12 (2012 – 2020) (all sectors)

Office of Tasmanian Assessment Standards and Certification (TASC)

NAPLAN Years 7 and 9 (2009 – 2017) (Government only)

School attainment and certification Years 10 to 12 (2012 – 2020) (Government only)


Western Australian Department of Education


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