Measuring Australia’s Economy provides national statistics, definitions and references to further reading for over 50 major economic indicators used by analysts and the media today. Most importantly, to make this information available to all readers, particularly those without a background in economics, it is written in non-technical, simple English.
This seventh edition is the first to be provided free on the internet for easy access.
Measuring Australia’s Economy includes the latest economic indicators measured by the Australian Bureau of Statistics along with indicators from other organisations and international comparisons.
Measuring Australia’s Economy was developed in response to a need expressed by teachers, lecturers and other educators for a single, comprehensive source of economic indicator information. It has been designed as an information resource for students, analysts or anyone wishing to gain an understanding of economic indicators used to measure the performance of the Australian economy. It will enable the reader to understand exactly what an indicator is measuring, how this relates to economic activity, to look at data for an indicator over a period of time and to reference more detailed statistics or explanations if required.
I trust that these pages will assist the reader to understand the Australian economy and the changes going on within it.
Dennis Trewin
Australian Statistician