Other Sources of Information Related to Quality in the ABS
ABS Methods & Standards
This page contains links to some useful documents about the standards that the ABS applies to its data. Along with some of the methodological and analytical research that the ABS is undertaking.
ABS Forms Design Manual (cat. no. 1530.0)
This manual provides guidance on the design of a range of forms and questionnaires, including choosing a data collection mode and letters to respondents.
It explains the standards used by the ABS in constructing our survey materials.
Quality Management
This automatically generated web page contains information related to quality that is found on the ABS website. It contains some additional information papers not already linked to from within the Statistical Quality Management pages.
The National Statistical Service Information
The National Statistical Service, is led by the ABS, to build a rich statistical picture for a better informed Australia. This website provides links to various data quality related information from across Australia and the world.
The National Statistical Service supports an extensive range of exciting initiatives to improve data quality in Australia. The Data Quality Resources page contains a range of NSS information sources to help improve the quality of your data, which are relevant to both statistical producers and users.
National Information and Referral Service
For all Statistical Quality Management queries, please contact us via one of the following:
Ph: 1300 135 070
Email: Contact form
Hours: 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
For further information, visit National Information and Referral Service