Latest release
Minor Group

842 Farm Workers

ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations
Reference period

842 Farm Workers

Farm Workers perform a variety of routine tasks in cultivating and harvesting crops, feeding and raising of livestock and aquatic stock to support the production of breeding stock, meat, milk, eggs, wool and crops.

Indicative Skill Level:

Most occupations in this sub-major group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.

In Australia:

  • AQF Certificate II or III, or at least one year of relevant experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 4); or
  • AQF Certificate I, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

In New Zealand:

  • NZQF Level 2 or 3 qualification, or at least one year of relevant experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 4); or
  • NZQF Level 1 qualification, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification. In the case of some Skill Level 5 occupations, a short period of on-the-job training may be required in addition to or instead of the formal qualification, or no formal qualification or on-the-job training may be required.

Tasks Include:

  • patrolling, inspecting and reporting on the condition of crops and livestock
  • loading and unloading seed grain, fertilisers and livestock feed
  • planting trees, seeds, seedlings, roots, bulbs, tubers, vines and other plants using hand tools and farm machines
  • undertaking soil preparation, cultivation and plant and crop maintenance duties such as thinning, weeding and hoeing row crops, and pruning and thinning trees and vines
  • monitoring the condition of crops and livestock and ensuring that they have adequate water and feed
  • operating and maintaining general farm machinery and water supply and irrigation systems
  • harvesting, sorting and packing produce into containers
  • mustering and droving livestock
  • maintaining and cleaning farming infrastructure and equipment such as sheds, fences and plant
Unit Group

8421 Aquaculture Workers

Aquaculture Workers perform routine tasks in breeding and raising fish and other aquatic stock.

Indicative Skill Level:

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications outlined below.

In Australia:

  • AQF Certificate I, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

In New Zealand:

  • NZQF Level 1 qualification, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

For some occupations a short period of on-the-job training may be required in addition to or instead of the formal qualification. In some instances no formal qualification or on-the-job training may be required.

Tasks Include:

  • feeding and grading fish, and monitoring their growth
  • assisting with farm layout and constructing nets, long-lines and cages
  • checking and looking after equipment and fish housing
  • operating pumps and other equipment
  • testing and checking on water quality
  • removing dead and dying fish
  • operating lifting equipment such as forklifts and small cranes
  • harvesting fish, and sorting and packing for transportation
  • restocking pens, pools, tanks, ponds, rivers and dams with juvenile fish
  • collecting and recording growth, production and water quality data


  • 842111 Aquaculture Worker

842111 Aquaculture Worker

Performs routine tasks in breeding and raising fish and other aquatic stock.

Skill Level: 5

Unit Group

8422 Crop Farm Workers

Crop Farm Workers perform routine tasks in producing crops such as cereals, cotton, fruit (including wine grapes), grains, nuts, oilseeds, pulses, sugar cane, rice, vegetables and mushrooms.

Indicative Skill Level:

Most occupations in this sub-major group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.

In Australia:

  • AQF Certificate I, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

In New Zealand:

  • NZQF Level 1 qualification, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

For some occupations a short period of on-the-job training may be required in addition to or instead of the formal qualification. In some instances no formal qualification or on-the-job training may be required.

The occupations Cotton Farm Worker; Grain, Oilseed, Pulse and Pasture Farm Worker; Sugar Cane Farm Worker and Vineyard Worker have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.

In Australia:

  • AQF Certificate II or III, or at least one year of relevant experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)

In New Zealand:

  • NZQF Level 2 or 3 qualification, or at least one year of relevant experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)

In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.

Tasks Include:

  • patrolling, inspecting and reporting on the condition of crops
  • planting trees, seeds, seedlings, roots, bulbs, tubers, vines and other plants using hand tools and farm machines
  • undertaking soil preparation, cultivation and plant and crop maintenance duties such as thinning, weeding and hoeing row crops, and pruning and thinning trees and vines
  • spraying trees, vines and other plants with pesticides to control weed growth, insects, fungus growth and diseases
  • operating water and irrigation systems for crop growth
  • erecting growing supports such as trellises, and protective structures such as greenhouses, netting and fences
  • selecting and picking fruit, nuts, grains, vegetables and mushrooms according to set requirements, and discarding rotting and overripened produce
  • grading, siloing, baling, sorting, bunching and packing produce and loading it into transporters
  • maintaining and cleaning farming infrastructure and equipment such as sheds, fences, plant, and water supply and irrigation systems
  • operating and maintaining general farm machinery and machinery to cultivate, fertilise, spray and harvest horticultural produce
  • operating data collection and farm technology systems


  • 842211 Cotton Farm Worker
  • 842212 Fruit Farm Worker
  • 842213 Fruit Picker
  • 842214 Grain, Oilseed, Pulse and Pasture Farm Worker (Aus) / Field Farm Worker (NZ)
  • 842215 Mushroom Picker
  • 842216 Nut Farm Worker
  • 842217 Sugar Cane Farm Worker
  • 842218 Vegetable Farm Worker (Aus) / Market Garden Worker (NZ)
  • 842221 Vegetable Picker
  • 842222 Vineyard Worker
  • 842299 Crop Farm Workers nec

842211 Cotton Farm Worker

Performs routine tasks on a cotton farm such as cultivating and fertilising soil, and planting and irrigating crops. May spray pesticides on crops to treat disease and pests.

Skill Level: 4

842212 Fruit Farm Worker

Performs routine tasks on a fruit farm such as cultivating and fertilising soil, and planting, irrigating and pruning crops. May spray pesticides on crops to treat disease and pests.

Fruit Pickers are excluded from this occupation. Fruit Pickers are included in Occupation 842213 Fruit Picker.

Skill Level: 5


  • Orchard Worker (Fruit)

842213 Fruit Picker

Harvests fruit (including table grapes) and prepares produce for distribution.

Fruit Farm Workers are excluded from this occupation. Fruit Farm Workers are included in Occupation 842212 Fruit Farm Worker.

Skill Level: 5

842214 Grain, Oilseed, Pulse and Pasture Farm Worker (Aus) / Field Farm Worker (NZ)

Performs routine tasks on a grain, oilseed, protein, pulse or pasture farm such as cultivating and fertilising soil, and planting and irrigating crops. May spray pesticides on crops to treat disease and pests.

Skill Level: 4

842215 Mushroom Picker

Harvests mushrooms and prepares produce for distribution.

Skill Level: 5

842216 Nut Farm Worker

Performs routine tasks on a nut farm such as cultivating and fertilising soil, and planting, irrigating and pruning crops. May spray pesticides on crops to treat disease and pests.

Skill Level: 5

842217 Sugar Cane Farm Worker

Performs routine tasks on a sugar cane farm such as cultivating and fertilising soil, and planting and irrigating crops. May spray pesticides on crops to treat disease and pests.

Skill Level: 4

842218 Vegetable Farm Worker (Aus) / Market Garden Worker (NZ)

Performs routine tasks on a vegetable farm or market garden such as cultivating and fertilising soil, and planting and irrigating crops. May spray pesticides on crops to treat disease and pests.

Vegetable Pickers are excluded from this occupation. Vegetable Pickers are included in Occupation 842221 Vegetable Picker.

Skill Level: 5

842221 Vegetable Picker

Harvests vegetables and prepares produce for distribution.

Vegetable Farm Workers are excluded from this occupation. Vegetable Farm Workers are included in Occupation 842218 Vegetable Farm Worker.

Skill Level: 5

842222 Vineyard Worker

Performs routine tasks on a vineyard such as cultivating and fertilising soil, planting, training and pruning vines, and picking grapes.

Skill Level: 4

842299 Crop Farm Workers nec

This occupation group covers Crop Farm Workers not elsewhere classified.

This occupation group includes Horticultural or Broadacre Crop Farm Workers who grow two or more varieties of Horticultural and/or Broadacre Crops.

Skill Level: 5

Occupations in this group include:

  • Coffee Plantation Worker
  • Flower Buncher or Picker
  • Hop Farm Worker
  • Lavender Farm Worker
  • Tea Plantation Worker
  • Tea Tree Farm Worker
  • Turf Farm Worker
Unit Group

8423 Livestock Farm Workers

Livestock Farm Workers perform routine tasks in livestock, meat, milk, egg and wool production.

Indicative Skill Level:

Most occupations in this minor group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.

In Australia:

  • AQF Certificate II or III, or at least one year of relevant experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)

In New Zealand:

  • NZQF Level 2 or 3 qualification, or at least one year of relevant experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)

In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification. 

The occupations Stablehand, Wool Handler and Livestock Farm Workers nec have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications outlined below.

In Australia:

  • AQF Certificate I, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

In New Zealand:

  • NZQF Level 1 qualification, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

For some occupations a short period of on-the-job training may be required in addition to or instead of the formal qualification. In some instances no formal qualification or on-the-job training may be required.


Tasks Include:

  • assisting with maintaining the health and welfare of livestock, including by patrolling, inspecting and reporting on the condition of livestock
  • providing livestock with feed and water and implementing livestock feeding and welfare programs
  • carrying out livestock birthing or hatching, and rearing of young livestock duties
  • establishing pastures and crops for livestock production
  • herding and droving livestock to access feed as well as for shearing, milking and other farming operations
  • washing and cleaning udders, and using and sterilising milking machines and performing milking shed hygiene processes
  • collecting eggs and placing in incubators
  • collecting and spreading fleeces on skirting tables for classing, pressing wool and branding bales
  • undertaking animal husbandry duties for livestock such as lamb and calf marking, mulesing, foot paring and hoof care
  • exercising horses by walking, riding (excluding galloping), leading and swimming, and attending to horses at track work, barrier trials and races
  • undertaking general farming and maintenance activities such as erecting and repairing fences, maintaining and cleaning livestock housing and maintaining other infrastructure
  • operating and maintaining general farm machinery and water supply and irrigation systems
  • operating data collection and farm technology systems
  • assembling, preparing and storing livestock feed, bedding and handling equipment, including horse equipment


  • 842311 Beef Cattle Farm Worker
  • 842312 Cattle and Sheep Farm Worker
  • 842313 Dairy Cattle Farm Worker
  • 842314 Livestock Husbandry Worker
  • 842315 Piggery Farm Worker
  • 842316 Poultry Farm Worker
  • 842317 Sheep Farm Worker
  • 842318 Stablehand
  • 842321 Wool Handler
  • 842399 Livestock Farm Workers nec

842311 Beef Cattle Farm Worker

Alternative Title:

  • Station Hand (Beef Cattle)

Performs routine tasks on a beef cattle farm such as feeding, mustering and moving cattle, and assisting with animal husbandry.

Skill Level: 4

842312 Cattle and Sheep Farm Worker

Performs routine tasks on a cattle and sheep farm such as moving, feeding, counting, and assisting with animal husbandry.

Skill Level: 4

842313 Dairy Cattle Farm Worker

Performs routine tasks on a dairy farm such as breeding, raising, feeding, droving and milking cattle.

Skill Level: 4

842314 Livestock Husbandry Worker

Alternative Title:

  • Livestock Contractor

Performs animal husbandry duties for livestock such as lamb marking, mulesing, vaccinating, drenching, foot paring and hoof care.

Skill Level: 4


  • Cattle Hoof Trimmer
  • Horse Hoof Carer
  • Lamb Marker
  • Muleser
  • Sheep Foot Parer

842315 Piggery Farm Worker

Assists with routine tasks on a pig farm such as breeding, farrowing, raising, feeding and animal husbandry.

Skill Level: 4

842316 Poultry Farm Worker

Performs routine tasks on a poultry farm such as collecting eggs and placing them in incubators, providing poultry with feed and water, and disinfecting hatcheries to prevent disease.

Skill Level: 4

842317 Sheep Farm Worker

Alternative Title:

  • Station Hand (Sheep)

Performs routine tasks on a sheep farm such as feeding and herding sheep into pens in preparation for branding, shearing, crutching, and yarding for sale.

Skill Level: 4

842318 Stablehand

Assists with handling of horses and maintaining and cleaning stables.

Skill Level: 5


  • Horse and Stud Worker

842321 Wool Handler

Alternative Titles:

  • Shearing Shed Hand
  • Shearing Shed Worker

Regulates the flow of sheep to be shorn, keeps the shearing shed clean and tidy, and assists with wool clip preparation.

Skill Level: 5

842399 Livestock Farm Workers nec

This occupation group covers Livestock Farm Workers not elsewhere classified.

Skill Level: 5

Occupations in this group include:

  • Deer Farm Worker
  • Emu Farm Worker
  • Goat Herder
  • Ostrich Farm Worker
Unit Group

8424 Mixed Production Farm Workers

Mixed Production Farm Workers perform routine tasks in support of farming spanning two or more of the three different primary production areas – aquaculture, crops, and livestock.

Indicative Skill Level:

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications outlined below.

In Australia:

  • AQF Certificate I, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

In New Zealand:

  • NZQF Level 1 qualification, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

For some occupations a short period of on-the-job training may be required in addition to or instead of the formal qualification. In some instances no formal qualification or on-the-job training may be required.

Tasks Include:

  • patrolling, inspecting and reporting on the condition of crops and livestock
  • operating farm machines to cultivate, plant, fertilise, spray and harvest crops
  • maintaining and cleaning farming infrastructure and equipment such as sheds, pens, fences, plant and water and irrigation systems
  • loading and unloading seed grain, fertilisers and livestock feed, and loading produce into transporters
  • operating water supply and irrigation systems
  • providing livestock with feed and water and implementing livestock feeding programs
  • assisting with maintaining the health and welfare of livestock
  • mustering and droving livestock to milking and shearing sheds and between paddocks to ensure sufficient feed is available


  • 842411 Broadacre Crop and Livestock Farm Worker
  • 842499 Mixed Production Farm Workers nec

842411 Broadacre Crop and Livestock Farm Worker

Performs routine tasks in broadacre crop cultivation and livestock production.

Skill Level: 5

842499 Mixed Production Farm Workers nec

This occupation group covers Mixed Production Farm Workers not elsewhere classified.

Skill Level: 5