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Housing and community amenities (COFOG-A 06)

Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Housing and community amenities (COFOG-A 06) consists of government expenditure on housing and community amenities. This category is further classified into:

  • housing development (COFOG-A 061);
  • community development (COFOG-A 062);
  • water supply (COFOG-A 063);
  • street lighting (COFOG-A 064);
  • research and development - housing and community amenities (COFOG-A 065); and
  • housing and community amenities not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 069).

Housing development (COFOG-A 061)


Housing development (COFOG-A 061) consists of government expenditure on housing development. This category is further classified into:

  • housing development (COFOG-A 0611).

Housing development (COFOG-A 0611)


Housing development (COFOG-A 0611) consists of:

  • the administration of housing development affairs and services; promotion, monitoring and evaluation of housing development activities whether or not the activities are under the auspices of public authorities; development and regulation of housing standards;
  • slum clearance related to provision of housing; acquisition of land needed for construction of dwellings; construction or purchase and remodelling of dwelling units for the general public or for people with special needs;
  • the production and dissemination of public information, technical documentation and statistics on housing development affairs and services; and
  • grants, loans or subsidies to support the expansion, improvement or maintenance of the housing stock.

Includes: Administration of rent controls and eligibility standards for public housing; provision of accommodation within the community to members of the defence force; planning of housing development including housing subdivisions.

Excludes: Development and regulation of construction standards (classified to construction (COFOG-A 0443)); construction methods and materials (classified to construction (COFOG-A 0443)); supervision of the construction industry, building inspection and certification (classified to construction (COFOG-A 0443)); cash benefits and benefits in kind to help households meet the cost of housing (classified to housing (COFOG-A 1051)); provision of accommodation on Defence bases to members of the defence force (classified to military defence (COFOG-A 0211)); provision of housing for social protection purposes (classified to the appropriate class of COFOG-A 10).

Community development (COFOG-A 062)


Community development (COFOG-A 062) consists of government expenditure on community development. This category is further classified into:

  • indigenous community development (COFOG-A 0621); and
  • community development not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0629).

Indigenous community development (COFOG-A 0621)


Indigenous community development (COFOG-A 0621) includes government expenditure on development in indigenous communities. Indigenous communities are those which have a predominantly indigenous population and where tribal ways and traditional roles are maintained. They are usually remote from major service centres and include communities on Indigenous land and within pastoral leases, reserves, town camps and transit camps. This category consists of:

  • the administration, operation or support of Indigenous community development affairs and services; and
  • grants, loans or subsidies to support activities relating to Indigenous community development.

Community development not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0629)


Other community development (COFOG-A 0629) consists of:

  • the administration of community development affairs and services; administration of zoning laws and land use and building regulations;
  • the planning of new communities or of rehabilitated communities; planning the improvement and development of facilities such as housing, industry, public utilities, health, education, culture, recreation, etc. for communities; preparation of schemes for financing planned developments; and
  • the production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics on community development affairs and services.

Includes: Relocating existing populations; administration of concessions to decentralised industries.

Excludes: Plan implementation, that is, the actual construction of housing, industrial buildings, streets, public utilities, cultural facilities, etc. (classified according to function); agrarian land reform and land settlement (classified to agriculture (COFOG-A 0421)); administration of construction standards (classified to construction (COFOG-A 0443)); administration of housing standards (classified to housing development (COFOG-A 0611)); Indigenous community development (classified to indigenous community development (COFOG-A 0621)).

Water supply (COFOG-A 063)


Water supply (COFOG-A 063) consists of government expenditure on water supply. This category is further classified into:

  • water supply (COFOG-A 0631).

Water supply (COFOG-A 0631)


Water supply (COFOG-A 0631) consists of:

  • the administration of water supply affairs; assessment of future needs and determination of availability in terms of such assessment; supervision and regulation of all facets of potable water supply including water purity, price and quantity controls;
  • the construction or operation of non-enterprise-type of water supply systems;
  • the production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics on water supply affairs and services; and
  • grants, loans or subsidies to support the operation, construction, maintenance or upgrading of water supply systems.

Excludes: Irrigation systems (classified to agriculture (COFOG-A 0421)); multipurpose development projects (classified to multipurpose development projects (COFOG-A 0464)); collection and treatment of waste water (classified to reused or recycled waste water management (COFOG-A 0521) or waste water management not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0529)); supply of systems to allow water use or reuse (classified to reused or recycled waste water management (COFOG-A 0521)).

Street lighting (COFOG-A 064)


Street lighting (COFOG-A 064) consists of government expenditure on street lighting. This category is further classified into:

  • street lighting (COFOG-A 0641).

Street lighting (COFOG-A 0641)


Street lighting (COFOG-A 0641) consists of:

  • the administration of street lighting affairs; development and regulation of street lighting standards; and
  • installation, operation, maintenance, upgrading, etc. of street lighting.

Includes: Design of street lighting.

Excludes: Lighting affairs and services associated with the construction and operation of highways (classified to road maintenance (COFOG-A 1111) or road construction (COFOG-A 1113)); installation of traffic signals (classified to road construction (COFOG-A 1113)); maintenance, repairs and operating costs of traffic signals (classified to road maintenance (COFOG-A 1111)).

Research and development - housing and community amenities (COFOG-A 065)


Research and development - housing and community amenities (COFOG-A 065) consists of government expenditure on research and development relating to housing and community amenities. Definitions of basic research, applied research and experimental development are given under COFOG-A 014 and COFOG-A 015. This category is further classified into:

  • research and development - housing and community amenities (COFOG-A 0651).

Research and development - housing and community amenities (COFOG-A 0651)


Research and development - housing and community amenities (COFOG-A 0651) consists of:

  • the administration and operation of government agencies engaged in applied research and experimental development related to housing and community amenities; and
  • grants, loans or subsidies to support applied research and experimental development related to housing and community amenities undertaken by non-government bodies such as research institutes and universities.

Includes: Research into the conservation, collection, purification and distribution of water.

Excludes: Basic research (classified to basic research (COFOG-A 0141)); applied research and experimental development into construction methods or materials (classified to research and development - mining, manufacturing and construction (COFOG-A 0474)).

Housing and community amenities not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 069)


Housing and community amenities not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 069) consists of government expenditure on housing and community amenities not elsewhere classified. This category is further classified into:

  • housing not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0698); and
  • community amenities not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0699).

Housing not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0698)


Housing not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0698) consists of:

  • administration, operation or support of activities such as formulation, administration, coordination and monitoring of overall policies, plans, programs and budgets relating to housing; preparation and enforcement of legislation and standards relating to housing; production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics relating to housing.

Includes: Affairs and services relating to housing that cannot be classified to housing development (COFOG-A 061), community development (COFOG-A 062) or research and development - housing and community amenities (COFOG-A 065).

Excludes: Child care services and subsidies for child care assistance (classified to family and children (COFOG-A 1031)); community health services (classified to the appropriate class of COFOG-A 076).

Community amenities not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0699)


Community amenities not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0699) consists of:

  • administration, operation or support of activities such as formulation, administration, coordination and monitoring of overall policies, plans, programs and budgets relating to community amenities; preparation and enforcement of legislation and standards relating to community amenities; production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics relating to community amenities.

Includes: Public toilets; pedestrian shopping malls; drinking fountains; cemeteries and crematoriums; affairs and services relating to community amenities that cannot be classified to water supply (COFOG-A 063), street lighting (COFOG-A 064) or research and development - housing and community amenities (COFOG-A 065).

Excludes: Public toilets at recreational areas (classified to the appropriate class of COFOG-A 081); street lighting (classified to street lighting (COFOG-A 0641)).