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Produced assets (TALC 1)

Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Produced assets (TALC 1) are assets that are used repeatedly or continuously in production processes for more than one year. This category is further classified into:

  • buildings and structures (TALC 11);
  • machinery and equipment (TALC 12);
  • cultivated biological resources (TALC 13);
  • intellectual property products (TALC 14); and
  • weapons systems (TALC 15).

Buildings and structures (TALC 11)


Buildings and structures (TALC 11) is further classified into:

  • dwellings (TALC 111);
  • buildings other than dwellings (TALC 112);
  • land improvements (TALC 113); and
  • structures not elsewhere classified (TALC 119).

The value of buildings and structures includes all amounts payable for site clearance and preparation and the cost of all fixtures, facilities and equipment that are integral parts of buildings structures. Public monuments in the form of buildings and structures are included in this category. This encompasses the construction of new public monuments, as well as major improvements to existing public monuments. Public monuments are identifiable because of particular historical, national, regional, local, religious or symbolic significance. In principle, public monuments should be included in dwellings (TALC 111), buildings other than dwellings (TALC 112) or structures not elsewhere classified (TALC 119) as appropriate. In practice, it may be desirable to classify them as other structures. Refer to paragraph 7.42 to 7.43 of the IMF GFSM 2014 for further information on public monuments.

Dwellings (TALC 111)


Dwellings (TALC 111) consists of buildings, or designated parts of buildings, that are used entirely or primarily as residences including any associated structures such as garages, and all permanent fixtures customarily installed in residences.

Includes:    Houseboats, barges, mobile homes and caravans used as principal residences; public monuments identified primarily as dwellings; dwellings acquired by government for military personnel; incomplete dwellings where the ultimate user is deemed to have taken economic ownership because the construction is own account or as evidenced by the existence of a contract of sale or purchase; costs of site clearance and preparation for new dwellings.

Buildings other than dwellings (TALC 112)


Buildings other than dwellings (TALC 112) consists of whole buildings or parts of buildings not designated as dwellings and all fixtures, facilities and equipment that are integral parts of these structures.

Includes:    Office buildings; schools; hospitals; prisons; buildings for public entertainment; warehouses and industrial buildings; commercial buildings; hotels and restaurants; public monuments identified primarily as non-residential buildings; costs of site clearance and preparation for new buildings.

Land improvements (TALC)


Land improvements (TALC) consists of the result of actions that lead to major improvements in the quantity, quality or productivity of land, or prevent its deterioration.

Includes:    Activities that are integral to the land in question such as land reclamation, land clearance, land contouring, creation of wells and watering holes; preparation for the erection of buildings; planting of crops; and costs of ownership transfer on land.

Excludes:   Construction of seawalls, dikes, dams and major irrigation systems that are not integral to the land and often affect land belonging to several owners and which are often carried out by government (classified to structures not elsewhere classified (TALC 119)).

Structures not elsewhere classified (TALC 119)


Structures not elsewhere classified (TALC 119) consists of all structures other than buildings.

Includes:    Highways; streets; roads; bridges; elevated highways; tunnels; railways; subways; airfield runways; sewers; waterways; harbours; dams; shafts, tunnels and other structures associated with mining mineral and energy resources; communication lines; power lines; long distance pipelines; local pipelines; cables; outdoor sport and recreation facilities; mining and manufacturing constructions; construction of seawalls, dikes, flood barriers and similar structures intended to improve the quality and quantity of land adjacent to them; infrastructure necessary for aquaculture such as fish farms and shellfish beds; public monuments that cannot be identified as dwellings or buildings other than dwellings; buildings and structures acquired for military purposes that are used repeatedly, or continuously, in processes of production for more than one year; costs of site clearance and preparation; construction of major irrigation systems that are not integral to the land and often affect land belonging to several owners.

Machinery and equipment (TALC 12)


Machinery and equipment (TALC 12) is further classified into:

  • transport equipment (TALC 121);
  • information, communication and telecommunications equipment (TALC 122); and
  • machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified (TALC 129).

Machinery and equipment forming an integral part of a building or other structure are included in the value of the building or structure rather than in this category.

Transport equipment (TALC 121)


Transport equipment (TALC 121) consists of equipment for moving people and objects.

Includes:    Motor vehicles; trailers; semitrailers; ships; railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stock; aircraft; motorcycles; bicycles; spacecraft.

Excludes:   Houseboats, barges, mobile homes and caravans used as principal residences (classified to TALC 111 Dwellings); transport equipment acquired by households for final consumption.

Information, computer and telecommunications equipment (TALC 122)


Information, computer and telecommunications equipment (TALC 122) consists of devices using electronic controls and also the electronic components forming part of these devices.

Includes:    Products that form part of computing machinery and parts and accessories thereof such as processors, hard drives, monitors and keyboards; television and radio transmitters; television; video; digital cameras; telephone sets.

Excludes:   Computer software (classified to computer software (TALC 143)); computer equipment acquired by households for final consumption.

Machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified (TALC 129)


Machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified (TALC 129) consists of all machinery and equipment that cannot be classified to transport equipment (TALC 121) or information, computer and telecommunications equipment (TALC 122).

Includes:    General-purpose and special-purpose machinery; office and accounting equipment; electrical machinery; medical appliances; precision and optical instruments; furniture; watches and clocks; musical instruments; sports goods; paintings, sculptures and other works of art; antiques; and collections of considerable value that are not held primarily as stores of value but are owned and displayed for the purpose of producing museum and similar services.

Excludes:   Tools, such as hand tools, that are inexpensive and purchased at a relatively steady rate and do not form a large share of the stock of machinery and equipment (classified to use of goods and services (ETF 1233, COFOG-A, SDC)); weapons systems (classified to weapons systems (TALC 151)); items of considerable value that are owned primarily as stores of value that are not intended for use in production (classified to valuables (TALC 221)); machinery and equipment that form an integral part of a building or other structure (classified to buildings other than dwellings (TALC 112) or structures not elsewhere classified (TALC 119)); machinery and equipment acquired by households for final consumption.

Cultivated biological resources (TALC 13)


Cultivated biological resources (TALC 13) is further classified into:

  • animal resources yielding repeat products (TALC 131); and
  • tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products (TALC 132). whose natural growth and regeneration are under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units.

Animal resources yielding repeat products (TALC 131)


Animal resources yielding repeat products (TALC 131) consists of animal resources that yield repeat products and that are under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units.

Includes:    Breeding stocks; dairy cattle; draft animals; sheep or other animals used for wool production; animals used for transportation, racing or entertainment; aquatic resources yielding repeat products; immature animal resource assets produced on own account.

Excludes:   Immature animal resource assets unless produced for own use (classified to inventories – work in progress (TALC 211)); animals raised for slaughter, including poultry (classified to inventories – work in progress (TALC 211)).

Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products (TALC 132)


Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products (TALC 132) consists of tree, crop and plant resources that yield repeat products and that are under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units.

Includes:    Trees, vines and shrubs cultivated for fruits, nuts, sap, resin, bark and leaf products; vineyards, orchards and plantations; immature tree, crop and plant resource assets produced on own account.

Excludes:   Trees grown for timber that yield a finished product once only when they are ultimately felled (classified to inventories - goods for resale (TALC 214)); grains or vegetables that produce only a single crop when they are harvested (classified to inventories - goods for resale (TALC 214)); immature tree, crop and plant resource assets unless produced on own account (classified to inventories – work in progress (TALC 211)).

Intellectual property products (TALC 14)


Intellectual property products (TALC 14) are the result of research, development, investigation or innovation leading to knowledge that the developers can market or use to their own benefit in production because use of the knowledge is restricted by means of legal or other protection. This category is further classified into:

  • research and development (TALC 141);
  • mineral exploration and evaluation (TALC 142);
  • computer software (TALC 143);
  • databases (TALC 144);
  • entertainment, literary and artistic originals (TALC 145); and
  • intellectual property products not elsewhere classified (TALC 149).

Research and development (TALC 141)


Research and development (TALC 141) consists of expenditure on creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.

Includes:    Research and development that provides an economic benefit to its owner.

Excludes:   Research and development work that does not provide an economic benefit to its owner (classified to non-employee expenses not elsewhere classified (ETF 1239, COFOG-A, SDC)).

Mineral exploration and evaluation (TALC 142)


Mineral exploration and evaluation (TALC 142) consists of expenditure on exploration for petroleum, natural gas and non-petroleum deposits and subsequent evaluation of the discoveries made.

Includes:    Pre-licence costs; licence costs; acquisition costs; appraisal costs; costs of aerial and other surveys; test drilling and boring costs; transportation and other costs incurred to make exploration possible.

Computer software (TALC 143)


Computer software (TALC 143) consists of computer programs, program descriptions and supporting materials for both systems and applications software that are expected to be used for more than one year.

Includes:    Purchased software; software developed on own account; software intended only for own use; software intended for sale by means of copies.

Databases (TALC 144)


Databases (TALC 144) consists of files of data organised in such a way as to permit resource-effective access and use of the data.

Includes:    Purchase, development or extension of computer databases that are expected to be used in production for more than one year.

Entertainment, literary and artistic originals (TALC 145)


Entertainment, literary and artistic originals (TALC 145) consists of original films, sound recordings, manuscripts, tapes and models in which drama performances, radio and television programming, musical performances, sporting events and literary and artistic output are recorded or embodied.

Includes:    Purchased entertainment, literary and artistic works; entertainment, literary and artistic works produced on own account.

Intellectual property products not elsewhere classified (TALC 149)


Intellectual property products not elsewhere classified (TALC 149) consists of intellectual property products that cannot be classified to research and development (TALC 141), mineral exploration and evaluation (TALC 142), computer software (TALC 143), databases (TALC 144) or entertainment, literary and artistic originals (TALC 145).

Includes:     New information and specialised knowledge not elsewhere classified which is restricted for use by the units that have established ownership rights over the information or to other units licensed by the owners.

Weapons systems (TALC 15 and TALC 151)


Weapons systems (TALC 15 and TALC 151) consists of military vehicles and equipment designed to launch weapons of destruction, that are used continuously for more than one year in the provision of defence services, even if their peacetime use is simply to provide deterrence.

Includes:    Warships, submarines, military aircraft, tanks, missile carriers; launchers; single-use weapons with a highly destructive capability which provide an ongoing service of deterrence against aggressors such as ballistic missiles.

Excludes:   Single-use weapons such as missiles, rockets and bombs (classified to TALC 215 Military inventories).