Latest release

182 Basic Polymer Manufacturing

Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
Reference period
2006 (Revision 2.0)

This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


1821 Synthetic Resin and Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing

This class consists of units mainly engaged in the manufacture of synthetic resins, non-vulcanisable elastomers and mixing and blending of resins and polymeric materials. This class also includes units mainly engaged in manufacturing synthetic rubbers and blends.

Primary activities

  • Cellulosic resin manufacturing
  • Cresol formaldehyde manufacturing
  • Dendritic polymer (dendrimer) manufacturing
  • Melamine formaldehyde manufacturing
  • Non-cellulose resin manufacturing
  • Non-vulcanisable elastomer manufacturing
  • Phenol formaldehyde manufacturing
  • Polyacrylate manufacturing
  • Polybutadiene manufacturing
  • Polycarbonate manufacturing (except polycarbonate sheet)
  • Polyethylene manufacturing
  • Polymethacrylate manufacturing
  • Polypropylene manufacturing
  • Polystyrene manufacturing
  • Polyurethane manufacturing
  • Polyvinyl acetate manufacturing
  • Polyvinylchloride (PVC) manufacturing
  • Synthetic resin manufacturing
  • Synthetic rubber composite manufacturing
  • Synthetic rubber manufacturing
  • Urea formaldehyde manufacturing


Units mainly engaged in

  • manufacturing polymer products are included in the appropriate classes of Group 191 Polymer Product Manufacturing;
  • manufacturing natural rubber products are included in Class 1920 Natural Rubber Product Manufacturing;
  • manufacturing polycarbonate sheets are included in Class 1912 Rigid and Semi-Rigid Polymer Product Manufacturing;
  • custom compounding of resins made elsewhere are included in Class 1919 Other Polymer Product Manufacturing; and
  • manufacturing tyres are included in Class 1914 Tyre Manufacturing.

1829 Other Basic Polymer Manufacturing

This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing other basic polymers (except synthetic resins and synthetic rubbers). Included in this class are units mainly engaged in manufacturing cellulose (e.g. rayon and acetate) and non-cellulose (e.g. nylon, polyolefin and polyester) fibres and filaments.

Primary activities

  • Basic polymer manufacturing n.e.c.
  • Carbon fibre manufacturing (including kevlar material manufacturing)
  • Cellulose acetate manufacturing
  • Cellulose fibre or filament manufacturing n.e.c.
  • Ethyl cellulose manufacturing
  • Methyl cellulose manufacturing
  • Methylstyrene manufacturing
  • Non-cellulose fibre or filament manufacturing n.e.c.
  • Nylon manufacturing
  • Polyester manufacturing
  • Polyolefin manufacturing
  • Rayon manufacturing
  • Synthetic fibre or filament manufacturing


Units mainly engaged in manufacturing textiles using synthetic or artificial fibres through spinning, weaving or further processing are included in Class 1313 Synthetic Textile Manufacturing.