Latest release

755 Government Representation

Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
Reference period
2006 (Revision 2.0)

This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


7551 Domestic Government Representation

This class includes units of domestic government mainly engaged in the operation of diplomatic and consular missions abroad.

Primary activities

  • Consulate operation (domestic government)
  • Embassy operation (domestic government)
  • High commission operation (domestic government)
  • Legation operation (domestic government)
  • Trade commission operation (domestic government)


Military units stationed abroad are included in Class 7600 Defence.


7552 Foreign Government Representation

This class consists of units of foreign governments mainly engaged in governmental service activities such as the provision of consular or diplomatic services. This class also includes representatives of joint international government organisations such as the United Nations.

In official statistics, only the resident component of units in this industry are normally included, overseas diplomatic representatives being regarded as residents of the country they represent.

Primary activities

  • Consulate operation (foreign government)
  • Embassy operation (foreign government)
  • High commission operation (foreign government)
  • International government organisation (United Nations, World Trade Organisation e.t.c.) administration
  • Legation operation (foreign government)
  • Trade commission operation (foreign government)