Latest release

052 Agriculture and Fishing Support Services

Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
Reference period
2006 (Revision 2.0)

This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


0521 Cotton Ginning

This class consists of units mainly engaged in ginning cotton.

Primary activities

  • Cotton ginning

0522 Shearing Services

This class consists of units mainly engaged in providing shearing services for sheep, goats and other livestock raised mainly for their hair.

Primary activities

  • Alpaca shearing
  • Goat shearing
  • Sheep shearing

0529 Other Agriculture and Fishing Support Services

This class consists of units mainly engaged in providing agricultural and fishing support services not elsewhere classified.

Primary activities

  • Aerial crop spraying or dusting
  • Aerial mustering
  • Aerial pest control or baiting
  • Aerial seeding service
  • Aerial topdressing
  • Agricultural support service n.e.c.
  • Aquaculture support service
  • Artificial insemination service
  • Crop harvesting
  • Dairy herd testing
  • Farm irrigation service
  • Fertiliser spreading (including aerial)
  • Fishing support service
  • Fruit or vegetable picking
  • Hay or silage baling or pressing
  • Livestock dipping
  • Livestock drafting or droving
  • Seed grading or cleaning
  • Wool classing (including reclassing and bulk classing)


Units mainly engaged in

  • providing domestic pet boarding services are included in Class 9539 Other Personal Services n.e.c.; and
  • constructing fences or clearing land are included in the appropriate classes of Division E Construction