Latest release

014 Sheep, Beef Cattle and Grain Farming

Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
Reference period
2006 (Revision 2.0)

This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


0141 Sheep Farming (Specialised)

This class consists of units mainly engaged in farming sheep.

Primary activities

  • Prime lamb raising
  • Raw sheep milk production
  • Sheep agistment service
  • Sheep farming
  • Wool growing


Units mainly engaged in

  • growing grain in conjunction with sheep farming are included in Class 0145 Grain-Sheep or Grain-Beef Cattle Farming; and
  • farming both sheep and beef cattle are included in Class 0144 Sheep-Beef Cattle Farming.

0142 Beef Cattle Farming (Specialised)

This class consists of units mainly engaged in farming beef cattle.

Primary activities

  • Beef cattle farming
  • Buffalo, domesticated, grazing
  • Dairy cattle agistment service
  • Dairy cattle replacement farming


Units mainly engaged in

  • operating beef cattle feedlots are included in Class 0143 Beef Cattle Feedlots (Specialised);
  • growing grain in conjunction with beef cattle farming are included in Class 0145 Grain-Sheep or Grain-Beef Cattle Farming; and
  • farming both sheep and beef cattle are included in Class 0144 Sheep-Beef Cattle Farming.

0143 Beef Cattle Feedlots (Specialised)

This class consists of units mainly engaged in operating feedlots for beef cattle. A feedlot is a confined area with watering and feeding facilities where cattle are hand or mechanically fed for the purposes of production.

Primary activities

  • Beef cattle feedlot operation


Units mainly engaged in farming beef cattle are included in Class 0142 Beef Cattle Farming (Specialised).


0144 Sheep-Beef Cattle Farming

This class consists of units mainly engaged in farming both sheep and beef cattle.

Primary activities

  • Beef cattle and sheep farming
  • Sheep and beef cattle farming


Units mainly engaged in

  • farming beef cattle (specialised) are included in Class 0142 Beef Cattle Farming (Specialised);
  • farming sheep (specialised) are included in Class 0141 Sheep Farming (Specialised); and
  • growing grain in conjunction with sheep or beef cattle farming are included in Class 0145 Grain-Sheep or Grain-Beef Cattle Farming.

0145 Grain-Sheep or Grain-Beef Cattle Farming

This class consists of units mainly engaged in growing grain in conjunction with sheep farming or beef cattle farming.

Primary activities

  • Beef cattle farming and grain growing
  • Grain growing and sheep or beef cattle farming
  • Prime lamb raising and grain growing
  • Sheep farming and grain growing


Units mainly engaged in

  • farming sheep (specialised) are included in Class 0141 Sheep Farming (Specialised);
  • farming beef cattle (specialised) are included in Class 0142 Beef Cattle Farming (Specialised); and
  • growing grain are included in Class 0149 Other Grain Growing.

0146 Rice Growing

This class consists of units mainly engaged in growing rice.

Primary activities

  • Rice growing

0149 Other Grain Growing

This class consists of units mainly engaged in growing cereal or coarse grains or other cereal crops (except rice). Also included are units mainly engaged in growing oilseeds, pasture seeds, lupins, field peas or beans.

Primary activities

  • Barley growing
  • Cereal grain growing
  • Coarse grain growing
  • Field pea or field bean growing
  • Grain seed growing
  • Lupin growing
  • Maize growing
  • Millet growing
  • Oat growing
  • Oilseed growing n.e.c.
  • Pasture seed growing
  • Safflower growing
  • Sorghum growing (except forage sorghum)
  • Soybean growing
  • Sunflower growing
  • Wheat growing


Units mainly engaged in

  • growing grain combined with farming of sheep or beef cattle are included in Class 0145 Grain-Sheep or Grain-Beef Cattle Farming;
  • growing forage sorghum are included in Class 0159 Other Crop Growing n.e.c.; and
  • growing rice are included in Class 0146 Rice Growing.