Latest release

62 Finance

Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
Reference period
2006 (Revision 2.0)

This subdivision contains the following ANZSIC groups:


621 Central Banking

This group contains the following ANZSIC class:


6210 Central Banking

This class consists of units mainly engaged in formulating monetary policy and performing central banking functions, such as issuing currency, managing the nation's money supply and foreign reserves, holding deposits that represent the reserves of other banks, and acting as fiscal agent for governments. This class also includes units primarily engaged in the prudential regulation, licensing and inspection of the financial sector.

Primary activities

  • Central banking
  • Financial regulatory service

622 Depository Financial Intermediation

This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


6221 Banking

This class consists of units mainly engaged in operating banks (except merchant banks). Banks incur liabilities by accepting demand and other deposits and make commercial, industrial and consumer loans.

Primary activities

  • Development bank operation
  • Savings bank operation
  • Trading bank operation


Units mainly engaged in

  • performing central banking functions are included in Class 6210 Central Banking;
  • operating building societies are included in Class 6222 Building Society Operation;
  • operating credit unions are included in Class 6223 Credit Union Operation; and
  • operating merchant banks are included in Class 6229 Other Depository Financial Intermediation.

6222 Building Society Operation

This class consists of units mainly engaged in operating building societies which accept deposits and provide specialised financing for home building or purchasing purposes.

Primary activities

  • Building society operation


Units mainly engaged in

  • operating development, savings and trading banks are included in Class 6221 Banking; and
  • operating credit unions are included in Class 6223 Credit Union Operation.

6223 Credit Union Operation

This class consists of units mainly engaged in operating credit unions which accept members’ share deposits and provide loans to their members for various purposes.

Primary activities

  • Credit union operation


Units mainly engaged in

  • operating development, savings and trading banks are included in Class 6221 Banking; and
  • operating building societies are included in Class 6222 Building Society Operation.

6229 Other Depository Financial Intermediation

This class consists of units mainly engaged in accepting deposits and providing finance (except units operating banks, building societies and credit unions). Also included are deposit-taking units engaged in money market dealing and operating deposit-taking merchant banks or finance companies.

Primary activities

  • Bill of exchange discounting or financing (except by banks)
  • Commercial finance company operation
  • Depository financial intermediation n.e.c.
  • Merchant banking operation
  • Money market dealing


Units mainly engaged in

  • operating development, savings and trading banks are included in Class 6221 Banking;
  • operating building societies are included in Class 6222 Building Society Operation;
  • operating credit unions are included in Class 6223 Credit Union Operation;
  • providing non-depository credit intermediation are included in Class 6230 Non-Depository Financing;
  • providing financial market transaction broking services (e.g. stock broking) and related activities on behalf of others are included in Class 6411 Financial Asset Broking Services; and
  • providing financial investment management or advisory services or other services in the field of finance or investment (except insurance or superannuation), are included in Class 6419 Other Auxiliary Finance and Investment Services.

623 Non-Depository Financing

This group contains the following ANZSIC class:


6230 Non-Depository Financing

This class consists of units mainly engaged in non-depository finance. Non-deposit financiers do not incur deposit liabilities and are mainly engaged in providing credit or lending money, or in leasing machinery, plant or equipment purely on a financial service basis (i.e. without physically handling the goods). Units of co-operative housing societies (except co-operative housing society management services on a commission or fee basis) are included.

Primary activities

  • Co-operative housing society operation (except co-operative housing society management services on a commission or fee basis)
  • Credit card issuing operation
  • Non-depository financing
  • Non-depository home lending operation
  • Non-depository money lending operation


Units mainly engaged in

  • deposit-taking financial operations are included in Group 622 Depository Financial Intermediation; and
  • providing financial asset investment consultancy services, or in managing the operations of co-operative housing societies on a commission or fee basis, are included in Class 6419 Other Auxiliary Finance and Investment Services.

624 Financial Asset Investing

This group contains the following ANZSIC class:


6240 Financial Asset Investing

This class consists of units mainly engaged in investing money on their own account in predominantly financial assets such as shares, bonds, bills and financial derivatives (including mortgages), excluding units of separately constituted superannuation funds. Also included are investment type unit trusts mainly engaged in holding financial assets, as well as financial holding companies holding shares in subsidiary companies.

Primary activities

  • Charitable/educational trust or foundation operation (investment type; in predominantly financial assets, except trust management services on a commission or fee basis)
  • Friendly society operation (investment type; in predominantly financial assets)
  • Holding company operation (viz. holding shares in subsidiary companies)
  • Investment operation (own account; in predominantly financial assets; except superannuation funds)
  • Mutual fund operation (except fund management on a commission or fee basis)
  • Unit trust operation (investment type; in predominantly financial assets; except trust management on a commission or fee basis)


Units of holding companies mainly engaged in activities other than holding shares, or of trusts or funds mainly engaged in producing goods or services (rather than merely investing money) are classified to the appropriate industry classes in accordance with their primary activity.

Units mainly engaged in

  • providing benefits through separately constituted funds are included in Class 6330 Superannuation Funds;
  • underwriting new security issues or in buying or selling stocks, shares or other financial securities for others are included in Class 6411 Financial Asset Broking Services;
  • managing (e.g. on a commission or fee basis) financial asset investments for others (except for separately constituted superannuation funds), or units mainly engaged in providing trustee or financial asset investment advisory services, are included in Class 6419 Other Auxiliary Finance and Investment Services;
  • renting and leasing non-financial intangible assets such as patents and trademarks are included in Class 6640 Non-Financial Intangible Assets (Except Copyrights) Leasing;
  • operating residential property trusts are included in Class 6711 Residential Property Operators; and
  • operating non-residential property trusts are included in Class 6712 Non-Residential Property Operators.