Latest release

11 Food Product Manufacturing

Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
Reference period
2006 (Revision 2.0)

This subdivision contains the following ANZSIC groups:


111 Meat and Meat Product Manufacturing

This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


1111 Meat Processing

This class consists of units mainly engaged in slaughtering animals (except poultry), boning, freezing, preserving or packing meat (except poultry) or canning meat (except poultry, seafood, bacon, ham and corned meat). Units mainly engaged in manufacturing meat from abattoir by-products (except from products of poultry slaughtering) and rendering lard or tallow are also included.

Primary activities

  • Abattoir operation (except poultry)
  • Animal meat packing and freezing
  • Animal oil or fat, unrefined, manufacturing
  • Lard or tallow rendering
  • Meat extract or essence manufacturing
  • Meat manufacturing (except bacon, ham and poultry)
  • Meat or bone meal manufacturing (except fish or poultry meal)
  • Meat packing (except poultry)
  • Meat, canned, manufacturing (except poultry, bacon, ham and corned meat)
  • Meat, dehydrated, manufacturing (except poultry)
  • Meat, frozen, manufacturing (except poultry)


    Units mainly engaged in

    • slaughtering, dressing, processing and packing poultry are included in Class 1112 Poultry Processing;
    • manufacturing or canning cured meats are included in Class 1113 Cured Meat and Smallgoods Manufacturing; and
    • manufacturing refined animal oils or fats are included in Class 1150 Oil and Fat Manufacturing.

    1112 Poultry Processing

    This class consists of units mainly engaged in slaughtering and dressing birds (including poultry and game birds) and/or preparing and processing, boning, chilling, freezing or packaging (including canning) the whole or selected parts of bird carcasses.

    Primary activities

    • Game bird (e.g. pheasant, quail) slaughtering
    • Frozen poultry manufacturing
    • Poultry abattoir operation
    • Poultry croquette manufacturing
    • Poultry meat or bone meal manufacturing
    • Poultry meat packing
    • Poultry meat processing (including canning)


    Units mainly engaged in manufacturing poultry-based smallgoods are included in Class 1113 Cured Meat and Smallgoods Manufacturing.


    1113 Cured Meat and Smallgoods Manufacturing

    This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing cured and preserved meats, such as bacon or ham, and in manufacturing smallgoods or prepared meat products not elsewhere classified. Units cure the meat by salting, drying, pickling or smoking.

    Primary activities

    • Bacon manufacturing
    • Corned meat manufacturing (including canned)
    • Croquette manufacturing n.e.c.
    • Ham, canned, manufacturing
    • Meat speciality manufacturing
    • Pate manufacturing (except fish)
    • Poultry smallgoods manufacturing
    • Smallgoods manufacturing


      Units mainly engaged in

      • manufacturing fish pates are included in Class 1120 Seafood Processing; and
      • manufacturing croquettes from poultry meat are included in Class 1112 Poultry Processing.

      112 Seafood Processing

      This group contains the following ANZSIC class:


      1120 Seafood Processing

      This class consists of units mainly engaged in processing fish or other seafoods. Processes include skinning or shelling, grading, filleting, boning, crumbing, battering and freezing of the seafood. This class also includes units mainly engaged in operating vessels which gather and process fish or other seafoods.

      Primary activities

      • Crustacean, processed, manufacturing (including cooked and/or frozen) n.e.c.
      • Fish cleaning or filleting
      • Fish fillet manufacturing
      • Fish loaf or cake manufacturing
      • Fish paste manufacturing
      • Fish pate manufacturing
      • Fish, canned, manufacturing
      • Fish, dried or smoked, manufacturing
      • Mollusc, processed, manufacturing (including shelled)
      • Oyster, shelling, freezing or bottling in brine
      • Scallop, preserved, manufacturing
      • Seafood, canned, manufacturing
      • Seafood, preserved, manufacturing
      • Whole fin fish freezing


      Units mainly engaged in gathering fish or other seafoods are included in the appropriate classes of Group 041 Fishing.


      113 Dairy Product Manufacturing

      This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


      1131 Milk and Cream Processing

      This class consists of units mainly engaged in processing raw milk. Processes include pasteurisation of milk and separation to produce milk and cream with varying fat content.

      Primary activities

      • Cream, pasteurised, manufacturing (except canned)
      • Milk, low fat, manufacturing
      • Milk, pasteurised, manufacturing
      • Skim milk manufacturing
      • Standard milk manufacturing
      • Ultra-heat treatment milk manufacturing


        Units mainly engaged in

        • manufacturing or canning buttermilk, condensed or evaporated milk, flavoured milk or sour cream are included in Class 1133 Cheese and Other Dairy Product Manufacturing; and
        • manufacturing milk or yoghurt substitutes from non-dairy substances such as soy, are included in Class 1199 Other Food Product Manufacturing n.e.c.

        1132 Ice Cream Manufacturing

        This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing ice cream or frozen confectionery.

        Primary activities

        • Confections, frozen manufacturing
        • Fruit ice, frozen, manufacturing
        • Gelato manufacturing
        • Ice cream manufacturing
        • Sorbet manufacturing


          Units mainly engaged in

          • manufacturing ice cream mixes or soft serve mixes are included in Class 1133 Cheese and Other Dairy Product Manufacturing;
          • manufacturing frozen bakery and pastry desserts are included in Class 1172 Cake and Pastry Manufacturing (Factory based); and
          • manufacturing ice cream from non-dairy substances such as soy, are included in Class 1199 Other Food Product Manufacturing n.e.c.

          1133 Cheese and Other Dairy Product Manufacturing

          This class consists of units mainly engaged either in manufacturing rennetted or cultured dairy products such as cheese or yoghurt, or in manufacturing other dairy products such as butter, milk powder and condensed or evaporated milk.

          Primary activities

          • Anhydrous milk fat (butter oil) manufacturing
          • Butter manufacturing
          • Buttermilk manufacturing
          • Casein manufacturing
          • Cheese manufacturing
          • Condensed milk manufacturing
          • Cream, canned, manufacturing
          • Dairy product manufacturing n.e.c.
          • Dried ice cream, soft serve or milk shake mix manufacturing
          • Evaporated milk manufacturing
          • Flavoured milk manufacturing
          • Infants' milk-based formula and food manufacturing
          • Lactose manufacturing
          • Liquid ice cream, soft serve or milk shake mix manufacturing
          • Malted milk powder manufacturing
          • Milk and coffee mixtures, condensed or concentrated, manufacturing
          • Milk powder manufacturing
          • Sour cream manufacturing
          • Whey or whey powder manufacturing
          • Yoghurt manufacturing


          Units mainly engaged in

          • manufacturing processed milk or cream are included in Class 1131 Milk and Cream Processing; and
          • manufacturing ice cream and other frozen confections are included in Class 1132 Ice Cream Manufacturing.

          114 Fruit and Vegetable Processing

          This group contains the following ANZSIC class:


          1140 Fruit and Vegetable Processing

          This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing canned, bottled, preserved, quick frozen or dried fruit (except sun-dried) and vegetable products. Also included are units mainly engaged in manufacturing dehydrated vegetable products, soups, sauces, pickles and mixed meat and vegetable products.

          Primary activities

          • Baby food, canned or bottled, manufacturing (except milk based)
          • Baked bean manufacturing
          • Bean/legume, dried or canned, manufacturing
          • Chutney or relish manufacturing
          • Coconut, desiccated, manufacturing
          • Fruit dehydrating or drying (except sun drying) manufacturing
          • Fruit juice, 100 percent pure or concentrated, manufacturing
          • Fruit pulp, puree or spread manufacturing
          • Fruit salad manufacturing
          • Fruit, frozen, manufacturing
          • Fruit, preserved, manufacturing (including canned or bottled)
          • Grape crushing
          • Jam manufacturing (including conserves, jellies or fruit spreads)
          • Mixed meat and vegetable manufacturing
          • Rice preparation, canned, manufacturing
          • Sauce manufacturing (except Worcestershire sauce)
          • Spaghetti, canned, manufacturing
          • Vegetable juice or soup manufacturing
          • Vegetable salad manufacturing
          • Vegetable soup manufacturing
          • Vegetable, frozen, manufacturing
          • Vegetable, preserved, manufacturing (including canned, dehydrated, dried or quick frozen)
          • Vinegar manufacturing (except wine vinegar)


            Units mainly engaged in

            • manufacturing potato crisps or corn chips are included in Class 1191 Potato, Corn and Other Crisp Manufacturing;
            • manufacturing fruit drinks, less than 100 percent pure or concentrated, are included in Class 1211 Soft Drink, Cordial and Syrup Manufacturing;
            • manufacturing wine vinegar are included in Class 1214 Wine and Other Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing;
            • manufacturing Worcestershire sauce are included in Class 1199 Other Food Product Manufacturing n.e.c.;
            • packing fresh fruit are included in 7320 Packaging Services;
            • manufacturing milk-based infant formula and food are included in Class 1133 Cheese and Other Dairy Product Manufacturing; and
            • sun drying fruit are included in the appropriate classes of Group 013 Fruit and Tree Nut Growing.

            115 Oil and Fat Manufacturing

            This group contains the following ANZSIC class:


            1150 Oil and Fat Manufacturing

            This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing crude vegetable or marine animal oil, fat, cake or meal, margarine, compound cooking oil or fat, blended table or salad oil, or refined or hydrogenated oil or fat not elsewhere classified. Units mainly engaged in manufacturing refined animal oil are also included in this class.

            Primary activities

            • Animal oil, refined, manufacturing
            • Cotton seed oil manufacturing
            • Deodorised vegetable oil manufacturing
            • Edible oil or fat, blended, manufacturing
            • Fish or other marine animal oil or meal manufacturing
            • Lard, refined, manufacturing
            • Margarine manufacturing
            • Olive oil manufacturing
            • Tallow, refined, manufacturing
            • Vegetable oil, meal or cake manufacturing


              Units mainly engaged in

              • rendering lard or tallow are included in Class 1111 Meat Processing; and
              • distilling or refining essential oils are included in Class 1899 Other Basic Chemical Product Manufacturing n.e.c.

              116 Grain Mill and Cereal Product Manufacturing

              This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


              1161 Grain Mill Product Manufacturing

              This class consists of units mainly engaged in milling flour or meal intended for human consumption from grains, vegetables or plants. Processes include blending and cleaning the grain, treating it with heat and moisture and then passing it through a succession of rollers to produce a variety of flour grades, from coarsely to finely ground products.

              Primary activities

              • Arrowroot manufacturing
              • Baking powder manufacturing
              • Barley malt manufacturing
              • Barley meal or flour manufacturing
              • Cornflour manufacturing
              • Cornmeal manufacturing
              • Dextrin manufacturing
              • Dextrose manufacturing (except prepared)
              • Glucose manufacturing
              • Gluten manufacturing
              • Malt extract manufacturing
              • Malt manufacturing
              • Pollard manufacturing (from wheat, barley or rye)
              • Rice flour, meal or offal manufacturing
              • Rice manufacturing (including parboiled)
              • Rice starch manufacturing
              • Rye flour, meal or offal manufacturing
              • Sago manufacturing
              • Self-raising flour manufacturing
              • Semolina manufacturing
              • Starch manufacturing
              • Tapioca manufacturing
              • Unpopped corn manufacturing (for popcorn)
              • Wheat germ manufacturing
              • Wheaten bran manufacturing
              • Wheaten flour manufacturing
              • Wheaten malt manufacturing
              • Wheatmeal manufacturing


                Units mainly engaged in

                • manufacturing prepared cereal breakfast food are included in Class 1162 Cereal, Pasta and Baking Mix Manufacturing;
                • manufacturing grain offal, crushed grain or cereals for animal or bird feed and fodder are included in Class 1192 Prepared Animal and Bird Feed Manufacturing;
                • repacking and wholesaling flour or cereal foods are included in Class 3609 Other Grocery Wholesaling; and
                • manufacturing malted milk-based powder and mixtures are included in Class 1133 Cheese and Other Dairy Product Manufacturing.

                1162 Cereal, Pasta and Baking Mix Manufacturing

                This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing prepared cereal foods (including oatmeal), fresh and dried pasta, and prepared baking mixes.

                Primary activities

                • Baking mix, prepared, manufacturing
                • Bread mix, dry, manufacturing
                • Cake mix manufacturing
                • Cereal food manufacturing n.e.c.
                • Coatings made from cereal food (except biscuit or breadcrumb) manufacturing
                • Custard powder manufacturing
                • Dessert, dried prepared, manufacturing
                • Noodle manufacturing
                • Oatmeal manufacturing
                • Oats, hulled or shelled, manufacturing
                • Oats, kilned or unkilned, manufacturing
                • Pasta, fresh or dried, manufacturing
                • Pastry mix manufacturing
                • Prepared breakfast cereal manufacturing


                  Units mainly engaged in

                  • milling flour from grains, vegetables and plants are included in Class 1161 Grain Mill Product Manufacturing;
                  • manufacturing fresh or frozen bread dough are included in Class 1171 Bread Manufacturing (Factory based);
                  • manufacturing frozen pastry products are included in Class 1172 Cake and Pastry Manufacturing (Factory based); and
                  • manufacturing grain offal, crushed grain or cereals for animal or bird feed and fodder are included in Class 1192 Prepared Animal and Bird Feed Manufacturing.

                  117 Bakery Product Manufacturing

                  This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


                  1171 Bread Manufacturing (Factory based)

                  This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing leavened and unleavened bread from factory based premises. Units mainly engaged in manufacturing bread dough (either fresh or frozen), breadcrumbs, or baking bread from home are also included.

                  Primary activities

                  • Bagel manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Bread bakery operation (factory based)
                  • Bread dough, frozen, manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Bread roll manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Bread, leavened or unleavened, manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Breadcrumb manufacturing (factory based)
                  • English muffin manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Fruit loaf manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Panini manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Pita bread


                  Units mainly engaged in

                  • manufacturing cakes and pastries from factory based premises are included in Class 1172 Cake and Pastry Manufacturing (Factory based);
                  • manufacturing bread and selling directly to consumers from the same premises are included in Class 1174 Bakery Product Manufacturing (Non-factory based); and
                  • retailing bakery products not manufactured on the same premises are included in Class 4129 Other Specialised Food Retailing.

                  1172 Cake and Pastry Manufacturing (Factory based)

                  This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing cakes, pastries, pies or similar bakery products (including frozen bakery products) from either factory based premises or home. Also included are units mainly engaged in finishing cakes (such as adding icing or jam).

                  Primary activities

                  • Cake icing or decorating (factory based)
                  • Cake or pastry-based pudding and dessert manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Cake or pastry-based slice manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Cake or pastry manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Cake or pastry, frozen, manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Crumpet manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Doughnut manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Pastry manufacturing (includes frozen dough; factory based)
                  • Pie manufacturing (including meat, fruit or vegetable pies; factory based)


                  Units mainly engaged in

                  • manufacturing cake mixes are included in Class 1162 Cereal, Pasta and Baking Mix Manufacturing;
                  • manufacturing and selling directly to consumers cakes or pastries manufactured on the same premises are included in Class 1174 Bakery Product Manufacturing (Non-factory based); and
                  • retailing bakery products (not manufactured on the same premises) are included in Class 4129 Other Specialised Food Retailing.

                  1173 Biscuit Manufacturing (Factory based)

                  This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing biscuits from either factory based premises or home.

                  Primary activities

                  • Biscuit dough manufacturing (factory based)
                  • Biscuit manufacturing (except pet food biscuits; factory based)
                  • Ice cream cone or wafer manufacturing (factory based)


                    Units mainly engaged in

                    • manufacturing pet food biscuits are included in Class 1192 Prepared Animal and Bird Feed Manufacturing;
                    • manufacturing and selling directly to consumers biscuits manufactured on the same premises are included in Class 1174 Bakery Product Manufacturing (Non-factory based); and
                    • retailing bakery products (not manufactured on the same premises) are included in Class 4129 Other Specialised Food Retailing.

                    1174 Bakery Product Manufacturing (Non-factory based)

                    This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing and selling directly to consumers from the same premises, bread and other bakery products.

                    Primary activities

                    • Manufacturing and selling bread from the same premises (non-factory based)
                    • Manufacturing and selling other bakery products from the same premises (non-factory based)


                    Units mainly engaged in

                    • manufacturing bread from factory based premises are included in Class 1171 Bread Manufacturing (Factory based);
                    • manufacturing cakes and pastries from factory based premises are included in Class 1172 Cake and Pastry Manufacturing (Factory based);
                    • manufacturing biscuits from factory-based premises are included in Class 1173 Biscuit Manufacturing (Factory based); and
                    • retailing bakery products (not manufactured on the same premises) are included in Class 4129 Other Specialised Food Retailing.

                    118 Sugar and Confectionery Manufacturing

                    This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


                    1181 Sugar Manufacturing

                    This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing raw or refined sugar or molasses from sugar cane, raw cane sugar or sugar beet.

                    Primary activities

                    • Brown sugar manufacturing
                    • Cane syrup manufacturing
                    • Caster sugar manufacturing
                    • Icing sugar manufacturing
                    • Molasses manufacturing
                    • Sugar manufacturing
                    • Treacle manufacturing

                    1182 Confectionery Manufacturing

                    This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing confectionery, chocolate or cocoa products, with or without sugar.

                    Primary activities

                    • Chewing gum manufacturing
                    • Chocolate manufacturing
                    • Cocoa product manufacturing
                    • Confectionery manufacturing
                    • Crystallised or glace fruit manufacturing
                    • Drinking chocolate manufacturing
                    • Licorice manufacturing
                    • Marshmallow manufacturing
                    • Marzipan manufacturing
                    • Nut, candied, manufacturing
                    • Popcorn, candied, manufacturing

                    119 Other Food Product Manufacturing

                    This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


                    1191 Potato, Corn and Other Crisp Manufacturing

                    This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing potato crisps, corn chips and other crisps.

                    Primary activities

                    • Corn chip manufacturing
                    • Crisp manufacturing
                    • Potato crisp manufacturing
                    • Taco, tortilla or tostada shell manufacturing

                    1192 Prepared Animal and Bird Feed Manufacturing

                    This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing prepared animal or bird feed, including cereal meal, grain offal or crushed grain for use as animal fodder (from whole grain, except from rice or rye). Units may manufacture canned, chilled or dried animal or bird feed or treats, including pet milk.

                    Primary activities

                    • Animal feed, prepared, manufacturing (except uncanned meat or bone meal or protein-enriched skim milk powder)
                    • Animal food, canned, manufacturing
                    • Bird feed manufacturing
                    • Cattle lick manufacturing
                    • Cereal meal manufacturing (for fodder, except from rice or rye)
                    • Chaff manufacturing
                    • Crushed grain manufacturing (including mixed; for fodder)
                    • Dehydrated lucerne manufacturing
                    • Dog and cat biscuit manufacturing
                    • Fodder, prepared, manufacturing
                    • Grain offal manufacturing (for fodder; except from rice or rye)
                    • Lucerne cube manufacturing
                    • Lucerne meal manufacturing
                    • Pet food, canned, manufacturing
                    • Poultry feed, prepared, manufacturing
                    • Sheep lick manufacturing


                    Units mainly engaged in

                    • slaughtering animals for pet food are included in Class 1111 Meat Processing; and
                    • manufacturing rice or rye, meal or offal for use as fodder are included in Class 1161 Grain Mill Product Manufacturing.

                    1199 Other Food Product Manufacturing n.e.c.

                    This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing other food products not elsewhere classified. Included in this class are units mainly engaged in manufacturing coffee and tea, food flavourings, seasonings and colourings, frozen pre-prepared meals and health supplements.

                    Primary activities

                    • Coffee manufacturing
                    • Colouring, food, manufacturing
                    • Dessert mix, liquid, manufacturing
                    • Egg pulping or drying
                    • Flavoured water pack manufacturing (for freezing into flavoured ice)
                    • Food dressing manufacturing
                    • Food flavouring manufacturing
                    • Food manufacturing n.e.c.
                    • Gelatine manufacturing
                    • Ginger product manufacturing (except confectionery)
                    • Health supplement manufacturing
                    • Herb, processed, manufacturing
                    • Honey, blended, manufacturing
                    • Hop extract, concentrated, manufacturing
                    • Jelly crystal manufacturing
                    • Pre-prepared meal, frozen, manufacturing
                    • Rice preparation manufacturing n.e.c.
                    • Salt, cooking or table, manufacturing
                    • Savoury speciality manufacturing
                    • Seasoning, food, manufacturing
                    • Soya bean concentrate, isolate or textured protein manufacturing
                    • Spice manufacturing
                    • Tea blending
                    • Tea manufacturing
                    • Worcestershire sauce manufacturing
                    • Yeast or yeast extract manufacturing


                    Units mainly engaged in

                    • manufacturing salt for industrial purposes are included in Class 1813 Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing; and
                    • providing catering services are included in Class 4513 Catering Services.