Latest release

B Mining

Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
Reference period
2006 (Revision 2.0)

B Mining

The Mining Division includes units that mainly extract naturally occurring mineral solids, such as coal and ores; liquid minerals, such as crude petroleum; and gases, such as natural gas. The term mining is used in the broad sense to include: underground or open cut mining; dredging; quarrying; well operations or evaporation pans; recovery from ore dumps or tailings as well as beneficiation activities (i.e. preparing, including crushing, screening, washing and flotation) and other preparation work customarily performed at the mine site, or as a part of mining activity.

The Mining Division distinguishes two basic activities: mine operation and mining support activities.

Mine operation includes units operating mines, quarries, or oil and gas wells on their own account, or for others on a contract or fee basis, as well as mining sites under development.

Mining support activities include units that perform mining services on a contract or fee basis, and exploration (except geophysical surveying).

Units in the Mining Division are grouped and classified according to the natural resource mined or to be mined. Industries include units that extract natural resources, and/or those that beneficiate the mineral mined. Beneficiation is the process whereby the extracted material is reduced to particles that can be separated into mineral and waste, the former suitable for further processing or direct use. The operations that take place in beneficiation are primarily mechanical, such as grinding, washing and magnetic separation, and centrifugal separation. In contrast, manufacturing operations primarily use chemical and electro-chemical processes, such as electrolysis and distillation.

The products produced by units classified to the Mining Division involve the minimum amount of processing to produce a marketable product. The Mining Division excludes units mainly engaged in refining or smelting of minerals or ores (other than preliminary smelting of gold), or in the manufacture of such products of mineral origin as coke or cement. These units are classified to the Manufacturing Division.

This division contains the following ANZSIC subdivisions:


06 Coal Mining

This subdivision contains the following ANZSIC group:


060 Coal Mining

This group contains the following ANZSIC class:


0600 Coal Mining

This class consists of units mainly engaged in open-cut or underground mining of black or brown coal.

Primary activities

  • Black coal mining
  • Brown coal mining
  • Lignite mining
  • Peat cutting (except horticultural)


Units mainly engaged in

  • extraction of horticultural peat are included in Class 0990 Other Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying; and
  • peat briquetting, where the peat is purchased and not mined, are included in Class 1709 Other Petroleum and Coal Product Manufacturing.

07 Oil and Gas Extraction

This subdivision contains the following ANZSIC group:


070 Oil and Gas Extraction

This group contains the following ANZSIC class:


0700 Oil and Gas Extraction

This class consists of units mainly engaged in producing crude oil, natural gas or condensate through the extraction of oil and gas deposits.

Primary activities

  • Gas, natural, extraction
  • Liquefied natural gas production
  • Natural gas extraction
  • Oil shale mining
  • Petroleum gas extraction


Units mainly engaged in

  • refining heavy and light component crude oil, manufacturing and/or blending materials into petroleum fuel, and manufacturing fuel from liquefied petroleum gases are included in Class 1701 Petroleum Refining and Petroleum Fuel Manufacturing.

08 Metal Ore Mining

This subdivision contains the following ANZSIC group:


080 Metal Ore Mining

This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


0801 Iron Ore Mining

This class consists of units mainly engaged in mining iron ore or iron sands. Units primarily engaged in the production of sinter and other agglomerates, except those associated with blast furnace operations, are classified in this class.

Primary activities

  • Iron ore dressing or beneficiating
  • Iron ore mining
  • Iron sand mining


Units mainly engaged in

  • operating blast furnaces to produce pig iron from iron ore are included in Class 2110 Iron Smelting and Steel Manufacturing; and
  • production of direct reduced iron/hot briquetted iron are included in Class 2110 Iron Smelting and Steel Manufacturing.

0802 Bauxite Mining

This class consists of units mainly engaged in bauxite mining.

Primary activities

  • Aluminium ore mining
  • Bauxite mining


Units mainly engaged in production of alumina are included in Class 2131 Alumina Production.


0803 Copper Ore Mining

This class consists of units mainly engaged in mining copper ore.

Primary activities

  • Copper ore leaching
  • Copper ore mining
  • Electro won copper production


Units mainly engaged in custom smelting or refining of copper are included in Class 2133 Copper, Silver, Lead and Zinc Smelting and Refining.


0804 Gold Ore Mining

This class consists of units mainly engaged in mining gold ore and in beneficiating gold ore, or in the preliminary extraction of gold from ore mined by the same unit by smelting or by extraction of gold from a liquor.

Primary activities

  • Alluvial gold mining
  • Eluvial gold mining
  • Gold bullion production
  • Gold dredging
  • Gold mining
  • Gold ore roasting and flotation extraction, including metallurgical hydro-extraction
  • Gold washing or sluicing
  • Reworking of mullock heaps or tailings for gold


Units mainly engaged in custom smelting or refining of gold are included in Class 2139 Other Basic Non-Ferrous Metal Manufacturing.


0805 Mineral Sand Mining

This class consists of units mainly engaged in mining mineral sand (except iron sand).

Primary activities

  • Ilmenite sand mining
  • Leucoxene sand mining
  • Mineral sand mining
  • Monazite sand mining
  • Rutile sand mining
  • Synthetic rutile production
  • Zircon sand mining

0806 Nickel Ore Mining

This class consists of units mainly engaged in mining nickel ore.

Primary Activities

  • Nickel ore mining

0807 Silver-Lead-Zinc Ore Mining

This class consists of units mainly engaged in mining ores of silver, lead or zinc.

Primary activities

  • Lead ore mining
  • Silver-lead-zinc ore mining
  • Silver ore mining
  • Zinc ore mining


Units mainly engaged in roasting of sulphide concentrate or in smelting or refining of silver lead or zinc are included in Class 2133 Copper, Silver, Lead and Zinc Smelting and Refining.


0809 Other Metal Ore Mining

This class consists of units mainly engaged in mining metallic mineral ore not elsewhere classified.

Primary activities

  • Antimony ore mining
  • Beryllium ore mining
  • Bismuth ore mining
  • Iron pyrite mining
  • Manganese ore mining
  • Metallic ore mining n.e.c.
  • Molybdenite mining
  • Platinum group metal mining
  • Tantalite mining
  • Tin ore mining
  • Tungsten ore mining
  • Uranium ore mining

09 Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying

This subdivision contains the following ANZSIC groups:


091 Construction Material Mining

This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


0911 Gravel and Sand Quarrying

This class consists of units mainly engaged in quarrying, washing or screening sand or natural gravel.

Primary activities

  • Pebble quarrying
  • River gravel quarrying, washing or screening
  • Rock, ornamental, gathering
  • Sand quarrying, washing or screening


Units mainly engaged in

  • quarrying, crushing or screening crushed or broken stone are included in Class 0919 Other Construction Material Mining; and
  • quarrying silica for industrial purposes are included in Class 0990 Other Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying.

0919 Other Construction Material Mining

This class consists of units mainly engaged in quarrying, crushing or screening crushed or broken stone or in quarrying dimension stone or construction materials not elsewhere classified. This class also includes the quarrying of clay, marble, granite, limestone, slate or dolomite for use as a manufacturing input.

Primary activities

  • Aggregate quarrying
  • Bentonite quarrying
  • Blue metal stone quarrying
  • Brick shale quarrying
  • Building stone quarrying
  • Cement clay quarrying
  • Chalk quarrying
  • Clay quarrying
  • Construction material crushing or screening
  • Dimension stone quarrying
  • Earth, soil, or filling quarrying
  • Fullers earth quarrying
  • Granite quarrying
  • Limestone quarrying
  • Marble quarrying
  • Road fill quarrying
  • Sandstone quarrying
  • Slate quarrying
  • Stone quarrying
  • Tile clay quarrying


Units mainly engaged in

  • quarrying river gravel are included in Class 0911 Gravel and Sand Quarrying;
  • manufacture, within the same unit, of non-metallic mineral products (such as brick, glass, cement, slate paving, cut and polished ornamental stone) are included in the appropriate classes of Division C Manufacturing; and
  • incidental quarrying of earth soil or filling carried out by a contractor at a construction site are included in the appropriate classes of Division E Construction.

099 Other Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying

This group contains the following ANZSIC class:


0990 Other Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying

This class consists of units mainly engaged in mining or quarrying non-metallic minerals, except construction materials.

Primary activities

  • Abrasives mining
  • Alabaster mining
  • Alum mining
  • Alunite mining
  • Barite mining
  • Chrysoprase mining
  • Diamond mining
  • Diatomite mining
  • Felspar quarrying
  • Flint quarrying
  • Fluorspar mining
  • Gemstone mining
  • Glauconite mining
  • Graphite mining
  • Green sand mining
  • Gypsum mining
  • Horticultural peat extraction
  • Jade mining
  • Kyanite mining
  • Lithium mineral mining
  • Magnesite mining
  • Mica mining
  • Mineral pigment mining n.e.c.
  • Opal mining
  • Phosphate rock mining
  • Quartz quarrying n.e.c.
  • Salt harvesting
  • Silica mining (for industrial purposes)
  • Talc quarrying
  • Vermiculite mining
  • Zeolite mining


Units mainly engaged in

  • cutting peat as a result of the removal of overburden from brown coal mines are included in Class 0600 Coal Mining;
  • refining salt are included in Class 1199 Other Food Product Manufacturing n.e.c.; and
  • gemstone cutting are included in Class 2591 Jewellery and Silverware Manufacturing.

10 Exploration and Other Mining Support Services

This subdivision contains the following ANZSIC groups:


101 Exploration

This group contains the following ANZSIC classes:


1011 Petroleum Exploration

This class consists of units mainly engaged in exploring for crude petroleum and natural gas.

Primary Activities

  • Natural gas exploration
  • Petroleum exploration

1012 Mineral Exploration

This class consists of units mainly engaged in exploring for minerals (except for crude petroleum or natural gas).

Primary activities

  • Mineral exploration

109 Other Mining Support Services

This group contains the following ANZSIC class:


1090 Other Mining Support Services

This class consists of units mainly engaged in providing mining support services integral to the mining process.

Primary activities

  • Cementing oil and gas well castings
  • Directional drilling and redrilling
  • Mining draining and pumping service
  • Oil and gas field support service n.e.c.


Units mainly engaged in

  • carrying out an entire mining operation are classified according to the deposit type;
  • providing geological or geophysical surveying services on a contract or fee basis are included in Class 6922 Surveying and Mapping Services;
  • providing ore testing, assaying or similar laboratory type services on a contract or fee basis are included in Class 6925 Scientific Testing and Analysis Services;
  • providing services incidental to the mining industry, such as catering and transport, are coded to the appropriate industry for that activity;
  • undertaking general exploration contracts for particular minerals or in providing related drilling services are included in Class 1012 Mineral Exploration; and
  • undertaking mine site preparation and removal of overburden done on a contract or fee basis are included in Class 3212 Site Preparation Services.