 |  | Executive summary
Includes: Summary |
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 |  | Introduction
Includes: Purpose , Background, Market–based instruments |
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 |  | Taxes and environmental taxes
Includes: Introduction, What is an environmental tax?, Statistical treatment of taxes, charges and fees, Limitations of scope, The Clean Energy Legislative Package |
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 |  | International statistics on environmental taxes
Includes: OECD, Europe, Emission Trading System in Europe |
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 |  | Australian estimates and analysis
Includes: Introduction, Type of environmental taxes included in estimates |
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 |  | ABS results on environmental taxes
Includes: Introduction , Total environmental tax revenues, Environmental taxes by industry and households, Development of environmental taxes for households, Renewable energy certificates |
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 |  | Treatment of Australian environmental taxes by the OECD
Includes: Introduction, OECD Treatment of Australian Environmental taxes |
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 |  | Discussion
Includes: Possible Improvements |
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 |  | Feedback and questions
Includes: Questions for Feedback |
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