
Description of image: Australian Statistician, Dr David Gruen
In uncertain times, people look to expert institutions like the ABS to provide reliable information to give them an understanding of what is happening to individuals, families, and businesses. Especially at times of rapid change, the expectation is that this information will be as close to ‘real time’ as possible, to enable communities and governments to respond quickly to minimise adverse impacts. As Australia recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the ABS will continue to innovate to deliver high-quality, relevant, and trusted official statistics, data, and insights to inform Australia’s important decisions.
The ABS has an ambitious work program for the next four years, which includes conducting the 18th Census of Population and Housing, along with major social surveys (such as the Intergenerational Health and Mental Health Study); making greater use of existing administrative and ‘big’ data from both the public and private sectors; leading the Australian Public Service (APS) Data Profession to lift data capability across the APS; partnering with other APS agencies to produce better information for responding to natural disasters; and continuing to produce key Main Economic Indicators such as the National Accounts, Consumer Price Index, and Labour Force statistics.
For some time yet, we will be undertaking our work program in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, opportunities will arise as our environment continues to evolve. As a high performing organisation, to make the most of these opportunities we will need to make several shifts over coming years. We will improve how we manage our data, work collaboratively with our clients, and grow and develop our workforce. We’ll also modernise our technology and continue to build our leadership capability.
Producing high-quality statistics is always our primary objective. How the ABS works will change over coming years, but our commitment to meeting Australia’s information needs will remain steadfast.
Statement of Preparation
As the Accountable Authority of the ABS, I am pleased to present the ABS Corporate Plan which covers the period 2021–22 to 2024–25, in accordance with the requirements of section 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
Dr David Gruen
Australian Statistician