In addition to the main suite of criminal justice statistics regularly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), more in-depth information about aspects of victimisation are collected from time to time through more detailed surveys on specific topics. An example of this is the 2005 Personal Safety Survey (PSS), conducted by the ABS during August to December 2005. Information was collected through personal interviews of people aged 18 years and over in all Australian states and territories. The survey provides information on people's safety at home and in the community and, in particular, on the nature and extent of violence against people. It also collected information about incidents of abuse, stalking and other forms of harassment.
Measuring violence in the community through household surveys is a complex task. The ABS consulted with a number of experts from the field of crime and justice to obtain advice on the information to be collected, and appropriate survey methodology. There are no generally agreed or accepted standards for defining what constitutes violence. The definitions used in the PSS were based on actions which would be considered as offences under state and territory criminal law.
Violence, is any incident involving the occurrence, attempt, or threat of either physical or sexual assault. Physical assault involves the use of physical force with the intent to harm or frighten. An attempt or threat to inflict physical harm is included only if a personal believes it is likely to be carried out. Sexual assault includes acts of a sexual nature carried out against a person's will through the use of physical force, intimidation or coercion, or any attempts to do this. Unwanted sexual touching is excluded from sexual assault. Sexual threat involves the threat of an act of a sexual nature which the person believes is likely to be carried out.
Diagrams 11.14 and 11.15 show the experiences of violence for men and women in the twelve months prior to the survey in 2005.

Personal Safety, Australia (4906.0)
Personal Safety, Australia: User Guide (4906.0.55.003)