Health Risk Factors and Behaviours |
1989-90 National Health Survey: Lifestyle and Health, 1989-90 (cat no. 4366.0)
A Directory of Education and Training Statistics, 2009 (cat no. 1136.0)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Smoking Trends, Australia, 1994 to 2014-15 (cat no. 4737.0)
Alcohol Consumption in Australia: A Snapshot, 2007-08 (cat no. 4832.0.55.001)
Apparent Consumption of Alcohol, Australia, 2017-18 (cat no. 4307.0.55.001)
Apparent Consumption of Alcohol: Extended Time Series, 1944-45 to 2008-09 (cat no. 4307.0.55.002)
Apparent Consumption of Selected Foodstuffs, Australia, 2018-19 (cat no. 4316.0)
Asthma in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05 (cat no. 4819.0.55.001)
Australia at a Glance, 2008 (cat no. 1309.0)
Australian Health Classifications, 1996 (cat no. 1219.0)
Australian Health Survey: Consumption of added sugars, 2011-12 (cat no. 4364.0.55.011)
Australian Health Survey: Consumption of Food Groups from the Australian Dietary Guidelines, 2011-12 (cat no. 4364.0.55.012)
Australian Health Survey: Nutrition First Results - Foods and Nutrients, 2011-12 (cat no. 4364.0.55.007)
Australian Health Survey: Physical Activity, 2011-12 (cat no. 4364.0.55.004)
Australian Health Survey: Updated Results, 2011-2012 (cat no. 4364.0.55.003)
Australian Health Survey: Users' Guide, 2011-13 (cat no. 4363.0.55.001)
Australian Health Survey: Usual Nutrient Intakes, 2011-12 (cat no. 4364.0.55.008)
Australian Health Trends, 2001 (cat no. 8902.0)
Australian Social Trends, 2014 (cat no. 4102.0)
Baby Boomers in Queensland: A Profile of Persons Born 1946-1965, 2005 (cat no. 4149.3)
Breastfeeding in Australia, 2001 (cat no. 4810.0.55.001)
Cancer in Australia, 2001 (cat no. 8916.0)
Cancer in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05 (cat no. 4822.0.55.001)
Cardiovascular Disease in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05 (cat no. 4821.0.55.001)
Caring in the Community, Australia, 2012 (cat no. 4436.0)
Causes of Infant and Child Deaths, Australia, 1982 to 1996 (cat no. 4398.0)
Characteristics of people using mental health services and prescription medication, 2011 (cat no. 4329.0)
Child Health Survey: Education, Health and Competence, Western Australia, September 1993 (cat no. 4305.5)
Deaths due to Diseases and Cancers of the Respiratory System, Australia, 1979-94 (cat no. 3314.0)
Deaths From External Causes, Australia, 1998 to 2002 (cat no. 3320.0)
Diabetes in Australia: A Snapshot, 2007-08 (cat no. 4820.0.55.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Caring in the Community, Tables 1 to 16., Jun to Nov 2003 (cat no. 4430.0.55.003)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Caring in the Community, Tables 17 to 24, 2003 (cat no. 4430.0.55.004)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: First Results, 2015 (cat no. 4430.0.10.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, 2018 (cat no. 4430.0)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: User Guide, 2009 (cat no. 4431.0.55.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Disability and Long Term Health Conditions, Tables 12 to 19., 2003 (cat no. 4430.0.55.002)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Summary Tables, Australian Capital Territory, 1998 (cat no. 4430.8.40.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Summary Tables, New South Wales, 1998 (cat no. 4430.1.40.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Summary Tables, Northern Territory, 1998 (cat no. 4430.7.40.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Summary Tables, Queensland, 1998 (cat no. 4430.3.40.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Summary Tables, South Australia, 1998 (cat no. 4430.4.40.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Summary Tables, Tasmania, 1998 (cat no. 4430.6.40.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Summary Tables, Victoria, 1998 (cat no. 4430.2.40.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Summary Tables, Western Australia, 1998 (cat no. 4430.5.40.001)
Disability, Ageing and Carers: User Guide, Australia, 1998 (cat no. 4431.0)
Disability, Ageing and Carers: Disability and Long Term Health Conditions, Tables 1 to 11., 2003 (cat no. 4430.0.55.001)
Disability, Australia, 2009 (cat no. 4446.0)
Drug Induced Deaths, Australia, 1991-2001 (cat no. 3321.0.55.001)
Facts at your Fingertips: Health, 2011 (cat no. 4841.0)
Firearms Deaths, Australia, 1980 to 1995 (cat no. 4397.0)
Focus on Families: Caring in Families: Support for Persons who are Older or have Disabilities, 1993 (cat no. 4423.0)
Food Safety, Tasmania, October 1996 (cat no. 4344.6)
Health Issues, Tasmania, October 1995 (cat no. 4396.6)
Health Risk Factors, Australia, 2001 (cat no. 4812.0)
How Australians Measure Up, 1995 (cat no. 4359.0)
Illicit Drug Use, Sources of Australian Data, 2001 (cat no. 4808.0)
Information Paper: Drug-induced Deaths - A Guide to ABS Causes of Death Data, 2002 (cat no. 4809.0.55.001)
Information Paper: Drug-induced Deaths - A Guide to ABS Causes of Death Data, 2002 (cat no. 4809.0)
Information Paper: National Health Survey, Basic and Expanded CURF, 2007-08 (cat no. 4324.0)
Information Paper: National Nutrition Survey, Basic CURF, 1995 (cat no. 4807.0)
Information Paper: Producing national estimates from State Health Surveys, 2004 (cat no. 4375.0.55.001)
Injury in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05 (cat no. 4825.0.55.001)
Measures of Australia's Progress, 2013 (cat no. 1370.0)
Measures of Australia's Progress: At A Glance, 2008 (cat no. 1383.0.55.002)
Measures of Australia's Progress: Summary Indicators, 2009 (cat no. 1383.0.55.001)
Mental Health and Wellbeing: Profile of Adults, New South Wales, Data Report, 1997 (cat no. 4326.1.40.001)
Mental Health and Wellbeing: Profile of Adults, Queensland, Data Report, 1997 (cat no. 4326.3.40.001)
Mental Health and Wellbeing: Profile of Adults, South Australia, Data Report, 1997 (cat no. 4326.4.40.001)
Mental Health and Wellbeing: Profile of Adults, Victoria, Data Report, 1997 (cat no. 4326.2.40.001)
Mental Health and Wellbeing: Profile of Adults, Western Australia, 1997-98 (cat no. 4326.5)
Mental Health in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05 (cat no. 4824.0.55.001)
Microdata: Australian Health Survey, Core Content - Risk Factors and Selected Health Conditions, 2011-12 (cat no. 4324.0.55.003)
Microdata: Australian Health Survey: Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2011-12 (cat no. 4324.0.55.002)
Microdata: Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia, 2018 (cat no. 4430.0.30.002)
Microdata: Giving to Charities - Population Survey Monitor, Basic CURF, Australia, 1997 (cat no. 4447.0.30.001)
Microdata: Mental Health and Wellbeing of Adults, Basic CURF, Western Australia, 1997 (cat no. 4326.5.30.001)
Microdata: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, Expanded CURF, 2008 (cat no. 4720.0.55.001)
Microdata: National Health Survey, 2017-18 (cat no. 4324.0.55.001)
Microdata: National Nutrition Survey, 1995 (cat no. 4807.0.30.001)
Microdata: Patient Experiences, Australia (cat no. 4840.0)
Microdata: Smoker Status, Australia, 2017-18 (cat no. 4324.0.55.004)
Multiple Cause of Death Analysis, 1997-2001 (cat no. 3319.0.55.001)
Musculoskeletal Conditions in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05 (cat no. 4823.0.55.001)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2014-15 (cat no. 4714.0)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, Australia, 2002 (cat no. 4714.0.55.001)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, Australian Capital Territory, 2002 (cat no. 4714.8.55.001)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, Australia: Summary Booklet, 2008 (cat no. 4714.0.55.003)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, New South Wales, 2002 (cat no. 4714.1.55.001)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, Northern Territory, 2002 (cat no. 4714.7.55.001)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, Queensland, 2002 (cat no. 4714.3.55.001)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, South Australia, 2002 (cat no. 4714.4.55.001)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, Tasmania, 2002 (cat no. 4714.6.55.001)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, Victoria, 2002 (cat no. 4714.2.55.001)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, Western Australia, 2002 (cat no. 4714.5.55.001)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey: Data Reference Package, 2002 (cat no. 4714.0.55.002)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey: User Guide, 2014-15 (cat no. 4720.0)
National Health Survey Darwin-Palmerston and Alice Springs Northern Territory, 1995 (cat no. 4803.7)
National Health Survey Summary Results Australian States and Territories, 1995 (cat no. 4368.0)
National Health Survey : Data Reference Package, 2007–08 (cat no. 4363.0.55.002)
National Health Survey: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Results, Australia, 1995 (cat no. 4806.0)
National Health Survey: Data Reference Package, Australia, 1995 (cat no. 4363.0.00.001)
National Health Survey: Injuries, Australia, 2001 (cat no. 4384.0)
National Health Survey: Use of Medications, Australia, 1995 (cat no. 4377.0)
National Health Survey: Asthma and Other Respiratory Conditions, Australia, 1995 (cat no. 4373.0)
National Health Survey: Cancer Screening, Australia, 1989-90 (cat no. 4378.0)
National Health Survey: Cardiovascular and Related Conditions, 1995 (cat no. 4372.0)
National Health Survey: Diabetes, Australia, 1995 (cat no. 4371.0)
National Health Survey: First Results, 1995 (cat no. 4392.0)
National Health Survey: Mental Health and co-existing physical health conditions, Australia, 2014 - 15 (cat no. 4329.0.00.004)
National Health Survey: Mental Health, Australia, 2001 (cat no. 4811.0)
National Health Survey: Output Data Items, 2001 (cat no. 4830.0)
National Health Survey: Persons accessing Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme subsidised prescriptions, 2014-15 (cat no. 4364.0.55.015)
National Health Survey: Summary of Results; State Tables, 2007-2008 (Reissue) (cat no. 4362.0)
National Health Survey: Users' Guide, 2017-18 (cat no. 4363.0)
National Nutrition Survey: Nutrient Intakes and Physical Measurements, Australia, 1995 (cat no. 4805.0)
National Nutrition Survey: Users' Guide, 1995 (cat no. 4801.0)
National Nutrition Survey: Foods Eaten, Australia, 1995 (cat no. 4804.0)
National Nutrition Survey: Selected Highlights, Australia, 1995 (cat no. 4802.0)
National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results, 2007 (cat no. 4326.0)
National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Users' Guide, 2007 (cat no. 4327.0)
NSW State and Regional Indicators, Dec 2010 (cat no. 1338.1)
Occasional Paper: Breastfeeding in Australia, 1996 (cat no. 4394.0)
Occasional Paper: Health Risk Factors - a Guide to Time Series Comparability from the National Health Survey, Australia, 2004 (cat no. 4826.0.55.001)
Occasional Paper: Measuring Dietary Habits in the 2001 National Health Survey, Australia, 2001 (cat no. 4814.0.55.001)
Overweight and Obesity in Adults in Australia: A Snapshot, 2007–08 (cat no. 4842.0.55.001)
Perinatal Deaths, Australia, 2009 (cat no. 3304.0)
Persons Covered by Hospital and Medical Expenditure Assistance Schemes, Aug 1972 (cat no. 4303.0)
Physical Activity in Australia: A Snapshot, 2007-08 (cat no. 4835.0.55.001)
Pocket Year Book, Australia, 2000 (cat no. 1302.0)
Population Survey Monitor, Nov 2000 (cat no. 4103.0)
Profiles of Health, Australia, 2011-13 (cat no. 4338.0)
Publications and Products Released in January 2002, Jan 2002 (cat no. 1102.0)
Queensland Year Book (Hard cover), 2001 (cat no. 1301.3)
Recent Developments in the Collection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Welfare Statistics, 2005 (cat no. 4704.0.55.001)
Regional Indicators, South Australia, 1998 (cat no. 1314.4)
Regional Statistics, Tasmania, 2007 (cat no. 1362.6)
Responsible Use of ABS Microdata, User Guide (cat no. 1406.0.55.003)
Self-assessed Health in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05 (cat no. 4828.0.55.001)
South Australia's Baby Boomers: A Profile, 2003 (cat no. 4149.4.55.001)
South Australian Year Book, 1999 (cat no. 1301.4)
Statistical Trends, NSW, 2007 (cat no. 1338.1.55.001)
Statistics - Tasmania, 2008 (cat no. 1384.6)
Statistics Victoria, Jun 2011 (cat no. 1100.2)
StatSearch, A Reference Guide to Western Australian Statistics, 1998 (cat no. 1359.5)
Suicides, Australia, 2010 (cat no. 3309.0)
Suicides: Recent Trends, Australia, 1993 to 2003 (cat no. 3309.0.55.001)
Survey of Infant Sleeping Positions, Australia, Jul 1992 (cat no. 4386.0)
Tasmanian Key Indicators, Mar 2011 (cat no. 1304.6)
Tasmanian State and Regional Indicators, Dec 2010 (cat no. 1307.6)
Technical Manual: National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Confidentialised Unit Record Files, 2007 (cat no. 4326.0.30.002)
Technical Manual: Patient Experiences in Australia, Expanded CURF, Jul 2009 to Dec 2009 (cat no. 4840.0.55.002)
The Health and Welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Oct 2010 (cat no. 4704.0)
The Health and Welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Summary Booklet, 2005 (cat no. 4704.0.55.002)
The Health of Older People, Australia, 2001 (cat no. 4827.0.55.001)
Trends in Mortality by Causes of Death in Australia, the States and Territories during 1971-92 and in the Regions during 1991-92, 1971-92 (cat no. 3313.0)
Western Australian Child Health Survey: Family and Community Health and Well-being, May 1996 (cat no. 4304.5)
Western Australia: Child Health Survey: Education and Health, 1995 (cat no. 4303.5)
Women's Health, 1994 (cat no. 4365.0)
Year Book Australia on CD-ROM, 2006 (cat no. 1301.0.30.001)