Time Use |
Age Matters, Jun 2011 (cat no. 4914.0.55.001)
Australia at a Glance, 2008 (cat no. 1309.0)
Australian National Accounts: Non-Profit Institutions Satellite Account, 2012-13 (cat no. 5256.0)
Australian Social Trends, 2014 (cat no. 4102.0)
Baby Boomers in Queensland: A Profile of Persons Born 1946-1965, 2005 (cat no. 4149.3)
Directory of Child and Family Statistics, 2000 (cat no. 4158.0)
Disability, New South Wales, 2001 (cat no. 4443.1)
Family and Community Connections, May 2009 (cat no. 4918.0)
Focus on Families: Family Life, 1992-93 (cat no. 4425.0)
How Australians Use Their Time, 2006 (cat no. 4153.0)
Information Paper: Time Use Survey, Basic CURF, Australia, 1997 (cat no. 4151.0)
Microdata: Time Use Survey, Basic CURF, Australia, 2006 (cat no. 4152.0.55.001)
NSW Families: A Profile, 1994 (cat no. 4426.1)
Older People, New South Wales, 2004 (cat no. 4108.1)
Pocket Year Book, Australia, 2000 (cat no. 1302.0)
Publications and Products Released in January 2002, Jan 2002 (cat no. 1102.0)
Queensland Year Book (Hard cover), 2001 (cat no. 1301.3)
Regional Indicators, South Australia, 1998 (cat no. 1314.4)
South Australian Year Book, 1999 (cat no. 1301.4)
Statistics Victoria, Jun 2011 (cat no. 1100.2)
StatSearch, A Reference Guide to Western Australian Statistics, 1998 (cat no. 1359.5)
Time Use on Recreation and Leisure Activities, 2006 (cat no. 4173.0)
Time Use Survey: User Guide, 2006 (cat no. 4150.0)
Travel to Work, School and Shops, Victoria, October 1994 (cat no. 9201.2)
Unpaid Work and the Australian Economy, 1997 (cat no. 5240.0)
Year Book Australia on CD-ROM, 2006 (cat no. 1301.0.30.001)