|  | Welcome from the Director
Includes: Welcome from the Director of the Rural and Regional Statistics National Centre. |
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 |  | Regional Population Growth
Includes: An article highlighting some of the key findings from the recently released Regional Population Growth publication, including regions of growth within each state and territory. |
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 |  | Estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas
Includes: An article exploring personal income in Australia based on data from the Estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas publication. |
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 |  | Economy
Includes: Key findings from the recently released Regional Wage and Salary Earner Statistics publication and details of changes to Regional Labour Force Statistics dissemination regions. |
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 |  | Population and People
Includes: Find out how you can assist with preparations for the 2011 Census, highlights from the Statistician's Report on the Census and key findings from the Household Use of Information Technology publication. |
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 |  | Industry
Includes: Recent releases including the Australian Wine and Grape Industry and the Motor Vehicle Census and information papers relating to the ABS Agriculture Statistics Collection Strategy. |
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 |  | Environment and Energy
Includes: The recent releases of Land Management and Farming in Australia and Water Use on Australian Farms. |
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 |  | Other News and Contacts
Includes: Information about the upcoming release of the Australian Standard Geographical Classification, the Community Indicators Summit, ABS Outpostings and Small Area Estimates of Household Wealth. |
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