The scope of the ABS (2006b) Survey of Sports and Physical Recreation Services, Australia 2004-05 (cat. no. 8686.0) included all employing and significant non-employing businesses/organisations on the ABS Business Register, classified to the following ANZSIC classes:
- 9311 - Horse and Dog Racing. This class includes businesses/organisations mainly engaged in operating facilities designed and used for horse and dog racing. Examples of businesses/organisations in this class are thoroughbred, harness and greyhound training businesses/organisations.
- 9312 - Sports Grounds and Facilities not elsewhere classified (nec) This class includes businesses/organisations mainly engaged in operating any kind of indoor or outdoor sporting facility other than horse and dog racing facilities. Examples of businesses/organisations in this class include those which operate gymnasia, squash courts, swimming pools, bowling alleys, basketball stadiums, football grounds, etc.
- 9319 - Sports and Services to Sports nec. This class includes businesses/organisations mainly engaged in providing sporting services not covered by Classes 9311 and 9312 above. Examples of businesses/organisations in this class include sporting associations, sporting administration businesses/organisations and sports coaching businesses/organisations.
It provides data about people employed in sport and physical recreation regardless of their occupation or whether it was their main job. It also provides information about voluntary work. For the purposes of this survey significant non-employing units were defined as those with turnover in 2004-05 of $135,000 or more. Non-employing units were excluded from previous surveys. The data include all people who were employed or did voluntary work, regardless of their age.
8.5 Sport and physical recreation services, By type of organisation - 2004-05 |
 | Employing organisations | Non-employing organisations | Total |
Number of organisations at end June | 8 191 | 1 064 | 9 256 |
Total employment at end June | 111 201 | 319 | 111 519 |
Total volunteers during June | 163 706 | 18 126 | 181 832 |
Source: Sports Industries, Australia, 2004-05 (cat. no. 8686.0). |
At the end of June 2005 there were 9,256 businesses/organisations operating in Australia whose main activity was the provision of sports and physical recreation services. At the end of June 2005, non-employing organisations made up 11% of the total number of organisations providing sport and physical recreation services. The 9,256 organisations (including 600 government agencies) providing sport and physical recreation services employed a total of 111,519 people and received help from 181, 832 volunteers.
8.6 Sport and physical recreation services, By sector - 2004-05 |
 | For profit | Not for profit | Government | Total |
Number of organisations at end June | 5 007 | 3 649 | 600 | 9 256 |
Total employment at end June | 53 917 | 46 552 | 11 051 | 111 519 |
Total volunteers during June | *7 480 | 174 351 | . . | 181 832 |
* estimate has a relative standard error of 25% to 50% and should be used with caution |
. . not applicable |
Source: Sports Industries, Australia, 2004-05 (cat. no. 8686.0). |
Not for profit organisations accounted for 42% of the paid employment and 96% of the volunteers.