This SuperTABLE cube contains selected data from the 2007 Motor Vehicle Census.
The 2007 Motor Vehicle Census was conducted at 31 March 2007.
Motor vehicle registration statistics are derived from data provided by State and Territory motor vehicle registration authorities. The statistics reflect information recorded in registration documents and, where possible, use the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to decode the information presented here.
The scope of the statistics in this SuperTABLE cube
includes - passenger vehicles, campervans, light commercial vehicles, light rigid trucks, heavy rigid trucks, articulated trucks, non-freight carrying trucks, buses and motorcycles, including State and Commonwealth owned vehicles registered for unrestricted use on Australian roads.
excludes -vehicles with diplomatic and consular plates, vehicles belonging to the defence forces, recreation vehicles such as trail bikes and sand dune buggies (in those States where registration is not required), and unpowered vehicles such as caravans and trailers, trailed plant and equipment.
This SuperTABLE cube allows tables to be built using these fields:
Make - the name of the vehicle make
Model - the name of the vehicle model
Postcode - the postcode of the address of the registered vehicle owner
State/territory - New South Wales
Vehicle Type - passenger vehicles, campervans, light commercial vehicles, light rigid trucks, heavy rigid trucks, articulated trucks,non-freight carrying trucks, buses and motorcycles
Year of manufacture - The year in which the vehicle was manufactured available in groups of 1901 to 1950, 1951 to 1960, 1961 to 1970, 1971 to 1980, 1981 to 1990, yearly thereafter to 2007 and not stated.