This product presents business counts, including data measuring levels and rates of business entries to and exits from the Australian economy, and business survival. These data are sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Business Register and are based on the ABS definition of a business, detailed in ABS cat. no. 8162.0 Information Paper: A Statistical View of Counts of Businesses in Australia.
Detailed counts are presented by industry, main state and territory, type of legal organisation, Institutional sector, employment size ranges and turnover size ranges.
For the majority of businesses, the main state of business operations is based on the main business address. However, for the remainder, the main state refers to the state or territory with the highest number of payees. Where a business operates in more than one state or territory, that business is only categorised to its main state or territory.
Employment size ranges are non-employing, (0-19), (20-199) and (200+). The actual number of employees is not available.
Turnover size ranges are zero to less than $50k, $50k to less than $200k, $200k to less than $2m and $2m or more.
The data presented in the tables have been confidentialised to ensure no individual business can be identified.
This new publication combines elements from 8160.0.55.001 and 8161.0.55.001, 8161.0.55.002 & 8161.0.55.003 which were released in 2005. Additional data are available in data cubes.