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BUSINESS EXPENDITURE ON R&D (BERD) EMPLOYMENT SIZE In 2008-09, businesses with 200 or more employees made the largest contribution to BERD ($11,985 million or 71%), followed by businesses with 20-199 employees ($2,895 million or 17%). Businesses with 200 or more employees accounted for almost 80% ($1,541 million) of the total dollar growth in BERD between 2007-08 and 2008-09. Businesses with 20-199 employees showed the smallest dollar growth from 2007-08 (up $31 million). The largest percentage increase in BERD was recorded for businesses with 5-19 employees, at 27%. This compares to increases of 16%, 15% and 1% for businesses with 0-4, 200 or more and 20-199 employees, respectively. TYPE OF EXPENDITURE The distribution of BERD across type of expenditure components remained relatively stable in 2008-09 compared to 2007-08. As in previous years, BERD in 2008-09 was mainly comprised of Current expenditure ($16,014 million or 95% of total BERD). Current expenditure was in turn comprised of $10,265 million in Other current expenditure and $5,749 million in Labour costs. Capital expenditure in 2008-09 totalled $844 million. From 2007-08, capital expenditure on Land, buildings and other structures increased by more than half (55%), up from $133 million to $206 million. The dollar increase for expenditure on Land, buildings and other structures was more than triple that for Other capital expenditure over the same period. In 2008-09, the industry with the highest level of Labour costs as a proportion of its BERD was Education and training (59%), followed by Professional, scientific and technical services and Health care and social assistance (both 53%). The industry with the lowest level of Labour costs as a proportion of its BERD in 2008-09 was Mining, at 16%. SOURCE OF FUNDS The Business sector was the main source of BERD funds in 2008-09, with $15,943 million (95%) coming from Own funds and $313 million (2%) from Other business. Commonwealth government and Overseas sources were the next largest funders of BERD, at $345 million (2%) and $189 million (1%), respectively. Own funds was the only source of funds to show an increase in its proportional share of total BERD in 2008-09 (up from 93% of total BERD in 2007-08). As for 2007-08, businesses in the Health care and social assistance and Professional, scientific and technical services industries had the lowest proportions of self-funded research in 2008-09, at 50% and 80%, respectively. For all other industries, more than 90% of expenditure on R&D was self-funded by businesses. LOCATION OF EXPENDITURE Location of expenditure relates to the region in which the R&D activity was performed; see also Explanatory Note 25. New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria continued to record the highest levels of BERD in 2008-09, at $5,204 million (31%) and $4,122 million (24%), respectively. Western Australia (WA) reported the largest dollar growth (up $860 million) and percentage growth (up 31%) in BERD from 2007-08. The Mining industry increased its BERD in WA by $819 million from 2007-08, representing 95% of the overall WA increase. For 2008-09, Mining was also the dominant industry in WA in terms of contribution to level, making up 69% of WA BERD. The second largest dollar growth in BERD from 2007-08 was for NSW (up $760 million). The industry driving this growth was Financial and insurance services (up $581 million and representing 76% of the overall NSW increase). Compared to 2007-08, this industry has overtaken Manufacturing to be the largest contributor to NSW BERD in 2008-09, accounting for 28%, while Manufacturing accounts for 21%. Decreases in BERD from 2007-08 were reported for the Australian Capital Territory and South Australia. Only small percentage increases (1%) were reported for Victoria and Tasmania. In terms of proportional share of total BERD, WA increased its share by three percentage points from 2007-08 (accounting for 21% of total BERD in 2008-09), while Victoria showed a decrease of almost three percentage points over the same period. The second highest increase in proportional share of BERD was for NSW (up one percentage point to 31%). BERD and gross state product (GSP) WA and Victoria continued to record the highest levels of BERD as a proportion of GSP in 2008-09, at 2.13% and 1.41% respectively. WA also experienced the largest increase in its BERD/GSP ratio from 2007-08, rising from 1.77% to 2.13%. The only other locations to show increases in BERD/GSP ratios are NSW, Queensland and the Northern Territory.
TYPE OF ACTIVITY In 2008-09, the majority of BERD was directed into Experimental development ($10,206 million or 61%) and Applied research ($5,692 million or 34%). Experimental development showed the largest dollar growth between 2007-08 and 2008-09 (up $925 million), however had the smallest percentage increase (10%) and was the only type of activity to show a decrease in its proportional share of BERD. From 2007-08, BERD directed into Strategic basic research, Applied research and Pure basic research increased by 19%, 18% and 17%, respectively. FIELD OF RESEARCH Accounting for 80% of BERD in 2008-09 were the research fields of Engineering ($9,118 million or 54%) and Information and computing sciences ($4,407 million or 26%). These two research fields also showed the largest changes in proportional share of total BERD from 2007-08; although the overall distribution of BERD across research fields remained relatively stable. SOCIO-ECONOMIC OBJECTIVE (SEO) The distribution of BERD across the SEO sectors of Defence, Economic development, Society, Environment and Expanding knowledge remained relatively stable between 2007-08 and 2008-09. At the SEO division level, Manufacturing accounted for the largest share of BERD in 2008-09, at $4,495 million or 27%. Mineral resources (excluding energy resources) and Energy SEOs reported the next highest levels of BERD, at $2,640 million (16%) and $2,582 million (15%), respectively. Of all SEO divisions, Manufacturing showed the largest change in proportional share of toal BERD, down four percentage points from 31% in 2007-08. FOREIGN OWNERSHIP Wholly Australian owned businesses made the largest contribution to BERD at $7,764 million (46% of BERD) and also reported the largest dollar growth from 2007-08, up $1,111 million.
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