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ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION PRODUCTION OF MAJOR CROPS, AUSTRALIA: 2000-01 TO 2002-03 Wheat The total area of wheat planted fell by 3% to 11.2 million hectares. The largest reduction in plantings was in New South Wales, which was down by 13% to 3.0 million hectares. However area planted in the main growing state of Western Australia was little changed at 4.5 million hectares. Drought conditions saw wheat production fall by 58% to 10.1 million tonnes, with all the major growing states reporting significant reductions. The main falls in production occurred in New South Wales which fell by 69% to 2.5 million tonnes, and Western Australia, which fell by 48% to 4.0 million tonnes. Barley The total area of barley planted increased by 4% to 3.9 million hectares. The largest areas planted were in South Australia, with 1.2 million hectares, and Western Australia, with 1.1 million hectares. Despite the increase in plantings, production fell by 53% (down to 3.9 million tonnes from 8.3 million tonnes) as a result of extremely dry conditions in the main growing states. Oats The total area of oats planted increased by 16% to 911,000 hectares after three years of low plantings, as growers anticipated increased demand and prices for oats, especially for stockfeed. Production fell by 33% to 957,000 tonnes. This was the lowest level recorded since 1995 and was due to the dry conditions which saw average yields fall in all states. Production in Western Australia was less affected than other states, with a 14% drop in production. The Western Australian crop of 477,000 tonnes represented just under 50% of the national harvest. Rice Severe water restrictions saw reductions in plantings of rice. Area planted was down by 68% to 46,000 hectares, while production was down by 63% to 438,000 tonnes. The production of rice is dependent on access to water and the drought had a severe impact on the major growing regions in New South Wales. Canola Canola plantings fell by 3% to 1.3 million hectares, with falls in the largest growing states of New South Wales and Western Australia partly offset by increases in South Australia and Victoria. Dry conditions saw production levels drop by 50% to 871,000 tonnes, the lowest level of production since 1998, with falls reported in all states. Cotton lint Lack of water for irrigation and very hot and dry conditions saw plantings of cotton fall by 47% to 245,000 hectares. The area of non-irrigated cotton was most affected, falling by 75% to just over 10,000 hectares, while area of irrigated cotton was down by 44% to 235,000 hectares. Total cotton lint production was down by 46% to 364,000 tonnes. HORTICULTURE Fruit Grapes The total area of vines fell marginally to 157,000 hectares, with small decreases in all states except Western Australia. Drought and lack of water for irrigation throughout 2002-03 saw total production of grapes fall by 15% to 1.5 million tonnes. This fall was made more apparent by the record outputs seen in 2001-02, when many producers reported excess production. The largest decreases were reported in Victoria (down 21% to 405,000 tonnes), South Australia (down 12% to 617,000 tonnes) and New South Wales (down 14% to 387,000 tonnes). Lower yields were reported in all states except Tasmania which increased from the very low figure reported the previous year. Oranges Estimates of bearing orange trees in 2002-03 increased by 5% to 7.1 million trees. Increased tree numbers were reported in all growing regions. Orange production increased by 33% to a near record 599,000 tonnes after a poor crop the previous year. Increases were reported in all regions and were largest in the main growing states of New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria. Apples In 2002-03 apple production rose by 2% to 326,000 tonnes. Increases in production in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania were partly offset by decreases in production in New South Wales, Western Australia and Queensland. The total number of bearing apple trees rose by 4% to 8.4 million, with increases reported in all states except New South Wales and Western Australia. Bananas The total bearing area of bananas fell by 15% to 10,700 hectares in 2002-03, with all regions reporting decreases. The decrease was due to a fall in the bearing area since area not yet bearing was little changed. Banana production fell by 15% to 265,000 tonnes, with falls reported in all the banana growing regions. PRODUCTION OF MAJOR FRUIT CROPS, AUSTRALIA: 2000-01 TO 2002-03 Vegetables Potatoes The total area planted to potatoes fell by 5% to 35,900 hectares in 2002-03. Decreased plantings in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania were partly offset by an increase in South Australia, which had the largest area planted. Production of potatoes fell by 6% to 1.2 million tonnes after increasing the previous year. There were falls in all states except Queensland. The main falls were in Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria. Tomatoes The area planted to tomatoes fell by 14% to 7,300 hectares in 2002-03, with falls reported in all the mainland states. Total production of tomatoes fell by 14% to 364,000 tonnes. This was largely due to a 20% fall in Victoria, which was the main producing state. Carrots The area planted to carrots fell by 4% to 7,400 hectares in 2002-03. There was a 29% fall in Victoria, the main growing state, but this was partly offset by increased planting in South Australia and New South Wales. Production of carrots fell by 8% to 306,000 tonnes with falls in Victoria and South Australia partly offset by increases in New South Wales and Tasmania. Onions The area planted to onions fell by 5% to 5,300 hectares, reversing the increase of the previous year and continuing the downward trend seen before then. Small increases in the main growing states of South Australia and Tasmania were offset by decreases in the other states. Production of onions fell by 19% to 229,000 tonnes, with reports of low prices and low demand as a result of an oversupply of onions on the world market. PRODUCTION OF MAJOR VEGETABLE CROPS, AUSTRALIA: 2000-01 TO 2002-03 LIVESTOCK Overview The effects of prolonged drought throughout 2002-03 saw falls in reported numbers of all categories of livestock. Sheep and lamb numbers were at their lowest level in 56 years. NUMBERS OF LIVESTOCK, AUSTRALIA: 2000-01 TO 2002-03 Milk cattle The number of milk cattle fell by 3% to 3.0 million head at 30 June 2003. Most of the fall was in the number of cows in milk and dry since the number of other milk cattle (which included bulls, heifers and calves) was little changed. The most significant falls were reported in New South Wales (down 7% to 398,000) and Queensland (down 11% to 233,000), as these states experienced the pressures of the drought and ongoing effects of deregulation. Victoria had the majority of milk cattle, with its herd of 1.9 million down 3% from the previous year. Meat cattle Meat cattle numbers fell by 5% to 23.6 million head at 30 June 2003, as the effects of widespread drought took hold in many states. The main fall in cattle numbers occurred in Queensland which dropped 7% to 10.5 million (representing a decrease of just over three-quarters of a million head). Similarly significant falls were reported in New South Wales (down 3% to 5.4 million), Western Australia (down 8% to 1.8 million) and the Northern Territory (down 5% to 1.7 million). Numbers were little changed in both Victoria and South Australia but were up in Tasmania, which was reported to have brought in some drought-affected stock from the mainland. Sheep and lambs Sheep and lamb numbers fell by 7% to 99.3 million at 30 June 2003. This was the smallest estimated flock for Australia since 1947 (95.5 million). The main falls in sheep and lamb numbers were reported in New South Wales which fell by 12% to 33.7 million (representing a reduction of 4.8 million sheep and lambs) and Queensland which fell by 29% to 4.8 million (representing a reduction of 1.9 million sheep and lambs). Numbers were up slightly in Western Australia and may represent the influence of some of the new drought-tolerant breeds that have recently been introduced into that state. Lamb markings and ewe matings were down in the main producing states, in line with changes in sheep numbers - markings were down 10% to 33.9 million and matings were down 5% to 43.7 million. This represented both the lowest number of lambs marked and the lowest number of ewes mated for at least 20 years and is indicative of the drought conditions and the overall small size of the flock. The lambing percentage fell to 78% in 2002-03, down 6% from the previous year. NUMBERS OF SHEEP AND LAMBS, AUSTRALIA: 1903 TO 2003 Pigs Australian pig numbers fell by 10% to 2.7 million at 30 June 2003, with falls in all states except Queensland and Tasmania. Industry representatives reported that increased imports and higher feed grain costs due to shortages caused by the drought have placed increased pressure on the industry. The number of establishments reporting pigs fell by 12% to 2,900 at 30 June 2003, with a decline in numbers of establishments in all states. Chickens The number of chickens for meat production fell by 3% to 70.9 million birds at 30 June 2003. A decrease in New South Wales was partly offset by increases in Victoria and Western Australia. The number of chickens for egg production was unchanged at 12.9 million birds. Egg production was estimated to have increased by 2% to 191 million dozen in 2002-03, after falling the previous year. 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